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Everything posted by CookieDynamics

  1. That's because there are only a handful amount of voices in the game. For example, (I don't remember the exact names,but bear with me)... Uthgerd voice file isn't called "Uthgerd".... It's actually something like "bravefemalenord" . Other characters in the game use the exact same voice file as her.... for example, the legate from the Imperial Campaing.... Yeap... that's Uthgerd. So, even though X character does not have marriage option. If another Y character that uses the same voice has the marriage option... All the marriage dialogue can be applied to the X character as well. All modders have to do is simply "unlock" the dialogues for her as well. I don't know if I was clear... I'm terrible explaining things This video here is Skyrim in a nutshell: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P0_mt0nE9ZI&feature=youtu.be&t=10s
  2. Spot on, Jin! Thanks, I removed Female Animation mod and everything went back to normal. That's awkward though, I've been using Female Animation since forever. This is the first time it happened. I'll just download it again and install once more. Thank you all that replied
  3. To be 100% by-heart-honest with you, I just got 1 month of premium membership to give support to the site. I mean, it was only 3 pounds, I felt like that was the very least I could do to show my thanks. The best objective benefit from it is the access to premium servers, though. But I wouldn't be able to tell in numbers how much better the premium servers are, I didn't really read anything about them.
  4. Ooooooooooooohhhh so THAT's the reason. I haven't thought about that. Makes sense.
  5. That's perfectly just and reasonable. I have no idea where to get it though... I don't think anyone has ever bothered with that
  6. I'm glad that helped. This was quite the pickle for me too, then someone told me about this .ini tweak. I'm just passing the word along.
  7. There are 2 ways to deal with this... One is using "Armed to the Teeth" mod. It will do exactly that.... Your weapons will remain on your body even when you are not using them. Another way is by editing your skyrim.ini file (it's under "my documents/ my games / skyrim") Just add this line "bDisableGearedUp = 0 " (without quotes), and the game will keep all your favorited weapons on your body. I personally prefer doing the second way, so I don't have to bother with patching the game every time I download some weapon mod or even compatibility issues with other mods. HOWEVER (everything has a however).... "bDisableGearedUp = 0 " has a little bug, when you change weapons (or spell) without unsheathing your previous weapon, both models will appear on your hand. So you'll have to grow used to sheathing your weapons before switching to another.
  8. Run the Reproccer patch and try again... Considering that you use "SkyRe", there's a pretty good chance that issue is due to the Reproccer not being run after you changed some mod that change weapon/potion/magic/armors somehow. Running the reproccer again should solve this
  9. Hahahah Exactly. That's being pretty frustrating I have no idea what's the deal here... I've even uninstalled all those mods, the problem persists. ' o_O someone asked for a dovahkiin? o-O '
  10. If you use quest markers, then it's almost useless. But I like to play without quest markers, and only being able to open a map while on villages, so this makes Clairvoyance incredibly useful. I don't spam it, though... I enjoy getting lost
  11. Wow! I've posted this on the wrong section. Sorry about that! Would a moderator be kind enough to send this topic to the technical support section? I would appreciate that
  12. Yeah, 75% is pretty much a brick wall on deals... very rarely steam put offers over that... I hardly think skyrim will have over 75% anytime soon. So you're definitely making a good purchase here... even if it doesn't run. If the game did not work out for you, check these mods here: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/5123//? http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/6387//?
  13. Problem: My left eye is bigger than my right eye. This make my character look like sloth from goomies. I've uploaded the screenshot here (I messed up the mouth on purpose just for the giggles) What can I do to fix this? I use: Smooth Faces for Ladies and Gents SG Female Textures (Overwritting whatever conflicts with Smooth) Female facial animation UNP female body standard Please help.
  14. I strongly suggest using this site: http://systemrequirementslab.com/cyri Let it detect your system... it will tell if you can run the game fine or not.
  15. I couldn't agree more with that statement. Yeah, Hearthfire's content is pretty... "meh" . Still though, considering the price they are charging it's definitely worth it.
  16. Those random dragon encounters are quite the pain. I got pretty tired of them as well.
  17. http://gaben.tv (<- Has sound...) Skyrim for sale on steam. I'll finally be getting Dragonborn, I've waited so long! Shut up steam, and take my money.
  18. Sorry for the huge necro, but ... Did I get it right? markfordelete is something that goes beyond the save? If I "markfordelete" Farkas, the NPC will be gone forever in all my new games unless I reinstall skyrim all together? I've been using "disable" my entire life, I haven't used markfordelete yet... but now, this concept is scaring me.
  19. I've been using this for a few hours and so far I haven't had any issues. Thank you again for working this out.
  20. If the name that appears at his healthbar really has "Murphy" on it, he most definitely isn't part of the vanilla game. Otherwise his ID code would appear when I type "help murph" into the console command. Which I have just tried and it didn't appear. He definitely is deep into some weird mod...
  21. Heyo there, I think the mod you want is this one: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/35986/?
  22. Hahahah What a trolling troll. I wonder which mod he came from.
  23. This will sound like a stupid question, but I tried searching for it and didn't find anywhere. Is it possible when using "help" to only get the codes for Armors? Or for Idles? Or for Containers? At the moment the code always show everything that has said word on it.... sometimes my keyword is rather vague, which makes the limit of outputs to be reached, so I end up not getting the code for the item I was looking for. Is there anyway I can make a search for the ID of something into one specific category? For example, can I search for "imperial" and filter the output to only get "ARMOR" type results? Thank you in advance and happy sunday (Or Monday to some)
  24. Did I understand it right? you're working on this mod, Xander? If so, that's awesome! Thanks ^^
  25. Do you use "Less Intrusive HUD" mod? http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/35154//? Maybe you made some big mistakes while editing your hud with it. If that's the case, I'm pretty sure there's a option to reset it through MCM. If you can't find it... keep in mind that LIH settings only affect the character you're using while editing. So a really quick way to see if that is the reason behind it, would be to simply start a new game and check if the HUD is alright. If the HUD alright on new game -> Then Less Intrusive Hud MAY be the reason If the HUD is still messed up on new game -> Then LIH is guaranteed to not be the problem. Edit: ------------ My comment may have sounded as if I'm criticizing the mod.... but I just want to make clear that I actually love "Less Intrusive HUD". It's definitely one of those mods I will always have on my game. My point in the comment is that maybe the OP abused it a little. (At least that's the only thing I can think that would lead to the problem he/she is describing)
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