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Everything posted by hdhd

  1. It's still the same procedure so you can copy/install the mods like you always do. Only if you want to get mods like No Helmet Hack working you will have to change the addins.xml for this look in my thread http://thenexusforums.com/index.php?showtopic=190180
  2. It's rather simple solution. You just have to replace in the addins.xml file ExtendedModuleUID="Single Player" with ExtendedModuleUID="DAO_PRC_EP_1" . It not only works with player-created add-ins (e.g No Helmet Hack) but also with Bioware add-ins (Band of Fire, Guildmaster's Belt etc.) Screenshot: http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=2d7xaty&s=5 Credits to http://social.bioware.com/forum/Dragon-Age-Toolset/Toolset-General-Discussion/Plz-Sticky-To-All-Modders-Getting-Stuff-to-Work-in-Awakening-1773929-1.html
  3. You just have to copy the chargenmorphcfg.xml from pineappletree's mod to the override folder and follow the steps described on the page from Beautiful People. You don't have to change anything because the program from beautiful people should do everything for you (Make_chargenmorphcfg.exe). If you did it all right somewhere in the chargenmorphcfg should appear HM_HAR_RENS1_0.
  4. There is already such a mod on nexus: http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=759
  5. You could look at http://dragonagemodding.wordpress.com/2009/11/15/creating-a-custom-merchant-for-the-players-camp-part-1/ The page gives informations how to spawn a npc. But I don't know if it is even possible to spawn Alistair in the Bannorn, due to that many files of the new expansion can't be edited. You will probably have to wait until Bioware releases a new version of the toolset (but I'm not sure about this except editing some gifts I haven't so far tried changing anything in Awakening)
  6. Gift items don't work like this. In the gift uti files are just the variables to define to whom the approval has to be given. For instance The Rose of Orlais: the APP_ITEM_MOTIVATION has the value 4 this means the item is intended for Wynne and you therefore will get 10 approval and 5 for giving it to another character. The best thing you could do is to make a script and use this command AdjustFollowerApproval(oFollower, nChange, TRUE); or just change the approval_h file with the toolset.
  7. http://dragonage.wikia.com/wiki/Pearl_of_the_Anointed http://dragonage.wikia.com/wiki/Bulwark_of_the_True_King http://dragonage.wikia.com/wiki/Bregan%27s_Bow Most DLCs can be downloaded from the bioware site as long as they don't require authentication. The links can be found on http://dragonage.wikia.com/wiki/DLC.
  8. Awakening is just a new campaign. It doesn't change the original Dragon Age: Origins files but instead adds some new files that are just available in the Awakening campaign, so it is not possible to edit most of the files. Until Bioware releases the Awakening module for the Toolset it won't be possible to add the spells etc. to Origins or you have to completely recreate everything but it will be difficult without the source.
  9. I tried doing it with a script but somehow they aren't working in Awakening (perhaps I'm just doing something wrong), when I loaded the Origins campaign the items were added without a problem but when I loaded a savegame from Awakening no items were added. Hopefully Bioware will release a new version of the toolset with an Awakening module because for now it is not possible to edit the scripts. Alternatively on nexus there is a mod called "DLC to work with Awakening" (http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=874) that should bring the items into the Awakening campaign if you haven't the mod Winter Forge. (I think it isn't the best solution because this mod overrides core files but it works at least.)
  10. I don't know why it doesn't work I removed all lines that give you XP. Maybe your should try disabling the creature scaling or increase the XP needed for the next level (C:\Program Files\Dragon Age\tools\Source\2DA\rules\exptable.xls: http://dragonagemodding.wordpress.com/2009/11/11/2da-or-not-2da-overriding-2da-files/). The void RewardDistibuteByPlotFlag(string sPlot, int nFlag) gives you the quest xp so maybe try something with this function.
  11. So basically you just want that you never get any XP and be forever level 1? Here's the version without XP: http://filebeam.com/1b01e82b7b9395c2d349e4335a274d93
  12. I didn't encounter any bugs (except the "timing issues" brokenergy mentioned) while playing the level but there could be made much improvements to the siege because currently it is simply boring. For instance there should be much more creatures attacking or at least a cutscene showing the beleaguerers moving into the village. I tried modifying the siege myself but I can't do more than adding some creatures and letting them come faster. Currently my experience with the toolset is still limited I can't do yet things that difficult.
  13. I currently have no time to test this but here something that I tried: http://filebeam.com/bc020be8cfb31c56dea063a2b167706b (just put the file in your override folder) If it doesn't work you could try opening the sys_rewards_h in toolset and remove from the void RewardXP and void RewardXPParty the lines that give creature XP or create a new script that overrides the event EVENT_TYPE_DYING.
  14. Yes, the lockbox is an item just search for lockbox in the toolset the correct title is lite_kor_lastwill_lockbox. You can add the item with the script from http://dragonagemodding.wordpress.com/2009/11/18/a-better-way-to-check-for-existing-items-before-spawning/. I would recommend using plot flags so you can be sure that the item is only added once but it really doesn't matter if the mod is just for yourself. I'm not sure if it will suffice just adding the item, you also might need to add the plots so that the quest updates.
  15. As far as I know there isn't any mod that improves the siege except http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=510 but this one just adds some more soldiers. I might will look later into the code and create an add-in that completely overhauls the siege (but nothing for sure it will be probably too hard to script).
  16. I don't know what exactly you mean with "timing issues". Up until now I never had any issues in Redcliffe.
  17. Here's a small tutorial: 1. Open the file "\data\DAOriginsLauncher.xml" 2. Replace this line: <true action="execute" file="${BINARIES_DIR}\DAOrigins.exe" path="${BINARIES_DIR}" autoquit="true" to <true action="execute" file="${BINARIES_DIR}\DAOrigins.exe" path="${BINARIES_DIR}" autoquit="true" arguments="-enabledeveloperconsole" 3. Open the file "\BioWare\Dragon Age\Settings\KeyBindings.ini" 4. Replace this line: OpenConsole_0=Keyboard::Button_Grave with OpenConsole_0=Keyboard::Button_1 Every time you open the launcher the console also will be enabled. You have to press 1 to open it. For more informations: http://dragonage.wikia.com/wiki/Console
  18. Try the mod Dragon Age Mutator 014 (http://dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=166): R0: Weapon enchantement effects removed Removes all flaming, glowing, crackling and other effects from weapons.
  19. This is a script that should give you the forms. But I tested it myself and it seems to work only partly. You get the shapeshifting forms but you can't use them. Somewhere in the shapeshifting code is a if clause to prevent you from using it outside the Fade. If anyone wants to create the mod feel free to use my attempt. http://pastebin.com/rv8svr4x (fixed some missing variable declarations) http://img191.imageshack.us/img191/2639/sc...10031400190.jpg
  20. Most add-ins should be compatible with the new addon. The new patch 1.03 already did the changes to the code so you don't need to remove any of your add-ins. If the add-ins are compatible with patch 1.03 there also shouldn't be any problem with Awakening. Patch 1.03: • Various changes have been made to code and resources to support the Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening expansion pack. Most of these changes do not affect Origins itself.
  21. Just look how other conversation mods (e.g. Alistair Dialog Patch) have done it. So basically you just need the *.cub, *.cut, *.dlb, *.dlg files. Only if you have changed a script file you'll have to export the ncs file.
  22. I think you forgot to tick Single Player in the Hierarchy. Click on Manage Modules --> your_module --> Hierarchy --> tick Single Player
  23. Editing dialogs isn't hard. First you have to open the toolset click on Palette Window - Conversation --> Paragon of Her Kind --> orz340ar_assembly --> the file you want to edit e.g orz340_guard --> open it and click on check out --> edit the dialog, save it and click on "Export without dependent resources"
  24. Here some good mods: Advanced Party Advanced Tactics Alistair Dialog Patch Auto Highlight Combat Tweaks Detailed Tooltips Dialogue Tweaks Dragon Age Mutator Dragon Age Redesigned Gift Guide DLC Improved Atmosphere Interesting Boss Drops Item Set Descriptions - Codex Entry JBtextures Less Barking Dog Madd Gift Guide New Morrigan Face (Based on Concept Art) 2.0 TheIcons White Teeth Face Mods: Bidelle's Makeup Studio CC Extra Tints and Tones More Hairstyles Chargen Package Pineappletree's Vibrant Colors Pretty Faces Beautiful People Hair REN
  25. Creating items in the toolset is never a problem. Just adding them can be a problem because of plot flag check so that they aren't given with every savegame load to the player. I think a good idea would be to have to do a quest or kill a specific monster because it would be too easy getting an item that good without having to do something for it.
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