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Everything posted by hdhd

  1. I made a much better script (original script by joshimoo). This one checks if an item was already added to the merchant. Here's a small tutorial: 1. Create a plot named quickitem000pl_main. 2. Insert a main flag with the name QUICKITEM_ADDED to your plot. 3. Create a script (the name doesn't matter) and paste everything from http://de.pastebin.ca/1814267 in your script. 4. Rename the items in the script. 5. Compile and export the script. 6. Finished.
  2. Then try exporting the *.uti files to your Dragon Age\AddIns\YOUR_MODULE\module\override\toolsetexport folder. If it still doesn't work you could just rebuild the addon, all files are there but you would have to recreate all the items etc. I'm new to modding so it's possible that there's a better way to do it. :unsure:
  3. You just need to open ShadowWardens_Arm_modcore.erf with the toolset and add the item names to your script (sha_wardens_boots.uti, sha_wardens_coat.uti, sha_wardens_gloves.uti). The script has to be removed from the shadow wardens armor addon because otherwise it will be always added twice, once with the shadow wardens addon and the second time with your addon.
  4. http://social.bioware.com/project/527/ I recommend these videos. SilentCid describes in them how to create your own quest with npcs, items etc.
  5. You have to create a script(untested!): #include "wrappers_h" void main() { object vendor = GetObjectByTag("store_camp_bodahn"); CreateItemOnObject(R"your_item.uti", vendor); } This would give the vendor in the player camp your_item.uti.
  6. You can't assign 2 types either it's a sword or it's gift, but you could try making a script that would do this. However I'm not sure if it's possible with scripting.
  7. I'm trying to make a script so that I get with every kill/quest 10% more experience. It would be simple if I would just change in the sys_rewards_h.nss nXP += FloatToInt(nXP * 0.01); to nXP += FloatToInt(nXP * 0.10); but then I would have to export the whole file even though I just want to change one value. #include "sys_rewards_h" void main() { UT_AddItemToInventory(R"gen_im_acc_rng_exp.uti", 1); //Memory Band DLC //first problem the script checks the hero but not the other party members object Hero = GetHero(); object oPartyMember = GetParty(Hero); if (GetTag(GetItemInEquipSlot(INVENTORY_SLOT_RING1, oPartyMember)) == "gen_im_acc_rng_exp" || GetTag(GetItemInEquipSlot(INVENTORY_SLOT_RING2, oPartyMember)) == "gen_im_acc_rng_exp") { //second problem how can I reward with every kill XP RewardXP(oPartyMember,FloatToInt(GetCreatureProperty(oPartyMember,PROPERTY_SIMPL E_EXPERIENCE)/100)); } } I really have no idea how I can script this, maybe with EVENT_DEATH. But somehow nothing works. I tried the last few days rather unsuccessfully creating this script but it simply won't work. :wallbash: Any ideas? Edit: I've tried something new but it's still not working. #include "wrappers_h" #include "sys_rewards_h" #include "creature_core" #include "events_h" void my_addon() { event ev = GetCurrentEvent(); int nEventType = GetEventType(ev); HandleEvent(ev); switch (nEventType) { case EVENT_TYPE_DYING: { object oKiller = GetEventObject(ev, 0); if (IsObjectValid(oKiller) && IsPartyMember(oKiller)) { RewardXPParty(0 * 5,XP_TYPE_COMBAT, OBJECT_SELF, oKiller); //this is the only line I changed the rest is from create_core.nss. if (GetCombatantType(OBJECT_SELF) != CREATURE_TYPE_NON_COMBATANT) { HandleEvent(ev, R"sys_treasure.ncs"); } } break; } } }
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