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Everything posted by hdhd

  1. This isn't hard to do but wouldn't it be it overpowered outside the Fade? If you really want to do it you could make a script and paste everything from http://pastebin.com/Nr701Cj5 (not tested).
  2. I found a way to do it. It isn't the best solution but it works. http://pastebin.com/4w2efBiP I have a new question though: Why doesn't the array int array[]={1,1,1,3,3,3,2,1,1,1}; work? E: 15:55:38 - Parsing variable list
  3. I'm trying to add in my mod (Skip the Fade) a xp calculation for monsters. But somehow my script isn't working, when I'm compiling it there is always the warning: Declaration does not match parameters (while compiling 2da_constants_h.nss). I just copied the text from sys_reward_h with some changes. The GetCreatureRank("bhm600cr_wispwraith.utc"); makes somehow problems. Does anyone know the right syntax? http://dalexicon.net/index.php?title=GetCr...reRank_function didn't give me any useful info. Here's the source: http://pastebin.com/dJVVmq1S
  4. I tested it myself, somehow the core_h won't compile. E: 16:50:21 - core_h.nss - core_h.nss(?): Script must contain either a main or StartingConditional Even though I just replaced the original core_h code with the from CT. I don't know why it isn't working. The original code doesn't either begin with void main() or with int ...
  5. Thanks, that was exactly what I was looking for. :thumbsup: I will add them in the next version.
  6. I am almost finished with my mod. I will probably upload it in a few hours. To come back to the xp question, I haven't included xp at all. (Maybe I will add it in the next version). I have only a vague idea how to do it but it's difficult (and I don't know if there might be a better way): I would need to kill all demons then add the xp together and calculate, with the right formula for each level, how much xp I would gain. I looked at http://dragonage.wikia.com/wiki/Mage_Origin but isn't the Mage Origin just the tutorial mission, the prologue for mages? So why should I look there for codex entries? It would help me really a lot more if you could point out where to look exactly. Your comments are really helpful. They often help me finding new things to add to the mod. :thanks: I gave you some kudos. Edit: I uploaded the file http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=816. Everything should work the only problem I know of is that no XP is added, but I will do this in the next version.
  7. You can't simply replace in the AddIns.xml requires authorization to "0" (btw you can open xml files also with the notepad. You don't need an extra program to do it). All mods that require online activation are protected by Bioware with some kind of encryption so you can't simply change one value in the xml file, you also need to edit the files with the toolset (but I don't know what exactly I haven't looked into them yet). P.S I'm also german, so I actually wouldn't have needed to write the text in english. :biggrin:
  8. Because *.xls is an Excel file you need openoffice or office to open it. It is never good to override core files try rather to override the events http://social.bioware.com/wiki/datoolset/i.../Event_override. I never needed to edit the files, so I don't know anything more myself. Edit: I found this site http://social.bioware.com/forum/Dragon-Age...t-334085-1.html.
  9. I found in the sys_rewards_h some code for the new addon: if (GetName(GetModule()) == "DAO_PRC_EP_1") DAO_PRC_EP_1 is probably the name of the folder in the AddIns directory. http://pastebin.com/44vzCAae that's the xml file of the addon dragon age: awakening I don't know if it is something new but I noticed it while browsing through the code files.
  10. I think you have to open the areadata.xls to change the level of areas. E.g ntb200ar_brecilian_forestnw has a Minlevel of 7 and a Maxlevel of 15, so you could increase it the Minlevel to 14. But I'm not sure if it works like that I just found the file by chance. C:\Program Files\Dragon Age\tools\Source\2DA\areadata.xls In the script sys_autoscale_h is more explained if you understand it :P
  11. I don't know if there are more codexes if you find more no problem I will add them. I looked up the codexes at http://dragonage.wikia.com/wiki/The_Fade:_Lost_in_Dreams there were just "Codex Entry: The Black City" and from the cir300pt_fade.nss I know there is one more: the sloth journal entry. I have some ideas about the dialog e.g persuading the sloth demon to kill himself :rolleyes: or persuade him that it is better not to be a demon anymore xD then I would add some kind of transformation like the one for the werewolves in Brecilian Forest. But I don't know if I will get it working. I never worked with dialog files and the transformation could also be a bit too hard for me to script. Mainly I'm creating the addon to get some more experience with scripting quests etc. so I can create an real adventure with quests, a new area and so on. But maybe for now just a small adventure nothing too big. :biggrin: Edit: @Alehazar I looked into the sys_autoscale_h there seems to be an adjustment to xp, so you are right that the xp depends on the level you are. Furthermore I did some testing I killed some archers with a level 9 warrior and with a level 10 warrior. My level 10 warrior got 37xp and my level 9 39xp. And for the creature they get all more hp, crit chance etc. depending on your level. I didn't know that there was a script like this. Look in the sys_autoscale_h if you want to know more.
  12. I will test it myself. There shouldn't be any problem except there are other checks that create a cooldown. However maybe you did it wrong after you edited it with dreamweaver (you can also open the file with a notepad shouldn't be a problem) did you compile it in the toolset and placed the compiled file in the denl_combattweaks folder? If you just edited it it can't work because you have to compile it.
  13. @Alehazar Here's a website which explains how the levels are handled in Dragon Age: Origins: http://dragonage.gulbsoft.org/doku.php/challenge_scaling I think you always get the same amount of xp from killing mobs. I looked again at the source code and there wasn't anything that could indicate that you get more xp if you're a higher level. You always get the same amount, just the mobs are scaled not the xp. But no guarantee it could be also be different. @Tikkidew I don't know how I would do this. The blurry effect isn't created with a script but rather I think somewhere in the area editor. But I really don't have any idea. I think my mod will be ready tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. It's now all working except some minor things like add the codex "The Black City" or add a dialog option so you can choose if you want to skip the fade or not.
  14. I found the list of attributes: Str - 4 Dex - 4 Wil - 4 Mag - 2 Cun - 5 Con - 2 Total = 21 stat points As far as I know the only things that influence your xp are Memory band, if party members are dead or in camp and some belt that increases your xp gain for codex. These are the only things I found in sys_rewards_h that influence xp Party members get FloatToInt(nEffectiveXP * 0.95) dead party members FloatToInt(nEffectiveXP * 0.9f); memory band FloatToInt(nXP * 0.01);
  15. I already found a savegame on nexus. I finished the mod, but it's working but not very well :whistling: Problems: - you still have in journal the quest displayed with Weisshaupt - I need to know how much xp you get if you complete the fade - I've added 2 journal entries (Sloth, Raw Fade) but there could be more - how much attribute points do you get if you complete the fade It's working like this: - you enter the room - the sloth charms you to sleep - after the dialog he's still there but you can take the litany and just ignore him and fight end boss But the main point is that it's working. :biggrin: I tested it a bit and didn't find any issues.
  16. You have to download the CT source then go in the directory CT Sources\nss\core_h.nss, modify it, compile it and put it in the override folder. Read the readme.txt there is also a small tutorial: ...place it into the "denl_combattweaks" folder inside the override folder and replace my files.
  17. I did a bit of research. It shouldn't be too hard: cir300_sloth_demon.dlg Dialog to sent players away cir300pt_fade case ENTER_FADE: // The player is sent to the Weisshaupt case NIALL_SAYS_GOODBYE: // Niall leaves forever. Player goes back to real world. Theoretically I could override the event ENTER_FADE and replace it with: UT_DoAreaTransition(CIR_AR_TOWER_FOURTH_FLOOR,CIR_WP_PC_RETURNS_FROM_FADE); WR_SetPlotFlag(PLT_CIR000PT_LITANY, ESCAPED_FADE, TRUE, TRUE); I will try to create this mod, but I still need a savegame before you talk to the sloth demon who teleports you to Weisshaupt.
  18. You can do it yourself it's not hard. e.g open in the toolset gen_im_arm_hel_med_elv.uti (for the helmet) and change MaterialProgression and MaterialType from Armor, Veridium to Armor, Dragon Bone.
  19. It's in the file core_h.nss. Try removing line 1987 SetCooldown(oCaster, 200010, fCooldown, "gen_im_qck_health_101"); SetCooldown(oCaster, 200011, fCooldown, "gen_im_qck_health_201"); and other lines with gen_im_qck_health for mana potions gen_im_qck_mana I didn't test it but it should work.
  20. It depends on what you want to edit from a mod. For instance if you want to edit items you could download an hex editor to modify the *.uti files. If you want to edit a script there should be an *.nss file if it isn't there and just the *.ncs file it means that it isn't possible to edit. Ideally the author of the mod has provided a *.dadbdata file then you have the whole source code and must only import it with builder to builder load but sadly almost nobody provides his source. Here some mods with source: http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=354 Combat Tweaks http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=598 Advanced Party http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=726 Event Manager
  21. You could try creating a new item with the same description or make a screenshot because I can't really imagine what your problem is. If I want to edit a description it is never a problem http://img696.imageshack.us/i/itemhj.jpg/
  22. Scripting is the most difficult thing in the toolset. It took me two days to figure out how to add items to the game without doubling them at every game start. If it is so difficult to do one simple thing I don't even want to know how it will be if I want to script something more difficult :wallbash:
  23. You could download and redeem the DLC on another computer (with internet) and then copy \BioWare\Dragon Age\AddIns\dao_prc_promo_me folder and \BioWare\Dragon Age\Settings\AddIns.xml to your usb stick. Or you could download it from the official bioware page http://na.llnet.bioware.cdn.ea.com/u/p/eag...MO_ME_1.1.dazip but then you would still have to activate it.
  24. Have you changed in Manage Modules --> YOUR_ADDON --> Properties --> Script --> modules_core to YOUR_SCRIPT? If you have done this and it still doesn't work try adding some debug things to find the issue. For instance DisplayFloatyMessage(GetHero(),"DEBUG: IT WORKS!",FLOATY_MESSAGE,0xFFFF00,5.0); before object vendor = GetObjectByTag("store_camp_bodahn");. But I don't think that I made a mistake in the code. Maybe you've done something wrong with the plots. Have you exported them?
  25. You just have to add more numbers to Item[here the number]. For example Item[00]=R"gen_im_acc_rng_exp.uti"; Item[01]=R"gen_im_qck_book_formari.uti"; Item[02]=R"prm000im_wolf_charm.uti"; Item[03]=R"prm000im_gm_belt.uti"; ... Everytime you add a new item you just have to add Item[number]=R"Item name"; int i = 0 is just a variable which after each itemadd adds 1 (i++;) until there aren't any items to add.
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