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Everything posted by Jeir

  1. Armour: CBBE Vanilla Outfits Conversion Triss Armour Retextures. Ranger Armour v3 Leatherbound Huntress. Tali Armour. Imperial Investigator. Nightmare Armour Torumekian Armour Princess of the Woods Wanderer Armour Tribunal Robes Xenius Armour Compilation Drow Armour Set Noldorian Lifeguard Clothing: Noble Female Clothes Ashara Romantic Outfit A Clothes Saber Dress Osare OnePiece Osare GothicLolita Queen of the Damned Attire Pack Most of these were found on the CBBE mod list. =)
  2. Agreeds, but sadly it'll probably never change as long as there are people who like chainmail bikinis, and those willing to make them. Blame the fact that, until 'recently' (well, is 20-ish years counted as 'recent'?) the vast majority of gamers and fans of fantasy are young males who like seeing naked women. And there are quite a few women who also like seeing their characters running around in bikinis. (It's...sexy?) But, it does mean that mods that do consist of actual clothes and armours that don't look like lingerie, while rare, can be real gems. It does depend on how much time you're willing to search through the mods to find them, though. What I've found: Armour: CBBE Vanilla Outfits Conversion Triss Armour Retextures. Ranger Armour v3 Leatherbound Huntress. Tali Armour. Imperial Investigator. Nightmare Armour Torumekian Armour Princess of the Woods Wanderer Armour Tribunal Robes Xenius Armour Compilation Drow Armour Set Noldorian Lifeguard Clothing: Noble Female Clothes Ashara Romantic Outfit A Clothes Saber Dress Osare OnePiece Osare GothicLolita Queen of the Damned Attire Pack
  3. Where? I've been looking for something like this. Advanced search "Better Males" gives me 0 results. Right here. It's also very, very easy to install if you learn to install manually. If you know how to copy/paste, or extract from a file archive like .zip/.rar./zip, then it's really simple. 1. Select and download the file you want. 2. Open archive. There will be 2 folders, 'data' and 'options'. 3. Click on the 'data' folder, and click on 'Extract'. 4. Type in/find your Skyrim/Data folder in the window that pops up and click ok. 5. The mod is installed. The options file in the archive just has, well, options, that can be installed in the same way. Better Males, like pretty much all mods, also have instructions for how to install in the readme. Also, yes, they will affect NPCs as well as the player, as they all use the same meshes/textures by default.
  4. Jeir


    This mod apparently works well to uninstall ENBs.
  5. Jeir


    1. Download ENB Series v0.113. 2. Open the ENB archive. Go into the WrapperVersion folder. Copy the contents to /Skyrim. 3. Download BoneAsh ENB. 4. Open BoneAsh ENB archive. Go into the first folder. Copy the contents to /Skyrim. Allow overwrites. 5. Done.
  6. When you use BodySlide outfits, it doesn't automagically fit to whatever proportions you have. You still need to create the armour/clothing meshes with BodySlide.
  7. There is no CBBE.esp file. Mesh/texture replacers don't need them. If the files are in the correct place, then female bodies will have changed. Note that you will only see the changed on the 'nude' body, unless you have a CBBE-compatible outfit mesh replacer installed as well, such as Caliente's own one. See the CBBE FAQ, found in the mod description.
  8. KD Circlets Severus Collection Jewellery Variants Might find something you like on those. Otherwise, you'll have to put up with the clunky vanilla circlets.
  9. So you need to choose the body shape you want, and install its requirements, if it has any. I seriously doubt they all say they require CBBE, as UNP, UNPB, CHS etc are completely different body mods. CBBE and UNP are completely standalone unless you want BBP. I don't know how it works with UNP (as I never have and never will use it), but with CBBE, users who want BBP have to install a BBP mod first, followed by CBBE, then they have to open up BodySlide to create the BBP-compatible meshes. Added 'bonus' for that is with BodySlide they can make any body shape they want. What you said about UNPB seems correct. Apparently UNPB just includes different meshes, so you'd install UNP to get the necessary files (probably hands/feet meshes, and textures for everything), then UNPB after to replace the UNP body meshes.
  10. CBBE has a rather extensive FAQ in the mod description. The answer is probably there.
  11. You can only install one body mod at a time. They will overwrite each other; according to your install order, UNP was the last mod you installed, and thus the one that appeared in your game. You need to pick just one (or a BBP mod and one body mod, if the body mod in question doesn't already have BBP), and only install that. If you have some kind of 'body by race', or are using a unique race mod, then you would probably be better installing the mods manually to ensure everything gets installed correctly.
  12. I always install manually, so any advice I can give is from how I do it. It may be the same for NMM/other installers. The best thing you can do is install a large 'everything in one' mod first, followed by smaller mods that only retexture/remesh certain things. For instance, I have Skyrim 2K installed, which retextures a huge number of different things. (Buildings, cave, landscape, plants, clutter, clothes, water, sky, etc.) But, I preferred the look of certain other mods. So, I installed Skyrim Flora, WATER, Improved NPC Clothing, and HAR on top. Each of these covers different things (plants, water, clothes and armour, respectively) and thus have overwritten the files in Skyrim 2k, but wont overwrite each other. I also have many much smaller mods that maybe retexture/remesh one or two things.
  13. Nope. CBBE is completely different from UNP. Did you look at the 'CBBE Compatible Files' thread? There are a number of body textures right there. If you're after dirty skin, then have a look at Body Imperfect.
  14. /textures/your stuff /meshes/your stuff /scripts/your stuff /sound/your stuff /music/your stuff .esp .esm .bsa Readme.txt/.rtf/.html/etc. So, goes on the root folder. Keeps things nice and tidy in the /data folder if the files go in /textures etc., as all the .esps and .esms etc will be in there too.
  15. You can use the MAKBody preset in BodySlide to get a CBBE3M shape. 3m uses CBBEv3 textures anyway, so you can still use outfits for 3m without any real issue.
  16. Hotaru by Nausicaa, found in the CBBE compatible mods thread (yeah, I searched through all 300+ as I knew I had seen something like it.). I't s bit skimpier than your image, missing the 'chainmail', and doesn't have the giant bow on the back, but is very close.
  17. Right-click Skyrim in Steam, click Properties, go to Local Files, and click on 'Verify Game Cache'. Possibly a mesh/texture conflict. Are you using vanilla body meshes? If not (such as if you installed a body mod rather than just a body retexture - pretty much all body mods add meshes and textures), then you need to delete the meshes as well.
  18. The vanilla body textures are in the Skyrim - textures.bsa. It's impossible to delete them unless you delete that file as well, removing every other texture in the game too - but then, all you'd have to do is verify your game cache with Steam and it'll redownload and reinstall it.
  19. If you have the archive still, then use it to find where the textures were installed, and delete them. If you don't have the archive, there's a chance the mod page or readme will list the file locations. If not, then if you know what textures were overwritten (all the female body textures, for instance), and use some common sense, you should be able to find them easily enough in Skyrim/Data/textures. But, if by 'default' you mean 'the modded textures I installed before' instead of the vanilla Skyrim textures, then reinstalling the original mod would overwrite the new textures.
  20. Use BOSS. It'll sort your load order, and inform you of conflicts/dirty mods that need cleaning/mods you really shouldn't be using.
  21. You're not exporting the face data. You need to press CTRL+F4 with your edited NPC selected. The CK is bugged, though, so wont export any makeup options properly. You could use the NPCEditor, but when I tried it, it always screwed up the meshes (distance between mouth and nose was always far too long, eyes positioned too high.) Do this: 1. Export face data with CK. 2. Go to textures/actors/character/facegendata/facetints/ and delete your follower's folder. 3. Go to meshes/actors/character/facegendata/facegeom/ and rename your follower's folder. 4. Open NPC Editor and load your .esp. 5. Uncheck the 'Save to BSA' box. 6. Make sure the makeup and stuff appears correctly on the model. If not, use the editor to re-add it. 7. Click 'Create Mod'. This will make the folders appear in meshes/textures. 8. Delete the folder created by the editor in meshes/.../facegeom/, and rename your old folder back to the original name. The above is copy/pasted from a previous topic. =D Hope it helps.
  22. ... "I recommend downloading 7zip and using it to open all the archives." In other words: 1. Download 7zip. 2. Install it. 3. Use it to open the mod archives. Right-click, open with... etc.
  23. Most mods are packaged in an archive, such as .7z, .RAR, etc. You need to download one of these programs to be able to open these archives. I recommend downloading 7zip and using it to open all the archives.
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