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Everything posted by XunAmarox

  1. In the beginning, I guess they seem pretty strong, but as you go on... it starts to become a real disadvantage transforming. It doesn't seem to scale enough. With 40% one-handed gloves/boots, 20% necklace & ring, I do 172 damage per hit with two Daedric Maces (Legendary), throw in Elemental Fury and I can take out anything in like half a second and take next to no damage, and even if I didn't hit anything, the damage I take is fairly insignificant due to my armor. In werewolf form however... the hits are weak, the armor is weak, can't use potions, can't open maps, can't open doors or chests that need picking or keys, and can't loot corpses. I guess we can't make it scale off of what you were wearing before you transformed, since you can transform nude. But I dunno. It needs buffed in some way. At the very least, I'd like to see a more powerful attack, more armor, faster health regeneration, faster attack speed, and faster speed in general. Maybe it could scale with our level, or our health/stamina. And, the ability to bash open doors and chests (even if we can't loot them), and the ability to pull up the map.
  2. They went down the same road Dragon Age 2 went with Elves, and.... I hated it. Elves should just look like humans but with pointy ears. Maybe slightly smaller in stature.
  3. If someone isn't in FRONT of me, their voices are incredibly muffled and barely audible. Is there some way to change this?
  4. Here's a screenshot: http://i.minus.com/ioWAY9TMyJU8B.jpg It happens ALL the time. The only way I can fix it is saving then quitting the game to main menu then loading from the save. It looks like my eyes are loading the wrong texture, or no texture, or something. The only thing I can think of is that there was some glitch with the voices for Esbern where his voice wouldn't load out of the bsa, that maybe that has something to do with it. Maybe the textures load fine from the bsa sometimes and then other times they glitch and won't load from my bsa? I'm going to try extracting the eye textures to my data directory and see if it happens again. If anyone has any other fixes I can try, let me know. I'll post later after I try my fix and say if it worked or not. edit: Nope, that didn't fix it. Here's an even closer look clipping through my face with tfc: http://i.minus.com/ibsYVvXzgExXeo.jpg edit: I'm gonna try extracting the meshes as well... edit: Nope. That didn't fix it either.
  5. Actually, a few people have released esp mods created with TESSNip and whatnot...
  6. btw... Why is Akatosh called Alduin by the Nords, and yet... Alduin is... ...in Skyrim? ...and not Akatosh, apparently.
  7. I figure maybe one of you guys into lore can help me out with my little question. I got to thinking about it... and just where is my character's soul going to go when she dies? I'm pretty much bound to a gob of Daedric Lords... Hircine - because I'm a Werewolf Sithis - because I'm the Listener Nocturnal - because I'm a Nightingale Akatosh - probably? I mean, I am Dragonborn after all... Azura - she decided I'm her champion... Molag Bal - decided I was his champion... And then, I'm also promised a place in Sovengard...
  8. Unfortunately, at this point I'm already married to Jordis the Sword-Maiden, but I also already figured that out. I also discovered "addtofaction 8c84d 0" to make a non-companion waifu into one that will travel with you and fight for you. Doesn't seem to work on other npc's though. I tried making Babette into a companion and it did nothing! Didn't let me marry her either, haha.... I tried killing Jordis, but.... it wouldn't let me remarry for some reason. I wonder if I have to wait after she's dead to remarry... Oh well, whatever. It's not like the marriage thing even does ANYTHING in this game. It's woefully underwhelming. No fade to black sex scene or anything. Just "Welcome home dear. Back from some adventure I bet!" and uh... cooking you something... giving you money from a store... there's zero romance. It's SO disappointing. I mean honestly, I've heard "I own hollyfrost farm outside the city. It's honest work, if a bit dull." more than wife dialog, and I get a strong urge to just straight up kill that guy every time he decides to walk up to me and say that...
  9. The only part of the quest you could have missed is actually....... exactly what you did. So you missed nothing lol.
  10. I think the better question is... WHO did you try to marry? You can't marry EVERY npc in the game. Only certain ones. It's just, the ones that you CAN marry, can marry either gender. Here's a list of potential spouses: http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Marriage Alternatively, you can pull up console (`) click the NPC which should bring up their ID code (that means you clicked it), then type this: addfac 19809 1 That'll add the marriage faction to them, which should make you able to marry them.
  11. It was a power grab. She was used to being in charge since the beginning. Basically running her own little murderer coven. But when The Nightmother and the Listener started taking her authority away, she started to panic. She couldn't handle the idea of not being in control of her organization anymore. So, she figured if she got the listener killed then things would go back to how they were - with her calling the shots. Not some newcomer that supposedly hears a talking corpse nobody else can hear. It's good that she died though. If you have Lucien Lachance summoned inside the sanctuary, he'll tell you it could use a good purging. (If you're familiar with Dark Brotherhood in Oblivion, that means kill nearly every single person in there because they're all incompetent, unworthy, possibly traitors, or what have you) And anywho, the only thing I'm disappointed with is: 1) Babette does not have enough dialog. After her initial talk, all she says is her alchemy crap. They really could have went so far with her, but they did nothing. 2) Babette had ZERO dialog commenting on the player being a vampire or werewolf. I was so disappointed with that... There are practically no other vampire npc's you could talk to about it, and she doesn't even have any dialog for it. At least in Oblivion the vampire in the Dark Brotherhood could a) turn you once you were trusted, or b) talked to you about vampirism, or c) both.
  12. I increased it. But it is cheating, and I know it. Your poll is a bit biased. Generally, you just have to get rid of junk until you can afford a house or get one via the questline from a faction (Dark Brotherhood, Companions, etc.). At which point, you'll have a chest you can throw all your stuff in. I just find it inconvenient to have to constantly trek to my home to store stuff away, and I'm playing this game for fun. Not to be super realistic with how much I can carry lol.
  13. That's actually irrelevant. That's not why you "failed" that quest. Failing that quest is, in fact, part of the main quest. Read the note you get at the end of the dungeon.
  14. I was very disappointed. There wasn't even really an ending. There was no credit roll or anything, just put you right back in the game like it was no big deal, just another quest.
  15. Anyone have any idea how to remove words of power? For instance... I added RO "Balance" (13e22) and DAH "Push" (13e24) to my character and I can't continue the main quest when the Grey Beards try to teach me the words. edit: I figured it out... I had to remove the entire Unrelenting Force shout (13e07) then I could learn the word.
  16. Anyone have any idea how to remove words of power? For instance... I added RO "Balance" (13e22) and DAH "Push" (13e24) to my character and I can't continue the main quest when the Grey Beards try to teach me the words. edit: I figured it out... I had to remove the entire Unrelenting Force shout (13e07) then I could learn the word. Had to do the same for whirlwind spirit. And lol, going to have to again for dragonrend...
  17. OP, do this if you can't find her anywhere: player.placeatme 0001406b As for everyone else, if YOUR wife disappears, do this: help "wife name here" 0 ex: help "Jordis the Sword-Maiden" 0 That will give you her ID. It'll be prefixed with NPC_, like so: You just need that # in the parenthesis. Use the above command once you get it. (i.e. player.placeatme YourNPC'sBaseID)
  18. It would probably help if you told us who she is... but there's a bug where if you don't talk to them after the wedding to say where you want to live and they just walk out of the building while you still have the dialog with the priest or some other npc going, they'll disappear.
  19. If you're on PC, this might help: http://skyrimnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=219
  20. Well, I'm curious which horse the black one outside of Whiterun for sale at the stables is... Here are the id's... 0009de90 'Alias=Player>'s Horse' 00023ab2 000654e5 00068cfa 00068d02 00068d03 00068d04 00068d07 00068d5b 00068d6b 00068d6d 00068d6e 00072a08 00084785 0008b5d1 000b076a 000b9e1d 000c214e 000d9806 00102d71 00102d72 00102d73 00109823 00109827 0010982a 0010982b 00109ab1 00109e3d 00109e3e 00109e40 00109e41 0010b302 headless horseman 0010bf90 0010f7fd Long story short... it's very... spirited... and likes to charge into battle, be it a wolf, a bandit or angry mage, or even something so dangerous as a giant or a dragon. And well... I'd like to set it essential so it doesn't die on me. xD
  21. The only thing quirky for me now are the menus. I'll navigate with W and S and then hit E to confirm and sometimes it's on totally the wrong option and I have to select what I want with my mouse to be sure now. So annoying...
  22. There's definitely a werewolf clan - and you can... after a long line of quests. I haven't found a vampire clan. In fact, the little girl in the Dark Brotherhood is a 300 year old vampire but says NOTHING to you about your vampirism. Overall, I was very disappointed with vampires. They were so weak, worthless during the day (no hp, stamina or magicka regen during daytime, and less to begin with). Werewolves on the other hand get increased hp and this super overpowered beast form they can use once a day which you can make last indefinitely as long as you keep killing and feeding. I can clear entire dungeons with it lol... xD
  23. Just continue your main quest. It's near the very end.
  24. In your guide, you list the help command as only being for perks, but it's actually usable for any item, spell, or npc. Just thought you might want to fix that. Also, you may want to mention that it will need to be in quotes if it's a multi-worded whatever-it-happens-to-be that you're searching for. i.e. help "deadly aim" 0 help "iron ingot" 0
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