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Everything posted by angelwraith

  1. my mod is causing a lot of lag in two particular areas that happen to have some very large static collection nifs in them, could this be the cause of the lag and if so what is the best path to alleviate the problem? is there a way to optimize the files and if so where should i start looking to learn how? thanks guys.. you've got me out of the worst pinches before and im hoping this time wont be an exception. attached are the nifs that i suspect are culprit to my lag issues.
  2. im in! although i rarely mod fallout anymore.. .purely New Vegas now. guess i was too late on this.. boo.
  3. wow. you are severely talented.. let me know if i can help.. i owe ya for your work on the HiVE.
  4. if anyone is able to help me with this i am not going to be able to test it out not for a while.. at least until i get my HDD replaced.
  5. That's good to know. Thanks for the update ;) after readung the quote i was like what the hell is get in list.... IsInList..... dope.
  6. so everything works great now!!! thanks you guys a lot! Note had to go back to getinlist (IsInList).. but it works!!! so i am very happy. thanks again.
  7. Ok so here is the script i am using for a device that acts somewhat like tcl outside at the push of a button by moving around an invisible ball under the player so they always have a surface to walk on. then it moves the player a small amount each frame each movement key is pressed. i had all eight directions but i couldn't figure out how to set up button priority with the if and elseif so that if two buttons were presses at the same time it acted appropriately. ok what this post is really about: a bug where if using the device for a reeeeaaaally long time for some reason RARELY the ball surface underneath will stop updating, which if you're really high leaves you in a world of hurt cause that sudden stop.... i know what i did here is inefficient.. and clunky. (especially in the way it enables and disables with those two separate variables).. however it does work. And i believe that with the knowledge here between you all, for sure it can be tidied up a bit to where itll run smoother (its pretty smooth as is, nevertheless i think you all can do better..) and maybe even eliminate that bug with teh surface not updating as well. wish list: a variable inertia. right now there is no acceleration, deceleration and i kinda want it to act more like your floating a bit not a whole lot, but a small amount.. and if that amount could be changed by a few simple numbers or even better a variable i would be ecstatic.. however.. the whole math thing is way beyond me anymore and i have no idea where to even start with it almost forgot... that timer interrupt there you see was my best attempt to stop the game from a CTD if the player were to turn the device on while moving. which i suspected had something to do with the variables changing because it didnt CTD if they were still... so i disable controls for the split second as the thing initialized... and it works, but if there is a better way please enlighten me.. i dont like the weapon being put up which comes on by disable player controls.. although i guess i could just disable movement... but still theres gotta be a better way. without further adieu here is the code of which we speak.. and thank you for looking at it with me. in the off chance you're interested in seeing it in action look here there's actually a buncha cools stuff in there this is in no means the focus of the mod.. however important to me.
  8. i did use his script, and like i said above it does exactly the same thing that mine did. albeit a lot more tidy. getnextref was already in there and just had to be relocated as a part of eliminating the redundancy. and as far as the pencil part goes. i did not add that in there as i have used this script in many other places and i haven't got and issues from it ever. but in the fashion of chasing down every possible avenue i did just add it.. and upon loading the game up again immediately was greeted with a activator lighting up thats not in that list. i kinda already said this but the script works to do what its supposed to do. it highlights all the traps and 99.9% of activators are ignored.. as they should be.. but its that 1 in 1000 thats driving me nuts.. cause a buffalo gourd seed is not a mine. but please believe me when i say that the script is itself works.. (there are screens to prove it) its just that random 1 in 1000 case that the conditions that control the situation are not being adhered to. but both scripts work, mine and his, identically.. with the same random bug. please go back and look at the pictures above.. and notice that: its working yay the activators are not lighting up... but wait whats this? there is 1 out of a bunch of 5 that is being treated differently and for some reason satisfying the condition to check if its in that list and then coloring it cause it thinks it is... its not. This is the problem. Why in a scenario where there are 4 identical activators right next to each other the returns can come back differently for whether or not its in this particular list. *EDIT* HEY HEY HEY!!! upon going back and changing the other scripts to reflect the optimizations in this one the bug seems to be gone. i think you fixed it.. but like i said it was rare before so well see.. THANKS A TON!!!
  9. if the same is the case for isinlist maybe.. but the big deal here is what you can see in the pictures. it does work sometimes.. but other identical activators directly next to it randomly get positives on all the conditionals THEY ARE IDENTICAL either work or dont!! dont work most of the time but sometime mess up... its driving me nuts.
  10. thats just it, it IS working like in the pictures above it is working for all the traps, however in some cases 2 identical activators are treated as if they're different.. again see the pictures.. in both those pictures 1 plant is highlighted for some reason i dont understand while the others are fine.... dont get it. didnt realize it was a finite list.. will use that now and again thanks for that. just like i said it doesnt really change anything.. it still acts exactly as it did before working for 99.9% of what i need it to, just randomly for some reason beyond me its skipping the conditionals totally and applying the shader regardless of whether or not it fits the conditionals like the second script just ignoring the conditionals.
  11. hah i love that you have a good sense of humor. i looked at some of your other work and if you put equal effort out on this i think we could have something pretty cool. just think outside the box of problems and rewards. This idea is probably nothing like what you were thinking buut its a plausible avenue that could be pretty cool and im sure would get a lot of attention. but if you like it the idea is yours: I honestly think you could do a lot with one menacing NPC with lots and lots and lots of health and a trap filled hell. one of the most unique mods ive ever come across was cube experimental.. which approached fallout from a whole new angle of horror goodnesss, and im really surprised with all the gore porn coming out lately(human centipededeedee, serbian film, martyrs) that someone hasn't done something freaky where the reward is your life. and with a place like that and a thourough look here Fort Bauldur Resource and your attention to detail, i think you would have something really unique and fun.
  12. that looks solid and ill give it a go, however im having another issue with a very similar script that refwalks actors then applies conditionals on them to decide whether or not to fire on them.. and on 1 guys machine they never work and on mine they work fine. again stumped. set killdistance to ( SUBskillcostREF.skillcost / 65 ) set killdistance to 3000 - ( killdistance * 2500 ) set creatureREFcount to GetNumRefs 200 2 set creatureREF to GetFirstRef 200 2 if ( creatureREF.GetShouldAttack player > 0 || creatureREF.GetCombatTarget == player || creatureREF.GetFactionRelation player == 1 || ( creatureREF.GetFactionRelation player == 0 && creatureREF.GetAV Aggression >= 2 )) if creatureREF.GetDistance player < killdistance && creatureREF.GetDead == 0 creatureREF.KillActor Player 1 5 playsound FXExplosionGrenadeEMPLow endif endif label 5 if creatureREFcount > 0 set creatureREF to GetNextRef if ( creatureREF.GetShouldAttack player > 0 || creatureREF.GetCombatTarget == player || creatureREF.GetFactionRelation player == 1 || ( creatureREF.GetFactionRelation player == 0 && creatureREF.GetAV Aggression >= 2 )) if creatureREF.GetDistance player < killdistance && creatureREF.GetDead == 0 creatureREF.KillActor Player 1 5 playsound FXExplosionGrenadeEMPLow endif endif set creatureREFcount to creatureREFcount - 1 goto 5 endif off to try your method, thanks a ton. Was hoping to hear from someone like you on this. BTW i like the elimination of the redundancy in that script, dont know why i ever did it any other way.. now to go back and fix em all. however i dont think i can simplify it that far.. because i am not actually ever removing any of the references so if creatureREF will always return true thus getting the script stuck in the goto loop... unless getnextref runs through a finite an unchanging list 1 time and actually returns a null for getnextref at some point. But if getnextref loops through all available references and changes with whats there this would cause an infinite loop *EDIT* just tried it.. still returns things not in that list. i had a plant activator light up and the klaxon speaker at black mountain light up... def not in that list. the script works (and cleaner with the redundancy fix thx to you) it just doesn't fix the problem at hand.. im basically where i started.
  13. this code is intended to refwalk activators and then upon determining if they are in that list it should highlight them... this works for all traps.. problem is it randomly fires the script for a few activators that are NOT in the list.. and heres the really really confusing part.. 2 identical activators in the world sitting literally right next to each other may get treated differently.. the script ive provided is the only thing i have working with activators and shaders and also after implementing that small section of code is when i started to notice this behavior. btw the formlist SUBmastertraplist is one that i made and the only thing on it is traps. which means that somehow the game is reading that these plants, campfires, and workbenches as being in that list.. which they are not. also this is weird but sometimes this only happens at distance, if you walk right up the the plant it stops emitting the wrong shader... if i take out this code, traps wont light up but neither will random activators so i know it has something to do with what ive provided here. im starting to think this may be a game error and not a modder error... but if you see that i am wrong please enlighten me as this is holding up my next release and is bugging the hell out of me. this is all beyond me at this point.. hopefully it isnt beyond you...thx for your help. ; Activator shaders set creatureREFcount to GetNumRefs 21 1 set creatureREF to GetFirstRef 21 1 if (creatureREF.GetDistance player < 5000 ) && ( creatureREF.IsInList SUBmastertraplist ) creatureREF.PMS SUBtrapSHADER 1 endif label 7 if creatureREFcount > 0 set creatureREF to GetNextRef if (creatureREF.GetDistance player < 5000 ) && ( creatureREF.IsInList SUBmastertraplist ) creatureREF.PMS SUBtrapSHADER 1 endif set creatureREFcount to creatureREFcount - 1 goto 7 endif http://i1134.photobucket.com/albums/m602/Matthew_Franks/ScreenShot60.jpg?t=1305474230 http://i1134.photobucket.com/albums/m602/Matthew_Franks/ScreenShot59.jpg?t=1305473897
  14. no no the meshes are all me. and solid. companions never have any trouble there.. its just those three resident NPCs. although i believe it has nothing to do with the NPCs or the navs so maybe this is something i should give a shot.
  15. actually i just realized something.. you know how sure i am that the NPC is set up right? you wrote it. remember the white queen for the hive mod? thats what i am referring to. you actually set her up for me. ill try conversion and see what happens.. eventually.. i dont even have fallout 3 installed on this machine any more..
  16. wait wait wait... so the mod i did for fallout 3.. the three NPCs there for some reason i could never figure out, they find themselves on the wrong side of the complex with no attempt to get back to their editor locations as the packages suggest.. the navs are connected, balanced, finalized, no holes i mean they should work and most of the time do.. just every once in a while they all end up in that one place and then on out theyre stuck there. is what i needed a esm conversion? if so ill gladly go back to it to fix it.. but heres the thing.. my NV mod has no issues with the NPCs and i have never made it an esm either, however it is muuuch smaller and the NPC doesnt move at all.. ever. although the FO3 version had one set to the same setting pretty much and she wandered.. i dont get it. is this in some way related to esm conversion?
  17. when you get it all working i have a suggestion for you. make a new container (dumpster) and use its ref in the removeallitems command. this way when you close your trash can the items are moved to the dumpster. then on the dumpster if youre using NVSE you can employ GetGameRestarted to clear the contents with removeallitems as above to clear the dumpster each time you reload the game so that whatever you trash has a kind of recycle bin place to go in case you accidentally drop in the wrong thing. if you're not using NVSE there are plenty of other ways to periodically empty the bin still and i would still suggest setting something like this up. if you have fallout 3 there is a mod called HiVE that has this exact system set up(the new vegas edition does not have it so be sure to get the right one). if you have the geck for fallout 3 (& FOSE) as well i welcome you to open the esp and rip the scripts, they should be pretty plug n play and work in new vegas with little/no changes.
  18. you should test if what were telling you is the case by doing what i was saying.. go to the NPC and check their inventory. whats in there? Now load the game W/O your mod enabled and save at the location your talking about WITH YOUR MOD DISABLED then re-enable the mod and go to the NPC again and check the INV again... any differences?
  19. if i understand your post correctly it sounds to me like the inventory the npc had at first is getting saved into the savegame. open the console click on the NPC and type "inv" do both inventory sets come up? if so start a new game without your mod enabled and save, then restart the game with your mod enabled and try it again. Both still showing up?
  20. yeah but really who references items in script by the actual ID rather than the name? i mean the ID changes on items every time you install a mod higher in the load order... and at least with my mods I haven't seen any issues b/c of that. (last in the load order before the MP so IDs change o it constantly) or maybe i just misunderstood what you guys are saying.
  21. heh sorry guess i could have said check all directories rather than just gecks.. my bad. happy to hear you got it all figured out.
  22. @rickerhk thank you. so very much. i couldn't find anything anywhere about that. was driving me crazy.. i really thought 9 was the latest. they just post the link infos on a forum somewhere or something? the site still says 9 last time i looked. YAY!!! all is back in order now!! so happy. thx a ton. now to see if the update effected my mod in any way (although i seriously doubt it as i dont use any sort of replacers anywhere)
  23. ok so i downloaded geck earlier and it said GECK_NVE_v1.3 and it stopped working all together saying there was a version issue.. now i go back to the same download link thinking maybe i downloaded it too early and here comes 1.1.... and now im confused.. did i do something to piss off the creation kit gods or something? now, geck starts but is back to the previous state of just plain not loading scheiße here are the files i got: new vegas updated to 1.3 nvse_1_beta9.zip GECK_NVE_v1.3.zip (got this a few hours ago, wouldnt start at all) GECK_NVE_v1.1.zip (got this 10 minutes ago from the SAME link, wont load mods)
  24. mods here don't really like when you bump threads. and honestly neither does anyone else. your idea has merit don't get me wrong i have no problem with that, but i don't animate and therefore cant help. and most of the people reading this are in the same boat. but people do look through old messages so hang tight and your chances are a lot higher than if they load it and see you've bumped it 20 times. forum tutorials are usually the fastest way to learn, and the search feature will help you find what you need. *EDIT* also this song may help you in your future endeavors: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NZjoxSDEvbo
  25. yeah nvse was never the problem.. i have been a faithful proponent of the script extenders since the beginning since obse and fose the HiVE heavily relies on NVSE in almost every script. it was that "toolkit" master that was doing it im sure.
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