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Posts posted by lonewolfkai

  1. This really belongs in the Mod Detectives thread. In fact, you just spammed the general mod talk with what you could have said in a single post there. That could be considered a violation of the spamming policy just so you know.


    For an answer to this thread, try Ramys Monster for giant sized monsters.

  2. Hello!

    I am searching for a mod which allows You to turn items 45 degrees in all directions. By items I mean everything that you can grab, this mod also uses OBSE, it allows You to use < and > to turn things or they could be turned from menu if You don't have OBSE. This mod allows to freeze items in place. I would be very thankful if anyone uses this mod or knows it's name and could share it with me.


    Cheers! :rolleyes:



    PiiiP perhaps?


    or possibly Decorator Assistant


    If you use the later, you might want to check out the Unlock or Unofficial version to help with the problem it has with locking objects in place.

  3. Is it me or do characters appear to be floating above the ground slightly? When you level the camera in third person mod to the ground, it looks as if characters are floating above it about an inch. I never really noticted it until today when I was messing around with the camera angles. Is that normal?
  4. hmm, I think you might've misunderstood what I underlined there; I was referring to people's inablitity to be responsible for their own actions.


    At any rate, I might have to take some of my mods down because of future concerns for the ideas of some.

  5. Eve is a lot of fun. But the learning curve is pretty steep. That graph is about accurate, but from the new updates they've done, I don't think it is as bad as it used to be. I remember seeing that chart when I first started playing and thought, "Yep, I'm one of those bodies being bulldozed there."


    I saw that pirating was put in. Don't forget the Anti-pirating too.



    The alternative to government involvement in people's lives and decisions, is that people take the responsibility for doing what they rationally think is correct.


    Live free



    Unfortunately, MANY people lack the ability to do this. :laugh:

  7. Anyone here know where this mod can be found: Hel Bornes Blackiron Weapon Set by Hel Borne?? It is required that this is pre-installed to run Honour of the assassins. However, the link in the mod description here on nexus doesn't work and I've searched several other mod sites and resources and nothing has turned up.


    Can someone here help me find this??


    Hel Borne has removed his mods from the modding community. It is no longer available.

  8. And don't forget about people creating topics about him as well. He is VERY popular around and one of my best friends!






    And don't forget about people creating topics about him as well...


    lol. Yeah, we've had some good times with that fellow.


    Like the day when Push decided he was going to beat him at his own game.


    Good times...



    And holy cow Push. 160 posts!!!!?????

  9. ok so im searching for guy mods to make my character seem more like a bad ass! Im talking weapons and armor and clothing for guys. Nothing sexy, im kinda growing tired of the ultimate perversion that is clothing now adays. Im looking for something a kick arse warrior would wear. Also im looking for some Nordsman weapons and armor like from the viking erra. Im talking of course plate mail, mail, and such. If you ever seen the movie "The Thirteenth Warrior" you would know what im talking about. Im also looking for hair mods for guys, and facial hair. Not just full beards im talking realistic stubbles not that crap that vanilla oblivion has.


    I am also looking for a monster mod overhaul. Not just quantity. Im mean size diversity and originality. i want dragons flying and birds and such so being an archer is useful. I want dragons roaming the oceans and giant fish and serpents. More varieties of beasts to encounter. I want lions with manes, albino tigers, wolves made into proper size. I want creatures that make my hero look like crap on a toilet. I also want to know if there is a pet mod even if it is cosmetic. Im kinda looking for a husky puppy so my character isnt always alone adventuring. Even if its a black hood with a puppy added on top of it to make it feel like such.(I even made a pic of my hero with such an accessory.


    Can anyone find any mods like the fore mentioned paragraphs? Im also looking for a town and race remake. im talking a city for dunmer only or a city of the orcs(in a cave of course) or khajjit camps in the savanaas(SP?) of anvil. Imperials living on costal houses, nords in houses at the mountain.


    You're not asking for much are you? :biggrin:


    First, I'd suggest you take a browse through the categories and check them out because it sounds like you haven't done that yet.


    As far as the beards go, since it is a little more specific, do a search for "beard" and you'll pull up a nice selection of different mods.


    For the pet companion, check out the companion category, but also, take a look at Shadow Ranger. It might be just what you're looking for.


    Only monster overhaul I can suggest is MMM and it's other counter parts, OOO, Frans, and the compliation of all of them, FCOM. There is very few overhauls or additions (if any at all) that add what you're looking for specifically. There was a dragon attack mod, but I can't think of the specific name that might be what you want. Just look up "dragon" and search through them. It might also be in the Quest section. Also, check out Ramys Monster mod.

  10. What about mesh ideas that utilize bethsoft's meshes. For example, my sword mod does this. The sword's artistry is not in the game, it was made, in part, by me with parts of vanilla meshes. Would beth own the individual pieces that make up the sword, but not the concept behind it?
  11. As bben has stated.


    I've noticed a bunch of authors have taken their mods off the shelves completely lately. Some really nice ones too. If I'm not mistaken, I believe the first two you listed are some of those.


    You're out of luck unless you can find someone that has a copy of them, is willing to share them, and if there is a legal release statement of sorts in the readme's.


    I think the third one is in some compliation here. You'll have to search for it though.

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