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Everything posted by naomis8329

  1. Having fun with Fable 3, love it and Fable 1, can't play 2 as consoles make me sick.

    Hope you are well my friend. Be safe, thinking of you as always xxxxx

  2. hello honey "BOO"

    Love ya, be safe, play well and we'll speak soon xxxxx

  3. Hi honey, what ya doin'????

    Be safe and play well. Love ya xxxxx

  4. hello, speak soon.

    BOO and gone xxx

  5. hello, thought I'd jump in and say BOO!!

    Now you're awake I'll go xxxxx

  6. love the picture. wonderful. nice to meet you in chat, hope to speak more. take care xxxx
  7. "steals the chocolate cake and ice cream and leaves carrot cake and custard" chocolate cake I adore and carrot cake is healthier. Too late for me I'm trying to save you lol. Love ya xxxxx
  8. At this time of year not everyone is happy and feeling excited about the coming holidays.. To all who feel this way or are not feeling at their best... Take strength from those who love you, be strong for those that need you.. Know there is always someone to whom you can turn, even if it is via email, pm or a chatroom. Never give up for life is worth living and there are others like me who will catch you when you fall. My love to you all as always xxxxx
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Thandal


      Happy 2012 to you as well! Although it's starting to snow outside I know it's always warm here in the Nexus, thanks to people like yoou!
    3. MotoSxorpio


      Happy New Year to you and yours!
    4. Deleted54170User


      You know I gave what you said a lot of thought when you originally posted this because I was all alone and all the toys that were meant for all the good little boys and girls that I have as nephews and nieces were sitting in the room and made my place look like a gigantic toybox. Here it is September 27, 2012 and it still does. I am in a gigantic Toybox! WOO HOO!
  9. You too honey. Speak soon and don't be a stranger xxx
  10. Fine honey, busy with the children and life. Am trying to catch up with so much and getting there slowly but surely.

    Good to speak to you again my friend xxxxx

  11. Is Lexx ok do you know xxxx
  12. I've been unbanned by Dante thank goodness xx
  13. I've been unbanned by Dante thank goodness xx
  14. oh well, looks like things have really hit the fan. if anyone needs to contact me leave a message here and I'll send my email to those that want it..... love ya all. Take care xxxxx
  15. I'm in again but it took time lol xx
  16. I'm fine hun, thinking about the holiday season, enjoying my kids and grandkids and trying to stay sane. Gave up smoking in July, went from 20/40 a day to nil over night and used patches for 4 weeks until the rash got too much to bear lmao. so cold turkey I went. have cravings for chocolate and sometimes wake up thinking I have smoked in my sleep. Freaky or what lol xxxx
  17. I can't get into chat. Can you??
  18. Saw you peeking so thought I'd drop in and say BOO!!!!!

    Love you honey, keep safe my friend. Love as always xxxxx

  19. Thought I'd drop in and say BOO!!!!!

    Love you honey, keep safe my friend. Love as always xxxxx

  20. leaves peptibismol and a bucket

    hope you had a good time lmao. take care xxx

  21. Thought I'd drop in and say BOO!!!!!

    Love you honey, keep safe my friend. Love as always xxxxx

  22. are we talking about Zevran or is this code for Skyrim and something is coming from the West so everybody go East and then once the regroup is performed they head NNW???? Either way don't forget the compass and the map. Love ya xxx
  23. Thought I'd drop in and say BOO!!!!!

    Love you honey, keep safe my friend. Love as always xxxxx

  24. Thought I'd drop in and say BOO!!!!!

    Love you honey, keep safe my friend. Love as always xxxxx

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