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Everything posted by naomis8329

  1. I'm feeling a lot better thank you hun. PC1 working well just tweaking and getting it ready for DA2
  2. Thought I'd drop by and say hi and thank you for your help. Take care Naomi
  3. Hi hun sorry I disappeared went for something to eat. If you need anything contact me on my profile if I'm not in chat that is. Take care
  4. Hi hun, thought I'd pop in and say hello. Great to speak to you yesterday. Hope you are well. Take care, speak soon Naomi xx
  5. Hi honey, hope you are feeling better, I was pretty yuck for 10 days. Have been working on PC1 and its up and running again. Waiting impatiently for DA2 so am tweaking and installing DAO and Oblivion lol. Speak soon and take care xx
  6. Hi hun, thought I'd pop by as I've not been well and then have been working on the PC. Had flu followed by a cold (may as well get them both out the way) and felt like death warmed up for 10 days lol. Main PC working beautifully, Fraps installed and games now being installed also. Waiting with baited breath for DA2 which is due for release on 11th March. Take care and we'll speak soon Naomi xx
  7. Hope you are well honey, I'm much better now and have been tweaking main PC now its up and running again. Getting it ready for DA2 and impatiently pacing the floor in anticipation lol. Hope you are well and will speak soon. Take care xx
  8. Hi honey, thanks for dropping by. Know how you've felt as I've been pretty yuck myself. Much better now and main PC is now up and running again. Tweaking and installing games at the moment and looking forward to DA2 in 17 days. Take care, speak soon Naomi xx
  9. Hi honey, thanks for the gifts, much appreciated. Feeling much better and firing on about 3 cylinders at present. Happy now main PC is running so am tweaking and installing games etc getting ready for DA2 in 17 days lol. Take care and speak soon Naomi xx
  10. Hi hun, thanks for popping by. Feeling a great deal better now the cold that followed my flu has gone lol. My main PC is now up and running beautifully and have spent the last few days tweaking it and putting on the games. Speak soon honey, take care xxx
  11. I installed DA2 today and experienced 2 CTDs but only after I tried to access stuff that was locked lol It runs very well and although I have still not tested DAO yet, I took off all mods and installed the new drivers for Nvidia and physex (something like that). I will continue testing through the night (was going to do so last night but got tired and gave up). Hopefully the advice given here will help. I have yet to do the core affinity yet, but will do that also. I have a fairly decent rig and can't understand the lagging but hopefully we will get somewhere.
  12. Just checking that I have everything I need in case the worst case scenario pans out and I have to reinstall after doing a full wipe lol. Will be working on it over night to get the problem resolved hopefully one way or another. May need to check my bios also as its a new card and processor and the settings may be limiting my speeds (never thought of that as I don't tend to muck with the bios in case I blow it up lmao). Will drop a line through the night to let you know how I go. Thanks for your help and advice as I'm sure this thread will help others with similar problems. Naomi
  13. Hi Codifer I've opened the links and will download and test tomorrow, I'll let you know how I get on. Gaoxin, I'll check out your link also and see if that helps resolve the problem. What a team we are lol. Researching and finding solutions, thanks guys I'll let you know if it works for me. Take care for now Naomi
  14. Nothing for me, all I get is some serious lagging and then Win7 closes down with a Windows has encountered a problem and needs to close like message. Maybe it is a problem of copying files from one os to another like Gaoxin, but if they try installing the game like I said and one step at a time maybe we can pinpoint the problem and it maybe a mod that is causing this.
  15. Oh another hope dashed lol. We keep trying then, there must be a workaround for this problem to say the least.
  16. you know now you've mentioned it, I don't have DX11 on this machine only DX9a, could that be the problem, trying to run it on a 64bit using a lower spec DX?? A long shot for sure, but what do you think?
  17. ok then all I can suggest is that you uninstall the game again, make sure all DAO folders are deleted (I mean all) both on the c and wherever else you install it. Remember there are two sets of Folders so make sure there are none left. Keep your mod files hidden (ie the ones you've carried over) and then re-install the game again. Patch up one at a time and test ie install DAO patch to v1, if that works patch to v2 see if that works. Install DAA and it patches itself then test, if all is well then save the files or create a restore point, then patch to v4. If its ok doing it step by step then try some mods Let me know how it goes.
  18. I wouldn't have thought so hun. I'll have to have a rethink.. I added the mod files etc after installing the game however the mods were taken off the Deluxe edition which I had to download on the other machine, this one was the disk version which could make a difference to settings etc. I don't know and I'll have to have a rethink on this I believe. Maybe moving the mod files, uninstalling the disk version and installing the deluxe to see if its the difference in game versions that is causing the problem. However is this similar to you Gaoxin?? Have you more than one version of the Game (not patches, the game itself)??
  19. cool, let me know what happens. looks like I may have to strip the game back down to installation level. (I saved all files etc before copying the game over from the other PC.) If there is a problem with the mods it will soon come to light
  20. Looks good honey, have bookmarked it for downloading later
  21. Well PC1 up and running with a new 3Ghz processor and new GC. Having some freezing and lagging but that will be my fault as I copied the files to DAO after reinstalling the game
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. vvk78


      Freezing and lagging is either due to highly scripted mods, or high-quality textures/meshes, or some issues in your GC settings.


      Try anisotropic filtering off, and keep anti-aliasing off. Since it is a new graphics card, see if the BIOS is not limiting the GC's memory bandwidth/frequency. Do not overclock the GC unless you have a good cooling system in place.

    3. CheeseyBall


      When I tried overclocking, all my games crashed.

      That's why I don't use it.

    4. RedVexHK


      when are you going to be back online??

      Miss you.

  22. lol great minds etc etc. We mere mortals sometimes forget (Me included) to de-activate all mods BEFORE creating a new character and then wonder why the heck they don't work. Simple but not overly obvious to some, especially if they do not mod games frequently.
  23. lol I have had this problem too, I had DAO/DAA on my secondary machine which was Windows XP with a very low spec GC. I installed DAO/DAA and copied all files across to the 64 bit machine which is Win7. At first everything was fine but I now suffer badly with lagging which has surprised me as the processor has been upgraded to 3Ghz and the GC is brand new and a Nvidia 430. The only thing I can think of is the mods I have copied across are interfering in some way graphically, possibly due to the lower spec machine having different settings. I have changed these manually and had hoped this would solve the problem. As of yet they haven't. I will be clearing the mods and adding them again to see which one (if any) is causing the problem. If I have any news I'll get back to you asap. Should you find a solution let me know between us we may be able to figure this out.
  24. Also have you tried looking in the AddIns/Demo/Toolset folder to see if the project is in there. I know that morphs and mops are saved here by default. Not sure about anything else but it may be worth a try.
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