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Everything posted by naomis8329

  1. I'm totally choked, looks like I need a new motherboard, as new GC still not being picked up neither is my keyboard or mouse or monitor. Sob.
    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. vvk78


      So where are the new piccies?
    3. CheeseyBall


      That's demanding of you vk...
    4. vvk78


      Well, Naomi is the proud owner of a spankin' new Graphics Card. I say that calls for some celebratory screenshots, don't you think?
  2. I guess as with certain aspects of the game we have to make certain assumptions, for example you do the Return to Ostagar DLC find Cailan and give him a send off right. Fast forward to Arl Howe's dungeon, we meet Riordan, we give him the papers from the chest and he is besides himself with joy, why coz these are the papers documenting the Wardens recruited by Duncan and those lost at Ostagar (he does say he went to the battlefield and identified as many as he could) ergo who is to say that, like us, he didn't give them the decent send off for the wardens that we did for Cailan. Hence the assumption part. This is why we don't find Duncan or any other Grey Wardens, Riordan's already beaten us to it and done the deed. My take on this which may be right or wrong, who's to say lol.
  3. If you read the books etc you will note that it is "Two" Wardens that have problems conceiving a child. One Warden and one non-warden can have problems but it is not impossible if the Warden is "newly" tainted ie within 10 years of being tainted. After this it becomes virtually impossible as the Warden is then rendered sterile. For 2 wardens the odds decrease because of the taint, again not impossible but it is very difficult and it is intimated that magic (not necessarily blood magic) would be needed to assist in the conception of a child between two wardens. This is the reason for Alistair's speach about conceiving a child etc. Hopefully by DA3 we will be able to import characters from DAO and hopefully have had the opportunity of having a child or two to compete with the child by Morrigan (if you chose that route to begin with). Be it as Alistair as King or just a warden with the Female character of your choice or with Anora if you took that route.
  4. There is a Silverite Mine bug were you lose all your gear. To get over this download and install http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=1762 this should help. For the silks, the bandits do not necessarily drop them they are also in crates and the like (search every container). To find containers use the "Tab" key and this will highlight anything that contains stuff. Other than that play as normal, if you do find anything else let me know and I'll try and help.
  5. I enjoyed the game and have no real dislikes overall, however I would have liked the option to: 1. Recruit Jowan - apparently this option is in the coding and conversation entries, but was never taken up by BioWare (naughty that they were, seems it was another thing shelved in order to release the game as quickly as they could) 2. Save Lothering - I'm disappointed that this option was not included either at the time of playing the town or at a later date after recruiting a few more people. You get to save everyone else and to a great extent the places they live but not Lothering. 3. The option to kill Anora - god that woman totally ticks me off lol. I've never known someone to be so simpering yet supposedly hard hearted and a great ruler. I suppose if I really think about it the lack of world space is a bummer compared to the likes of Oblivion and Morrowind where you get to wander round and do what you want and look at what you want. Again I suppose the time constraints put paid to this and its purely a question of "right you want to go there, click here". DA2 is supposedly 5 times bigger (if not more) and the story line encompasses 10years+ instead of the 2years+ of DAO. This in itself should be interesting, however I would love the BioWare team to go back to DAO at some point and take a look at the things they "should have done" and fix it. I would definitely pay for it again to have the options of Jowan etc. Also having the romance options in Awakenings would be a bonus too as DAO spoilt us there.
  6. Lol this topic has had me smiling somewhat and I have found this very interesting. The children from Elven-Human and Dwarven-Human relationships tend to be Human rather than the "other race" looking. As mentioned Alistair is the son of an Elf and a Human and he is tall, blonde and looks like his father. It has been stated through the game that Humans are drawn to Elves due to their beauty (whether it be in a nice way or in a horrid way) and that Humans also find Dwarves exotic and are drawn to them as a result. However most dwarven women on the surface are normally married or stick to their own kind and most humans are not allowed into Orz due to it being none accessible by none dwarves other than nobility or Wardens. I find the subject very interesting and it has been suggested that there have been relationships between Qunaris and Humans but this is inferred through different stories and articles that have been written. Elves are unfortunately looked upon as a sub-species in DA and therefore "play things" for those that are of a mind, I like to think that the majority of inter-racial partnerships are based on love not just lust and want. I suppose it depends on what you want to believe and how you want to interpret the story lines and the books (if you have read them). I also guess that for those of us who have played the Elderscrolls games we like to believe that Elves are held in a higher regard than as portrayed in DA. I know I was shocked the first time I played through DAO as a human never mind an elf.
  7. Hi, glad you're enjoying the game, it is a great deal of fun isn't it. Darkewolf is correct you have to take up Oghren he isn't an option, and you will loose Morrigan. You will therefore have a party of just 7 for the final battle (this excludes Shale and Morrigan). The final battles are difficult so if you'll take some advice you'd: 1. Make Alistair king - after killing loghain of course. The reason for this is you leave him at the gates in charge of the forces there. For your Party to the AD I take it you'd take Wynne, Sten and Leliana. This would leave Dog, Oghren and Alistair. I've always found controlling Oghren a little difficult so Alistair would be the main tank and make the Gates battle a little easier in the long run. 2. Really buff up Wynne as she will be you primary here, as a healer she will need to get you all to the top in one piece and therefore the best equipment you can get for her the better it will be. 3. Sten can use his default or get the Warden Armor mod which is good without being overpowered. He's your tank and will take a great deal of damage. 4. As party leader you will need some pretty hefty destruction spells (long range if possible) to take out the hordes. Focus on building these for the rest of the game. 5. Leliana can be used as a secondary tank or archer, depending upon how you enjoy playing the final battle. As an archer she becomes ranged so build her skills as an archer. Remember to plan tactically for Fort Drakon and the Palace as you don't want to lose to many of your backup army members ie Dwarves, Elves, Legion of the Dead, mages, Redcliffe Soldiers. Save frequently and try out the different styles on the rooftop. For example use your mages as the primary force the first time round, then Elves etc etc. Enjoy and let us know how you faired.
  8. Whilst adding more vendors to the party camp can be a good idea remember these have the ability to override each other and you may not be able to access more than one of them at a time. Getting extra storage via the camp chest is a good idea as is the Serenity vendor, however if you have her you can't access the two other camp vendors added by mods except Misha. If you require extra storage then the Pocket Plane v 2 is the one to go for as there are three more merchants there as well as the "crow" who sells ingredients. There is a great deal of storage and this can also be carried over into Awakenings which is something that the other vendors can't do, even Serenity has new gear in DAA. The choices are yours but think about what it is you want and need before downloading and installing. Good luck and happy playing
  9. hopefully honey, we just take it one day at a time. he seems to bounce back quite quickly at the moment but only time will tell. xx
  10. That's the best way to go about it unfortunately, sounds like a conflict. Its tedious but once you find the culprit you can then see if there is a fix for it. Some do some don't. Its then a decision as to which mod you want to keep. Good luck and happy playing
  11. do you have mods installed especially ones that change dialogue scripts, if so what are they?
  12. same here no lag on Windows 7 but lag on XP. Could be something to do with the OS but as I'm not to savvy at the moment when it comes to PC matters (have problems concentrating on reading at present) I could be off base completely lol
  13. Hubby doing well altho he's not been too good lately. I've actually bought a Nvidia 430 1Gb GC for PC1 today. Should turn up tomorrow, will invest in the 480 in a month or so so the 430 will be a back up. Finding an AGP GC for this machine is a nightmare tho, very hard to find. I'll sort that out later I think as I want to upgrade the power supply for PC1 to a 700w.
  14. the other way is to walk to the left as far as you can go but put followers on stay mode. You should get through (you kinda walk through the wall lol). Once you approach the library go into stealth mode and go in (if your not a mage that is) if you are a mage run and fire spells as fast as you can, unclick the stay mode and your followers should appear beside you. Naomi
  15. You could try updating Python to 2.7 as that is the most stable version recommended for the face replacer. It has the most up to date libraries apparently (I asked the creator as I was confused myself lol). Hope that helps you somewhat. Short but sweet, but I haven't used it yet myself and can only come up with that for now lol. Naomi
  16. Unless you put the Silverite mine fix on and then take it back to the save before you enter the mine proper there is little else you can do. There is a mod that will give you everything from the game if you type a certain code in the console, its called Add any item visual deluxe and depending on which console command you use you'll get a container full of items from DAO or DAA. That would be the other way to go for you. Other than that its the save before the mine and put in the fix Hope this helps Naomi
  17. Yes I agree Thandal had forgotten that, but the Ultimate Edition has all the DLCs included doesn't it, I'm not sure as I don't want to be tempted lol. If it does then the Offers wont be needed as it should be covered in the new installation. I tend to backup most folders "just in case" but some aren't needed on a reinstall but are helpful if there is a corruption of files along the way. I have all DLCs downloaded and saved from BioWare so the Offers folder comes in handy to save time, but it does depend on what you have logged at BioWare as non purchased DLCs will not work regardless of what you do.
  18. Ok take off the quest mods including Enigma and I mean take them off completely. Try the game again. If this doesn't fix it then go through and take each mod off one by one until you hit the culprit, I would not touch the cosmetic mods take them off sequentially ie Quests and locations first, armor and weapons next, utility or game changes next and lastly dialogue changes. You'll find the culprit in one of them as soon as you get the correct response you'll know which mod is responsible. Let me know and I'll see if there is a fix. Hope this helps but the only way to sort this is to do it one at a time and not just uncheck but remove completely. I think you'll find its a quest mod tho as a couple of them change the dialogue too. Naomi
  19. Make copies of the following folders: BioWare\Dragon Age AddIns Characters Logs Mods Modules Offers Packages (this includes your override folder) Pre-Release Characters (if you have the Character builder) Settings Toolset Make copies of your ini files and any system information files plus logs both on the installation directory and the second directory for example the primary directory is c:\Documents and Settings\Naomi Smith\My Documents\BioWare\Dragon Age then the above, my installation directory is K:\Program Files\Dragon Age\ but if your's is c it will be something like c:\Program Files\ Dragon Age You need to back up the following folders from the installation directory addins data docs modules packages tools You may not need these but it helps to have them handy save the folders for each directory in separate main folders for example Dragon Age C Files and Dragon Age Installation Files Install the game as normal and then the DLCs as required, back up those folders and then overwrite them with the folders you have saved. This should work. it'll take time and patience and you should test frequently. Hope this helps Let me know Naomi
  20. cold and windy, very windy and I hate the cold lol
  21. Thank you for dropping by honey, it is a pleasure to meet you. Thank you for the kudos and I truly hope Ithildin is ok as I miss her popping by xx
  22. Hello honey, not been on much so not spoken to you for ages. How you doing and what you been up to? Gotten you new mod the other day so I think its safe to say you're working hard lol. Hope you are well and will try to get into chat at sometime when you're on for a speaks. Love ya xx
  23. He's ok altho he's not been too well lately. We just have to wait and see. He doesn't like us fussing so we take his lead and do something when he asks. Typical male really lol
  24. something I do try to do, sometimes easier said than done, especially with children and grandkids lol
  25. lol know that feeling, using my second PC too as my main died just before Christmas. Need to get it sorted asap now as the gc on this one is really not coping well with graphics and textures. speak soon honey xx
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