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Everything posted by naomis8329

  1. Well I'm undergoing a 2nd go at giving up smoking. Picked the wrong time of year to be honest, summer break for the kids, but I'm determined this time. Love and miss you guys millions xxxxx
    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. SilverDNA


      Jolly good luck from me hope you make it.
    3. CheeseyBall


      Good luck, from me. Hope you succeed :D

      I have to say, it's really annoying having a parent that smokes. They always come in smelling of cigarettes D:

    4. Khylian


      Hi naomis, it is always bad timing to quit smoking. I did it. too..It was hard but worth the effort....I am very happy now about it. Come on, you can do it!
  2. Thank you honey, the wishes are appreciated. Love ya xxx
  3. Thank you for the birthday wishes. I had a great day and will be out at the weekend with the kids so fun, fun, fun. Love you nephew, take care xxx
  4. Thank you hun, hopefully it will be a good day lol xxxx
  5. Never a true word that saying hun. Thanks for being a good friend also xxx
  6. ok, what's the last bit mean lol. thanks for your thoughts and best wishes, knowing how you guys care about me has helped me also. love you all dearly xxx
  7. Getting there hun. Had a bit of a downer afterwards, but family are supporting me and I speak to his sisters every day so am getting stronger and feeling better xxx
  8. Hey, I'm fine hun, just been busy and chillin after my cousin died suddenly. Freaked me out a bit but ok now xxx
  9. Have you patched the game up to the current patch. You have not mentioned this. I assume you may have done but its worth patching to at least 3 depending upon what DLC you have (at least one requires 4). Please let us know how you have got on...
  10. My cousin died suddenly, we were close and even tho he had a terminal illness it came as a shock as he hadn't been feeling ill. Had the funeral last week and we're getting ourselves together now. In regular contact with his sisters and parents so we're helping each other so to speak xxx
  11. I'm ok, getting over things little by little. Kids keep me going as always as do you guys. Hope to be able to speak on chat soon. Been keeping myself busy reading papers and the like. Great to hear from you honey, have missed you xxx
  12. Hi hun, thanks for getting in touch, can you send the link for xat for me as I've changed browsers (yet again lol). Yeah had an unexpected death in the family, my cousin who's a year younger than me. Has taken some getting over as we were very close as kids and had been talking regularly since before Christmas xxxx
  13. Been stressed, had a bereavement in the family which knocked us all for six. Feeling better now and hope to speak to you all soon. Miss you like crazy. Take care xxx
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. CheeseyBall


      Hope you get well soon! :)
    3. Khylian


      I hope you are alright! Best wishes
    4. XxLunaMothxX


      Get well soon, best of wishes! and happy trails!
  14. Well if it comes to that, send me an invitation I could do with the rest lol xxx
  15. Good to know hun, don't want to have to worry about how to contact you otherwise xxx
  16. True honey xxx. By the way, didn't think for one moment you were a psychopath, a nutter like me maybe xxx
  17. Yeah, it was hellish for a while but meeting family and his friends was good as it gave us a chance to heal and remember him. Made some new friends and that was nice as well as unexpected xxx
  18. Hi hun, hope you are well. Missed you. Take care xxxx
  19. Hey, hello!! Sorry I've not been around, not been so good lately. Hope you're ok. Miss you millions. Take care xxx
  20. Is ok hun, my cousin died unexpectedly and this has left me feeling rather low. It was a shock as he was only a year younger than me and we were very close as kids. The funeral was last week and was lovely (a pagan celebration). Getting there tho. Hope you're ok. Miss you millions xxxxx
  21. Been doing that myself but that was down to the appalling weather I reckon xxx
  22. erm where've you been honey ????? Missed you anyway :-) xxxx
  23. What area is this can you give me a link and I'll take a look at it for you. Only just got your message so sorry for the delay. Naomi
  24. Thanks for dropping by hun. I too hope that the release of DA3 will include a proper toolset and Character Generator. This would enable us all to make the wonderful adaptations and changes that DAO let us do. A big fail on EA's part. Hopefully they will listen to us users and do something about it.

    Take care honey xxx

  25. In my experience lol, it is usually the only way to do things. Take out the obvious and if they're not the problem makers then take out all the rest except for cosmetics and start again. Time consuming but it works. Then send the creator a pm with a list of mods you have on and a description of the problem (along with any other mods that also cause the same problem if any). They're usually cool people and will look into it and try to replicate the problem to sort it. Sorry but sometimes the tried and tested methods are the only ones to go with lol. Have fun xxx
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