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Everything posted by naomis8329

  1. I tend to be a mage or rogue as I love magic and archery. I use dual weapons as back up. For 2 they've revamped the combat system so it should be interesting
  2. I only use three companion mods and stick to those. I guess that's why I love DAO so much you have 8 companions, all with different skills and use them for different situations
  3. I love Oblivion and DAO. Have a copy of Fallout, yet to install it
  4. lol, well I hope you obtain that which you seek
  5. Thank you for dropping by. Why are you seeking 5746, is this a treasure hunt???
  6. I tend to be the one they come to with things they want to talk about, basically the den mother. I have quite a few friends and care about all of them. They are cool and we get on both in the forums and chat.
  7. Cool honey, I'm friends with quite a few and a good friend too. I'm sure you'll find out in time. Look forward to talking to you xx
  8. what an interesting comment. I'm very active and I'm also very good as anyone can attest in Chat. Other than that I'm confused as to the meaning of the comment
  9. Hi honey, loved speaking to you the other day. Thought I'd drop by and say hello as I've not been in chat for a while. Hope you're ok xx
  10. Hi honey, hope you're ok. Will most probably drop into chat sometime today. Miss ya
  11. Hello honey, better today, will pop in and say hi later xx
  12. Hi hun, thanks for dropping by thought I'd return the peek and say hello. Hope you're ok, speak soon
  13. Hi honey, what's going on?? you been banned from chat or something. Miss you honey xx
  14. Howdy honey, thanks for dropping by. Miss ya xx
  15. Hate blank walls. Saw you'd dropped by so thought I'd pop in to say hello. Welcome and hope you enjoy the Nexus. Take care
  16. Hi honey, hope you're ok. Noticed you popped in so thought I'd drop by and say hello. Thinking of you xx
  17. Thank you for dropping by honey, hope you're ok and will speak to you in chat sometime.

    Take care

  18. Thanks for dropping by Lon, hope you are ok. Speak soon
  19. Have you been using him quite a lot to get rid of unwanted stuff??? He is capped and seems like you may have reached his limit. He will be accessable again on Fort Drakon but until then you will have to use one of the other vendors. I tend to have Indorils Pocket Plane as there are 3 more merchants there and use them to get rid of the things I dont need so I don't over use Bodhan. Not much else you can do unless you have the Dailish trader. The Pocket Plane also has a merchant that sells ingredients so it may be worth considering. Hope this helps
  20. She's got school honey, send her a text if you need to lol
  21. No but like I said family politics are just that lol. I now hear the pounding of not so tiny feet as my own wonders are heading down the stairs in search of sustenance lol. I'll speak to you later xx
  22. I come from a pretty well off family shall we say so in their eyes I did marry beneath me and its never been forgiven. Their problem not mine so I deal with it. They nearly all live in the States now as a result of my sponsorship but that doesn't seem to count for much either, but as they say you can choose your friends not your family xx
  23. Oh but that's just it honey, I married beneath me so got written out of the will for the 1st time lol. Happened a few other times since then too I can tell ya xx
  24. Oh wait that's what a mum is lol
  25. Will do in a bit, gotta get said kids up for school, feed and make sure they have bus passes etc etc etc. Sure they think I'm their personal butler xx
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