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Everything posted by naomis8329

  1. My fault coz I got married, had kids and moved out of the family home, go figure xx
  2. well I got my memories even if they don't have them to share also xx
  3. I'll try to pop in later, my socialising isn't up to much at the moment as I feel pretty crap (families and the like). Will try to cheer up and drop in xx
  4. Apparently my youngest sister doesn't remember all the things we did together when she was little, I'm 15 years older than her and I looked after her and my other youngest sister all the time. Played with them, took them out and taught some not so nice people not to pick on them lol. Apparently there are no photos of us together and this is my fault (yeah right)
  5. Gonna try out DAO on this GC and see if it works ok, so I can go and recklessly kill things, if not I'll go nuts until I can get the GC for the other machine lol
  6. Feeling pretty gutted after conversations with my folks and my youngest sister have not gone well. Families are great aren't they xx
  7. I would also suggest using my collection of dragons but I think they may think the sheep are a buffet lunch xx
  8. Either that or we create our own, got enough sheep just need to train them
  9. I'm debating which circus to join and whether to just hide in general or go "poof" and disappear for good xx
  10. running round trying to sort out a couple of problems. I seem to be the den mother, and problem solver for just about everyone bar the UN peacekeeping force lol. Having a wonderful time with this PC (NOT) and debating whether to just run off and join a circus xx
  11. It is working, it says "not responding" whilst it is installing the override. Some can take seconds and others a few minutes. Leave it to run and it'll suddenly say "override compatible". The same can happen with the larger mods whilst installing them through DAO Mod Manager. You just let them run and it'll say "mod installed". You get used to it and eventually you will recognise which ones will take longer than others. Larger override files and dazips all carry textures and meshes within them of varying sizes. The larger the file the longer it takes to install the files to the correct place. Hope this helps you somewhat Naomi
  12. Well my Radeon 4650 blew this morning not a happy bunny. After all I did to get it working too lol. So its now 2 GCs I need. I hate technology at times...
    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. HazardHighlanders2011


      i know what you mean.
    3. CheeseyBall


      Ah, well. Let's hope the problem sorts itself out soon.

      *Kicks back on sofa and waits for problems to disappear*

    4. Illiad86


      aww how that happen? :( Haven't popped a GPU to date...my RAM always likes to go lol...
  13. Thank you for popping in, thought I'd leave a message as your wall is so bare lol. Take care Naomi
  14. Just as an aside, not being a PC professional in any way, shape or form lol. I have a secondary disk in a Windows XP machine (which is 8 years old). When I had the second hard drive installed it uses a SATA cable and needed Raid controllers to work. I've recently had to do a total wipe of my C: and reinstall of just about everything, however to cut a long story short the second drive would not show up until I installed the RAID controllers, hey presto there it was. It may not be relevant here, but I thought it was worth a shot as the lady's system is an oldish one like mine.
  15. Have you looked in the Options tab in game. You change your keys there, I've never changed the esc button so can't remember if you can do it. However, that's were I change my keys so have a go. Let me know if it works. Naomi
  16. Hi honey, I had noticed yes, but don't know how to correct it lol. I'm fighting with DAO at the moment, works beautifully up till Ostagar and then the textures and meshes go wild when I reach the Kokari Wilds, blocks of colour no trees etc, really weird and driving me nuts lol. Speak soon xx
  17. No hun, log into steam using your usual account and go to your games library, everything will be in there and you will be able to download them again. Mine were so I don't see why your's shouldn't be lol xx
  18. Thank you honey, much appreciated. Hope you're ok. Speak soon xx
  19. Hi honey, hope you're ok. Thinking of ya me xx
  20. Hell's teeth whatever's happened its upsetting but on saying that certain things don't surprise me. Speak soon
  21. looks like the sheep mentality is not prevalent here lol, they all have minds of their own, hurray xx
  22. Given you another one as I hate odd numbers lol. Take care me xx
  23. I'm doing okay thanks hun, still mucking around with DAO and hopefully it will work for me on this machine.
  24. Howdy honey, hope you're okay not spoken for a while. Been a little tied up with the PC, so hopefully will catch up with you soon. Take care and stay safe, love ya Naomi xx
  25. thought I'd drop by and say hi and thank you for adding me as a friend. Hope you're ok. Take care Naomi
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