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Everything posted by hucker75

  1. So what's with the vanilla game calling you naked when you wear underwear? I had to get addons for proper nudity. Is this because it's American?
  2. I had to go through all my mods a few times and remove some offending ones which caused crashes. A very tedious few hours turning off bunches off them to see what improved it. It's worth it when you get a crash free game.
  3. In my previous playthrough, I obtained a powerfist which went buggy. Punching anyone sent them flying several hundred metres through the air, usually killing them or almost. I also obtained a fusion cell gun which shot some kind of explosive liquid, that was fun too.
  4. 1) No armour, no power armour, no clothes, ouch those bullets hurt. 2) Building a load of bridges / treetop trails throughout the entire commonwealth using a mobile workshop mod, then lining them with fusion reactors, streetlamps, and missile turrets. Anyone else do anything similar?
  5. Nothing specific to markers. This quest marker is showing incorrectly as the last building I came out of. Looks like it didn't notice I exited the building? In another mod, I've had quests briefly (10 seconds) move the marker to a random position and back. In about 5 other mods, I've had quest markers take a while to show up. In about 5 other mods, I've had them not show up at all. I'm inclined to blame an overloaded system - a couple of hundred mods and a slow GPU (although the CPU is a Ryzen 9).
  6. I use the mod "Bodyswap" - https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/10233 This enables me to create, using a chemistry station, an "outfit" which appears naked. I successfully edited it with Fo4edit to change the armor rating of the naked outfit from 50 to 0, to be more realistic. But my problem is NPCs think I'm wearing a vaultsuit. I think what I changed for the armour rating was in bodyswap.esp, armor, bsmaleuncircclean, then altered the 50s to 0s in armor rating, energy resistance, and radiation resistance. Further up I see keyword vaultsuit and so forth, but I don't know what to change here. I want NPCs to think I'm "naked", as in the vanilla underwear thing, not make comments about the vaultsuit I'm not wearing. Also a barefoot mod I use that changes the sounds as he runs doesn't activate when it doesn't realise I'm naked. I was going to ask in the mod's posts section, but it appears nothing has been answered in over a year.
  7. All the vanilla quests are ok, but a few of my mods don't have quest markers, when everyone else says they do. And sometimes they're in weird places, like the building I just came from instead of where I should be going, as though it hasn't noticed I've exited the building. Any ideas?
  8. No idea, but my synths were doing the same. With Carla it was definitely only one settlement, but that may just be it was on her path somewhere. If I used the console to move her to the other side of it, she kept on walking. Both her and the settlement were friendly to me, but my turrets shot her on sight. There are friendlies, I often shoot a passing trader by mistake who is fighting an enemy, or more often his robot assuming it's a rust devil one.
  9. They eat birds. I like birds. Cats are not welcome. I only shoot people that shoot me, but often some idiot walks in front of my gunfire aimed at someone else and gets angry and starts shooting me. I was trying to protect them. So I kill them too. I've also killed Trashcan Carla, because she somehow became enemies of one of my settlements. I think EVERYONE is working for the institute..... Crows, traveling merchants, Mayor of DC. (who is a synth....) etc. I sided with the institute, then when they started attacking my settlements, I went into the institute, shot everyone I could find, then keep shooting synths I find in the commonwealth. But they refuse to become enemies of me.
  10. I have this overwhelming desire to shoot both cats every time I go to the Nakano residence to go to Far Harbour.
  11. I often paste a command from a text file into the Fallout 4 console. Sometimes I'll think it's got what I need in the clipboard from earlier, but I've got something non-text in there, from say copying files. Nothing happens in Fallout 4, so I go to copy it from the text file and find I cannot even copy and paste into the same text file. Restarting the clipboard service (from a google search) doesn't fix it, only restarting windows.
  12. Gen1 synths (the ones that don't wear Synth Uniforms) in the Commonwealth attack Settlers and Provisioners in the vanilla game.. it's not a "bug" actually. Are those Missle Turrets? Because they can easily hit a friendly NPC (like Carla) who will then turn hostile to them. I think she'll calm down eventually.. Surely it's a bug - the synths are on my side! Why are they attacking my settlers? I'm referring to the plain white ones that hang around on checkpoints for example. Not the ones that look human ish. Yes, I use missile turrets. Yeah I guess it could have been an accident. Some NPCs get so worked up about a bit of friendly fire.
  13. Every so often I see one of my settlements attacking friendlies. The last two were: Synths (I'm on the institute side) fighting with settlers in the ghoul tarberry pool settlement. Abernathy Farm turrets firing on Trashcan Carla. None of the above tries to attack me. Any solutions?
  14. Fixed it after tediously messing around. Strangely: Disabled all mods. Loaded latest save. Still broken. Loaded save from 2 hours ago. Mods still all disabled. Works. Gradually added mods back in, failed when https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/38162 Finding Barry Ellery enabled. Enabled all but Barry Ellery, older save ok. This is the strange bit - latest save now works with only Barry Ellery disabled, but it didn't work with everything disabled.
  15. Fixed it after tediously messing around. Strangely: Disabled all mods. Loaded latest save. Still broken. Loaded save from 2 hours ago. Mods still all disabled. Works. Gradually added mods back in, failed when https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/38162 Finding Barry Ellery enabled. Enabled all but Barry Ellery, older save ok. This is the strange bit - latest save now works with only Barry Ellery disabled, but it didn't work with everything disabled.
  16. Many NPCs (maybe 1 in 6, and usually all in one area) have started saying "It's good to see you again, hope you are doing well", to which I reply with the same, both are unvoiced. Does anybody recognise where that came from? A bugged mod perhaps? It stops them conversing as they should. P.S. occasionally I get "Katy is bored" even though I'm not speaking to whoever Katy is. Also it's now got so bad I can't talk to anyone. I just get "It's good to see you again, hope you are doing well" very single time.
  17. Every so often I have problems with traders in my settlements just not trading. They just say hello how are you or something. I can find no definitive answer on how to fix this. Some people say fast travel away and back, some say shops don't work outside an invisible boundary that's within the normal green buildable area. Is there a mod or could one be made to either fix it, or at least show me where the shops will be ok? P.S. just noticed it's happening with non traders. And now it's got really bad and every NPC with the exception of a few that really wan to talk are all saying "It's good to see you again" Occasionally I got "Katy is bored" even though I'm not speaking to whoever Katy is.
  18. I've found several "need to eat" mods, but they don't do what I'm after. They make things too realistic. I like the way I can get shot and eat food to recover. What I want is the HP to gradually reduce, simulating the need to eat. Anything do this? Please don't say "use survival mode" - I don't want to change all sorts of other things and have to adjust them back with more mods.
  19. Two buttons? What about dodging the enemy's bullets and taking a stimpak? No, with some weapons it takes a while to reload.
  20. Well, do it yourself or give up on the whole thing. Because everyone else knows it's a terrible idea. As I said before, it can only be done from the start. EXAMPLES PLEASE. Do your own research.
  21. Sounds like that's for depth of field (focussing), not field of vision (peripheral vision).
  22. First method I tried. Firstly you get the problem of the edges missing with high FOV, also it tends to forget.
  23. I thought one track mind meant thinking about sex all the time. Well, that would distract you from reloading as well, especially if you were in combat with a bunch of women. :D (or, whatever sex you happen to be attracted to. :smile: ) According to the Brotherhood of Steel, most of the commonwealth are attracted to animals. Apparently this is illegal in real life. Haven't we all seen the infamous Pamela Anderson + horse picture? Ok I'm showing my age, that was in the 90s. It should be an option. I can understand you liking realism, but I have too many different buttons to press as it is. I want to press one mouse button to fire until the ammo runs out. I think of myself making the character's decisions, but allowing his subconscious to do things like not trip over a rock, reload the weapon, etc. Fallout New Vegas had a 'weapon condition' system. Condition would degrade with use, and you would need to 'repair' it occasionally, to keep it in good working order. Drop below a certain threshold, and problems would appear, the worse the weapon condition, the more problems you would have, until it simply wouldn't function at all. Not a perfect imitation of 'real world' dynamics, but, kept things interesting. :D Sounds good. Also I think armour should degrade. And show it, so you can see the dents and holes in your enemy and know you can easily destroy them. (It does this already with power armour pieces falling off).
  24. You just made that up. 'Rubbish' in this context is subjective and doesn't always correlate with number of downloads. Again, you just made that up. Nothing is made up, it's from reading the posts tab in mods. Popular mods will have lots of downloads and lots of discussion. I'm not a programmer, writing in English is more useful. It could be done for the next modable game.
  25. I've tried every method of setting FOV. All have problems. Mainly you get undrawn bits of screen round the edges. The only way that works is to use NAC mod to set the FOV. This works until you change cell or open and close the pipboy, then the game forgets. Then I use the Hotkey mod to use one key to enter "fov 130 130" into the console. I'd like for this to fire every so often, say twice a minute, as it doesn't tax the machine much at all. Things are probably made worse by me using a 4:3 monitor, which for some reason Bethesda thought people didn't have in 2015.
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