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Everything posted by Alexspeed

  1. You miss out on a good Story and a good game, but i hope you have fun with whatever game you prefer more =)
  2. Those buttons must be laptop specific, and that they work means they have a driver somewhere installed. Check your software for Programs from the Manufacturer of the Laptop to see if there is some configuration software for those buttons installed. There should be normally one. If you cant find such a software, seach your drivers and running processes, and disable them there if you find them. if you cant locate the drivers either, check with the manufacturer of your Laptop, they should have guides and help sites or atleast a technical support where you can get the specific answer for your specific laptop. Some Laptops even have a switch somewhere on the back or bottom to disable such keys (but not all).
  3. YAY http://e.deviantart.net/emoticons/b/boogie.gif http://e.deviantart.net/emoticons/b/boogie.gif http://e.deviantart.net/emoticons/b/boogie.gif http://e.deviantart.net/emoticons/b/boogie.gif http://e.deviantart.net/emoticons/b/boogie.gif http://e.deviantart.net/emoticons/b/boogie.gif http://e.deviantart.net/emoticons/b/boogie.gif YAY Thank you for the responses and i cross my fingers you get it working :thanks:
  4. There is hope: http://dragonagemodding.wordpress.com/2009/11/30/tease/
  5. Ive seen it, ive commented it, i welcome it if it is what it seems and if its working right =) Thank you!
  6. Thank you for reporting back how you got it working! Here is a thread with allmost the same problem and the same solution: http://thenexusforums.com/index.php?showtopic=166241
  7. It seems to be a Bug, maybe related to using the consloe or the toolset. Ive found a solution with using the console: "you'll need to enable the console and enter in runscript zz_orz_debug" I havent verified if that is working, but you could try it. Here is a the thread where i found the solution: http://social.bioware.com/forum/1/topic/58/index/330371 Additional Info might be found here: http://social.bioware.com/forum/1/topic/58/index/275974
  8. Hm, i am not sure i can help you but i shall try. The thing that couses this bug seems to be either the toolset itself or that one uses the console with a "runscript selectparty" command to add or remove party members. Thats more or less all i could find out doing a quick search on that topic. There are several Threads on the official forums you might want to check out. No solution guranteed. Thats the biggest thread i found about it: http://social.bioware.com/forum/1/topic/47/index/163914 and those are others with the same problem: http://social.bioware.com/forum/1/topic/9/index/317255 http://social.bioware.com/forum/1/topic/47/index/94222 http://social.bioware.com/forum/1/topic/47/index/200249 there are even more to find if you search the forums. Thats the best solution i found: use it at your own risk. EDIT: Here are 2 other threads that could be helpfull: http://social.bioware.com/forum/1/topic/58/index/222041 http://social.bioware.com/forum/1/topic/58/index/177925
  9. Thank you for reporting the solution, this might be helpfull to quite some pepole. (including for myself with a german keyboard layout)
  10. Everyone plays with the skills he likes, if he likes Feign death, so why not let him play with it? The game offers many ways to use skills effectivly and many tactics you can choose from. Requesting a mod that lowers the cooldown of this skill is perfectly reasonable for me.
  11. well ok, but even Sten is bigger then her, how does the game engine work with sten then and not with a golem the size of sten?
  12. You could think that, but its not that simple actually (atleast not with .dazip-Files), read my guide to learn more about it ( link )
  13. Hey great to have you here, i hope there will be more pepole making use of your skills soon =) all the best Alex
  14. Hi and welcome here =)
  15. Well the .dazip files are a blessing and a burden in my opinion. They make it quite easy to install a Mod, this cant be doubted, (i still prefer to copy into the override folder tough), but there is no easy way to uninstall what you installed jet. In my Guide i covered the 2 Methods that i know of to get rid of them completly (thanks to the contributors that let me know) But a REAL Uninstaller would help so many Mod users and would definatly also help reduce future problems with conflicting mods. If anyone gets Information about a uninstaller or additional (hopefully Easy) ways to get rid of a mod installed via .dazip-files (that are not covered jet in my guide) PLEASE let me know so i can add that most helpfull info into my guide. Thank you for your Attention :thanks:
  16. I second this, i consider myself mentally fit to rate a mod fairly, and i have not much knowledge about how to mod. I dont think its about if you know how to mod, its more about manners and if you are able to give fair feedback. There are alot of good points tough in your posting Vagrant =)
  17. Well i would like to see the size of Shale reduced to pocket size, like a pet, wouldnt that be awesome? A cute mini golem that hits your enemies like a big one? Or even smaller, so she fits in the inventory and you can just throw her out and make one hit kills with her? ... ... ... ok this was oviously a joke :teehee: She needs to be bigger, i know its explained in the story that she was bigger once and all... but i still want a BIG Golem =)
  18. I think the comment in your signature is from Mark Twain, am i right? =)
  19. Thats what he says why he would want to replace the model. I can understand him i am also not a big fan of that special armor, there are many better looking ones that are in the game.
  20. Allright i thought so, thank you for helping me =) :thanks:
  21. You want to play on the pc right? just to be sure =) 1. You can change the keybindings in the options Menue of the game, not sure if it will accept YOUR specific input devices, but i assume it should when these are working and have correct drivers in windows. 2. It is 3D yes, but it isnt a "Free roam" Game like Oblivion or Fallout 3, you have a Map and Locations, and you travel between them with loading screens. You can scroll in and out with the mousewheel so the distance is variable.
  22. Thats nice of you, thank you and hello as well. :thanks: May i sak you a question? Or anyone who might have the time to answer... Ive seem members that have Titles under their pictures, like you have "Tu Pordenta" ... i couldnt find that in the options, so i guess its a postingcount activated feature or earned through something else? I am sure there is somewhere a help topic about it but i havent located it jet =)
  23. Would you settle for unequipping them outside combat? It has a few minor issues here and there, but nothing game-breaking, and otherwise works perfectly. Here is the Thread for this request: http://thenexusforums.com/index.php?showtopic=163612 And i dont want to settle for that mod, i want a toggle via inventory screen to make it visible and invisible. :smile:
  24. Well i havent played the game jet enough to give you a big comment on it, i spent most of my time on my guide and learning stuff for the toolset and trying to help others with problems... maybe i should get to the game and play it sometime :P But my facts: Its not the game that i expected it to be, i am a big Baldurs Gate Fan and this has in my opinion as much to do with Baldurs Gate, as Need For Speed games have to do with searious racing simulations. There is no D&D Rulework more behind the game, the lore is ... well not bad, but not the huge backstory that BG had. It is in its own surely a good game with some flaws. But to name it a sucsessor of BG is in my eyes nothing more than a Marketing Gag with nothing behind it. The combat is too fast in my opinion, i liked allways turn based encounters, but well i guess real time sells better and most pepole like it more. The graphics are nice, but not outstanding and the outside aereas i saw deffinattly left me unimpressed if not dissappointed. The Faces and the Inside Aereas look good from what i have seen jet. Besides that i deeply hate Electronic Arts, i absolutly hate that company and now they bought Bioware, a company i allways loved... i am not sure what to think about it, but i think the "turn to the Evil side" has allready begun for bioware, with that laughable Social site with a million flaws, and the DLC that is ... very moderate to a not so moderate price, and i guess its only there so you have to register your game if you want it and that makes your game unsellable if you want to resell it (not that i do, but in general). As you said you feel like the game was rushed, it deffinatly was, they had even to make a callback action in germany and austria (not sure bout other countries) for the games in retail becouse they somehow messed up something with the discs that made them unplayable, at least thats what they said. I am sure Bioware wants the best and wanted the players to have a good game but i am also sure EA pinned them down to a release on time and there wasnt enough time to get everything fixed and finished. All in all i guess it was a quite solid release, ive seen many more worse lately, Section8 and Borderlands just to name 2 that had quite some trouble on the pc. And the toolset... i wait for the version that will actually work on my pc. hm... well thats mostly all what i can say about the game... its like eating a big bowl of ice cream that has small stones in it... it can be delicious but you have to be carefull not to swallow a stone... that can ruin the whole experience... I surly will play more, and till the end, but i am pretty sure this game wont be a keeper for all time for me like it oblivion for example was. about this thread: ... i wonder... how is this Thread different from the one in this same forum: "So, how do you like Dragon Age?" isnt it about the same... maybe this could be merged with the other tread? or did i overlook something?
  25. Oh i am glad you could resolve your issue, and i am even glader you let us know how you got it working so it may benfit others. :thanks: and have fun playing DA =) @ cartman2790: can you please give more details about your problems? - What operating system are you on? - Have you Admin rights with the windows account you use and acsess to all folders/files the installer could use? (including desktop) - Maybe a third party program is blocking the daupdater? - If you have a Log from your daupdater could you post it please? (second tab, after the install failed or sucseeded there should be a deatailed log there) - Did you experience this with all .dazip-files or just with a specific one? - Have you installed or messed with the toolset? - Have you other Mods installed? - Have you tried the things i told Lumines to try out?
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