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Everything posted by Alexspeed

  1. Thats the location where the story.xml should be, under WinXP, it has the name of your character in front of it. But from what i read it seems your install is somehow messed up. Is it a download version or a retail install? Have you messed with the Toolset? If you can i would say try a complete uninstall and then check for leftover files in your "C:\Documents and Settings\YOURNAME\My Documents\BioWare\Dragon Age" Folder, in fact the Dragon Age Folder should be gone with the uninstall too. If not delete it. When all is cleared then reinstall the game, it should work. if not then something else is messed up. I just would not know what exactly. well i dunnow if that helps somehow, but thats my 2 cents, good luck.
  2. I can relate, gone through something comparable when tried to install the toolset. I am waiting too for the next version, didnt felt like spending more time on trying to fix something that gets fixed by bioware with the next version, and i dont need the toolset really bad so... i wait. Thank you for summing it up & the links =)
  3. I read: you want to see him die by the claws of darkspawn as he says: "Enchantment?" admit it :biggrin:
  4. Be aware that reading below will reveal a link to a website containing Spoilers for the whole game.
  5. No sorry only admins or moderators (?) can change topic titles. you could ask one to do that for you.
  6. Granted, you know now what you want to wish for, unfortunatly (for you) its the wish to jump from a big building without a parachute. I wish rbrophy2 had a parachute when jumping from that building :biggrin:
  7. nice pictures here, i like it =)
  8. That i will do in another topic. Otherwise it can´t be found through the title. Even better then :yes:
  9. I also had problems installing the Toolset under XP SP3 with SQL errors. I know there are ways to fix it, if you look in the official Forums, you will find threads there about it. I decided to wait for the next release of the toolset.
  10. Thats cool, maybe include also the remapping of the "Print Screen"-Key to one of the F-Keys becouse that one dosent work all the time for taking screenshots. :thumbsup:
  11. THIS sums up quite well what i think everytime when i look into the debates forum. Ive read a good part of the active threads in here, and it is aggravating me, and makes me loose my faith in humanity (the little that is still there). I dont want to explain it further, it could lead to a Ban. I guess i will just dont read this Forum any more, problem solved.
  12. Sitebot watches old Babylon5 episodes all day and gets away with it
  13. glad you are here john =)
  14. Well first let me say your English isnt that bad, i had no problems understanding what you want. sadly i know of no morrigan face replacer that changes the hair like you want it to, but i have found this: http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=210 it changes the whole head including the hair to another one. so it should be possible then that you use morrigans hairstyle for your character and morrigan looks different. its not exactly what you requested but maybe an alternative =) maybe one of the modders can make exactly what you want, i cant. have fun, hope it helped anyway. :smile:
  15. yes extracting works, here you can find tools for this: http://social.bioware.com/wiki/datoolset/i...arty_extensions hope someone takes up your request, i cant becouse i am no modder myself =)
  16. Sitebot was once the first Troll that trolled here, but instead of getting banned he got integrated into the Forum and has to post here all the updates - now thats a fair punishment isnt it?
  17. Thank you i am honored =)
  18. I heared rumours that Sitebot knows the cure for cancer and aids but keeps it to himself becouse he hates this thread.
  19. another friendly bump so it dosent get overlooked =)
  20. the reason is that modified or created meshes cant be reimported into a format that the toolset can read, as far as i know. pepole are working on it, it will be done sooner or later =)
  21. This is exactly what i was looking for. Very nice, thanks. Looks like i will have to wait for it to release then. or you could help beta test it =)
  22. I urge anyone who feels capable enough to help with this so its finished as fast as possible =) come beta testing :D :banana:
  23. i can just say that i fully support this tool and i am allready betatesting it, come join us it will help us all to be easily able to install/uninstall mods with it. register for beta now! =)
  24. some really cool screens here, keep posting the good stuff, and upload them too in the image section here: http://www.dragonagenexus.com/members/imageshare/add.php as soon as i have time to actually play the game i will upload some too =)
  25. sorry i have no experience with this mod, have you read the comments section of the mod for tipps and/or asked the autor for help with it?
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