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Everything posted by Alexspeed

  1. I hope that till chrismas there is a better and updated toolset for DA and a uninstaller for .dazip files aviable =) Other than that i hope to still expand and update that guide till then and hopefully it will be of help to many pepole, thank you. :thanks: but before this thread gets in another direction than it is intended to, btt: I for myself have no problem with a rating system with a delay, be it 3 hours or one hour, i think the delay system is necessary becouse there, excuse me for that, are too many dumb pepole out there in the world, and this delay will prevent most of them to give bad/unjustified ratings. If you like mods you allways come back to this site and rate the file you downloaded the next time you check for updates, if you liked or disliked it. The delay makes the ratings worth more in my opinion. But i can only speak for myself. =)
  2. As far as i know you cant get in there again if you finished the main quest there, and i also know of no mod that had changed this till now. sorry. If this could be modded it would be highly appreciated, not only by me, i am sure :smile:
  3. Thank you :thanks: , i am sure i will find my way in the "not-mod-threads" when time permits :biggrin: I know you from somewhere... no this is not a pickup line :sweat: , i have seen you in another Forum i am sure :biggrin: Nice to meet you here and thanks for the welcome :thanks: Hi Branimirzg, nice to meet you too :thanks: I am glad you liked the Guide, i hope it can help many beginners getting to mod their game :thumbsup: becouse (almost) every modder started as mod-user ;)
  4. NP, if i want one for oblivion atleast i know where to go, thank you :biggrin:
  5. sure that isnt for Oblivion? looks like a oblivion forum to me there, but i dont know the site, so i may be wrong
  6. Well hello there, i have posted quite a bit but just now i realized that i havent made a "Hi i am here"-Posting... so here it is :biggrin: I know the nexus since i played Oblivion or Morrowind, not quite sure about when exactly and i know i registered as a member when the Fallout Nexus started. But just now with Dragon Age i started to be involved here. Meanwhile i am posting and trying to be helpfull and even wrote a Guide for the Article Section on danexus =) (link in sig) My Name is Alex, i am from Austria, i am 33 and try to be allways helpfull and open minded. I am not a modder myself yet, but i am an experienced Mod User. I know quite a bit about Computers because i sold hardware for part of my life. I am good with Photoshop and Painter and with my Camera, Pen Tablet and real drawing on Canavas. I play PC Games since i can hold a mouse and i have no console and probably never will =) At the Moment i play Dragon Age and after that i most likly start again with Oblivion. I guess thats all that is to know about me, hi to everyone :D Cheers Alex
  7. LOL that pic is worth a million, if i had a cat i would totally get it in armour :D Someone make a cat mod pleaze *purr* ? :teehee:
  8. I agree every class should have a way to deal with locked chests... i mean you can slay a dragon... but that tiny box is lauging at you at your inability to get it open...
  9. You know if you expand that alittle and work on it you could make a article out of it and put it into this category maybe more pepole will notice it then =) just an idea :thumbsup:
  10. Sorry i dont have an answer for you becouse i dont have the toolset myself, but i am sure someone in the Builder Troubleshooting Subforum might be able to answer you that question, i myself think its possible to duplicate an item with the toolset. Here is a guide for the Console, it has many options, not sure if there is one to duplicate items, please check yourself: http://www.dragonagenexus.com/articles/article.php?id=17 The console needs to be enabled first see this article if you need help with that: http://www.dragonagenexus.com/articles/article.php?id=16
  11. Hmm, i never run into that problem, maybe becouse i have turned the music in the options way down i guess. I dont know of a way to make just the battle music more silent, i think its linked with the background music. If you maybe have the collectors edition you have the soundtrack on the second disc, you could run this sountrack in a media player in the background while playing and turn the ingame music off, that should solve the problem but its not dynamic music any more of course. Hope that helped at least somehow =)
  12. From what i know its possible with the toolset to make new locations on the worldmap, but i have no clue as how to make it becouse i havent used it jet. What you describe is a Problem that was described in the official bioware forums by several users, i remember reading about it but i am sorry i dont remember reading about a solution, maybe ty checking the official forums and searching about "Stone Prisoner" or "DLC not showing up" or something like that, you will find at least others with the same problem and possibly also a way to a solution. Hope you get it working =)
  13. Have you maybe activated the "Hold Position" button under the character portraits on the left side of your screen? What happens when you open up the character screen and press there the Level Up button (its right, under the stats) ?
  14. Well i have no solutions for you sadly, but i remember reading in the Bioware Forums about the problems you described, i dont remember that i saw any solutions tough. Here are the official Forums Try searching the forum for "Oghren" and for "Wardens keep not showing up" or something similar, i am sure you find at least others that reported the same problems. I wish i could be of more help, i hope you can resolve your problems with the game.
  15. Hers the link to FRAPS incase you have trouble finding it: Click me :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
  16. What operating system are you on? Thats how the correct installment log should look like, atleast on my winXP german machine: 26.11.2009 00:04 - E:\Dragon Age\bin_ship\daupdater.exe, 26.11.2009 00:04 - Found Dragon Age version 1.1 26.11.2009 00:04 - Localization file ..\data\DAUpdater.xml loaded. 26.11.2009 00:04 - Language set to: de 26.11.2009 00:04 - Received Manifest Ready Message from DAUpdaterSvc 26.11.2009 00:06 - Information - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 26.11.2009 00:06 - Information - Processing manifest for: C:\Documents and Settings\Alexspeed\Desktop\Character_Respec_Mod_v1_5-14.dazip 26.11.2009 00:06 - Information - Successfully processed manifest. 26.11.2009 00:06 - Information - Extracting: C:\Documents and Settings\Alexspeed\Desktop\Character_Respec_Mod_v1_5-14.dazip 26.11.2009 00:06 - Information - Location: C:\Documents and Settings\Alexspeed\My Documents\BioWare\Dragon Age\temp\Character_Respec_Mod_v1_5-14\ 26.11.2009 00:06 - Information - Extracted file: Manifest.xml 26.11.2009 00:06 - Information - Extracted file: Contents/addins/WRK_RESPEC_MOD/core/data/WRK_RESPEC_MOD_modcore.erf 26.11.2009 00:06 - Information - Extracted file: Contents/addins/WRK_RESPEC_MOD/module/data/WRK_RESPEC_MOD_module.erf 26.11.2009 00:06 - Information - Extracted file: Contents/addins/WRK_RESPEC_MOD/module/WRK_RESPEC_MOD.cif 26.11.2009 00:06 - Information - Extracted file: Contents/packages/core/data/WRK_RESPEC_MOD_package.erf 26.11.2009 00:06 - Information - Extraction successful. 26.11.2009 00:06 - Information - Install mutex not found. 26.11.2009 00:06 - Information - Installing WRK_RESPEC_MOD folder: C:\Documents and Settings\Alexspeed\My Documents\BioWare\Dragon Age\temp\Character_Respec_Mod_v1_5-14\Contents\packages to: C:\Documents and Settings\Alexspeed\My Documents\BioWare\Dragon Age\packages\ 26.11.2009 00:06 - Information - Installing WRK_RESPEC_MOD folder: C:\Documents and Settings\Alexspeed\My Documents\BioWare\Dragon Age\temp\Character_Respec_Mod_v1_5-14\Contents\addins to: C:\Documents and Settings\Alexspeed\My Documents\BioWare\Dragon Age\AddIns\ 26.11.2009 00:06 - Information - Updating AddIns.xml 26.11.2009 00:06 - Information - Install successful. I used the same mod you have trouble with, exept its an earlier version. Maybe that verion has installing issues? would be weird i think, have you checked the comments of the mod, has someone else the same problems? But i guess it cant be just that mod if you said you tried different mods without sucsess... Have you installed or messed with the toolset? maybe that could have destroyed something? Maybe your Administrator Account dosent have sufficent rights to acsess files on your desktop or execute them there or some third party program is blocking it? I work with my User account that has Administrator rights, not the "Real" adminstrator account, not sure if that helps in any way. Also i have a Guide on installing/uninstalling mods, but your problem i havent covered there, see my sig if you want to. hope you can sort it out =)
  17. You can configure the key in the options under controls too, and the path is "...\My Documents\BioWare\Dragon Age\Screenshots", in there you have 3 folders for different categories of screenshots, the ones you have taken yourself are in the "user" subfolder =)
  18. Thank you for beeing helpfull =)
  19. i am not shy i left you a commet here :P
  20. Thank you buddah for looking into it :smile:
  21. Hi there, my pleasure to visit your Profile =)
  22. Hear hear! :yes: The guide is now updated to Version 1.3 :yes: V1.3 Updated 25-11-09: included a description how to uninstall .dazip files with the Toolset all thanks to Gaias who provided the information! I would be very happy if someone experienced with the Toolset could take a look and confirm that this way is working, also i am not sure if you still have to manually delete files when you use this method. Thanks for reading, hope it helps someone =)
  23. thank you very much ericazwel :thanks: The guide is now updated to Version 1.2 :thumbsup: alot of new information added amog other things
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