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Posts posted by Alexspeed

  1. if you try to get that random encounter for her personal quest... with the assassins sent from madelaine, you can only get that if your standing with her isnt over 60 or so, if youre over that it will just not give you that option.



    see also here: http://dragonage.wikia.com/wiki/Leliana


    Note: Talk to Leliana after Lothering and once her approval is around 30+, make sure to ask her about "minstrels and spies in Orlais." which should prompt a random encounter that starts her quest after you leave camp with her in your party.


    The Marjolaine dialogue may not appear if your approval is too high and/or you are in a Romance with Leliana. In this case, Save and try breaking up with her to see if you get the dialogue. Updating the game to patch 1.02 should also fix this bug.



    [using Console command Cheat] When above mentioned solutions to get Leliana's quest do not work, there is option to use console command to lower Leliana's approval (and rise it after getting the quest). Namely, without quotes, "runscript zz_addapproval 9 -50" lowers Leliana's ("9") approval by 50. To get approval back: "runscript zz_addapproval 9 50". Also, it has to be noted that there is console command "runscript zz_app_debug" that starts approval debug helper where you can lower/raise approval or check some options (like romance) - still this command should be used with uttermost care as a last resort as it could mess up entire game.


    use the console with caution

  2. Well if you would have analyzed the situation logically you would have come to the conclusion that the situation presented is in fact impossible:


    * If the Admin does not correct his misspellings, he must abide by the rule and correct them himself.

    * If he does correct them himself, according to the rule he will not correct them himself.


    Its a Paradox Situation that is logically impossible.


    read more here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barber_paradox



    If anyone dares he can ask further questions here (hopefully logically ones), i am done with mine.

  3. Your goal is to accept the premise and rules that are stated and give a logical answer to the question:


    Suppose there is a Forum with just one Admin, and no Moderators, and that everyone in the Forum keeps his postings in correct spelling.

    Some by correcting misspellings themselves, some by asking the Admin to correct them for them.

    The Admin obeys the following rule: He corrects all and only those misspellings that he gets asked to correct.


    Under this scenario, we can ask the following question: Does the Admin correct his own misspellings?






    (any misspelling is unintentional and not connected to the solving of this question)

  4. I have some more, i havent checked if they are allready on the list:



    Those are all from the WIKI:


    Map tutorial (which also introduces you to 2DA editing)


    Cutscene tutorial


    Level Editor Tutorial


    Scripting tutorial


    Introductory tutorial - An overview of the toolset as a whole


    Module tutorial - how to create a module to work in.


    Area tutorial


    Placeable tutorial


    Item tutorial - very basic


    Creature tutorial


    Conversation tutorial


    2DA Guide


    Tutorial: Adding a Custom Model to Toolset


    Tutorial: Creating a custom placeable from a model


    Tutorial: Reskinning an Item


    Backgrounds tutorial


    Add A New Class Tutorial



    Adding a New Spell Tutorial


    Adding a Location to the Single Player Campaign Tutorial


    Tutorial: idiots guide to adding custom items to singleplayer





    Those are all from beyond ferelden:


    A Start: Creating a Module to Give Your Player an Item


    2DA or not 2DA – Overriding 2DA files


    Common Problems and Mistakes Creating Your First Module


    Preventing the Toolset from Breaking Your Game


    Proper Mods are Important – How to Make Compatible Mods


    Creating a Custom Merchant for The Player’s Camp – Part 1


    Creating a Custom Merchant for The Player’s Camp – Part 2


    Creating a Custom Merchant for The Player’s Camp – Part 3


    Beware the Dangers of module_core


    A Better Way to Check for Existing Items Before Spawning


    How to Make Your Mod Configurable with DragonAge.ini


    [under The Hood] A Closer Look at Items


    Quick Tip – Organize Your Custom 2DAs


    Packaging Your Mod for Release



    Creating a DAModder Package for a Core Override mod


    Sample mod packages for DAModder compatibility


    Installing a Mod with DAModder


    Uninstalling a Mod with DAModder






    Other sites:


    The Secret Behind Item Statistics by weriKK


    Photoshop Map making tutorials Credits to Jason Elford


    SilentCid's Video Tutorials


    Toolset tutorial videos - by DragonAge22


    Qkrchs Toolset tutorials Spanish/English sub






    Custom Item Tutorial Addin by weriKK


    Basic Module Building Tutorial by Bug.Bear (in development)


    Reskinning Example: Mage Robes a PDF tutorial by avantoreon


    Video Tutorial "How to Create an Interior Level with Lighting" by NeverWinter_Girl


    Add set bonus Tutorial - extension for weriKKs Tutorial by _Divine_Divinity_


    Scripting - How to add a codex entry along with an item by crimsoncobra57


    Basic Game Graphics - DA:O Graphics Tweak Guide by Alpharian


    Easier creation of retextured models (new ones) by Adinos


    DATool: DA model manipulator by Adinos


    Retexturing a Armor without Replacing it - by Krayzie_3334


    How to add custom Models to the Toolset - by th3_selectah


    How to add NormalMap, SpecularMask, Tintmask, etc. to your custom model - by th3_selectah


    How to add new Base Types and to make a sheath for your sword - by th3_selectah


    Tutorial on how to alter the damage of Fireball - by Nodrak


    Bending the Command Prompt to your Will - by tazpn


    fbxcmd - tazpns Command Line Tools


    Blender Import-Export Script - by NewByPower


    Dragon Age Editor Wiki in Deutsch (german builder wiki)


    Dragon Age ReadMe Generator by InsanitySorrow


    GDApp - GDA Editor (In Development) by elys


    DAOTlkEdit by MrAloudo


    DA:O Toolset Model Exporter - A 3DSMax script to export mmh.xml and msh.xml files - by ChewyGumball


    Dragon Age Origins - The Missing Manual - General wiki about the game


    The Dragon Age Wiki about the game


    DAToolChest: Builder's Toolchest - by codepoetz


    Custom VFX Library - by Jassper


    Custom VFX Tutorial - by Jassper


    Beerfish Excel utilities - Three spreadsheets that contain DA Toolset info


    Toolset "Out of Memory" workaround by Krayzie_3334


    Item Set Creation Tutorial - by Gralamin


    Eigene Items ins Spiel bringen [Übersetzung Deutsch] - German Translation of weriKKs Custom Player Items In Single Player Tutorial by e2ki




    Thats all ive got at the moment, there are still more, but i have to hunt them down :D


    Sorry for the double ones from the first post if there are any

  5. I see, well when you say it that way then it makes sense to me not to add subcategories,

    i guess the pepole will get bored of modding those faces after a while anyway and then move on to other things =)


    maybe some reorganization of the categories could be made but i am still unsure on what to advise with that,

    time will tell i guess you guys will have planned an overhaul of the categories some time after the initial launch anyway =)

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