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Posts posted by Alexspeed

  1. yeah your right i guess ill have to just do that. thanks again alex! man your everywhere! haha


    Thats what the Speed is for behind my name :P


    Youre welcome, everyone has started sometime with using mods, no need to feel ashamed to ask and learn =)

  2. I feel stupid for even posting this, but I forgot what mods i put in override folder! >_< and its not like the DAzips when you can just update them with DA-updater and they go right in AddIns folder and say the names, I forgot what the names are of the mods I put in my override! how do i figure it out? lol I dont wanna delete the ones i still want!


    Actually thats quite hard to find out if you havent put them in subfolders named as the mod... easiest would be delete all of them and redownload those that you want to have, and when installing them again put each one in a subfolder with a propper name in the override, like i advise pepole to in my guide. that way you know what to delete and what to keep when you wnat to get rid of one.

  3. I remember playing that game on c64, i wonder if i still have the discs and if i have them the data would still be there...

    hmm most likely not, but see the internet saves me from worrying about data loss :P

  4. Please take a look at my guide (link in signature), it coveres alot of what you are asking.


    1.) in the best case nothing besides the file increase, in the worst case you can ruin your game through conflicting or buggy mods, its really not about how much mods you install but if these mods are compatible with each other and if they cause bugs in the game. Also the answer with the force loading cant be answered generally, it all depends on the mod you want to disable.


    2.) all covered in the guide.


    hope that helps =)

  5. Ive seen some stuff about that game and i wonder if it will be now released for pc or not,

    i heared they will and others say they wont, no clue on whats true now.

    If its console only then i wont get it.

  6. I think this should be in the spoiler section. I requested a move.


    Regarding the question you had:


    "During a pseudo random encounter, The Crater, an old human couple and a smoldering crater can be seen. The male human says "It's a boy, Marta! Ten fingers, ten toes! The maker's answered our prayers!" This is obviously a reference to Superman. The ore recovered from the meteor crater can be crafted into Starfang. "



    read more about references/easter eggs here: http://dragonage.wikia.com/wiki/Easter_Eggs


    about the meteor crater here: http://dragonage.wikia.com/wiki/The_Crater

  7. @ Floydian1: sorry i didnt meant to outpost you with my posting or anything, in fact you posted your answer while i still wrote mine =)


    John i agree with the Zip files, altough it surly would be cool if DAModder would support also rar and 7zip, maybe something for the next vacation break ;)

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