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Posts posted by Alexspeed

  1. Version 1.01 of the Toolset has been released!


    The Download is here: http://social.bioware.com/page/da-toolset#downloads


    I just downloaded it fine, its 507MB, took me 20 mins.



    I have added a Mirror for the Toolset Download here: http://www.filefront.com/15109317/DragonAgeToolset1.01.zip/


    Feel free to add more Mirrors if you make one or find one.



    This is from the official Thread at the Bioware Forums: http://social.bioware.com/forum/1/topic/8/index/173428


    Dec 10 Update:

    A new version of the toolset has been posted for download. This is not a patch, it is a brand new installer. What this means is that YOU WILL LOSE YOUR EXISTING WORK IF YOU DO NOT FOLLOW THE STEPS LISTED AT: http://social.bioware.com/wiki/datoolset/i...abase_migration


    If you are upgrading from version 1.00 of this toolset and have database content that you wish to migrate into the new version, you will need to follow a special sequence of steps to preserve it. Builder-to-builder files (extension DADBDATA) are not compatible between the first released version of the toolset and subsequent versions. See http://social.bioware.com/wiki/datoolset/i...abase_migration for more details.


    Please read the information found at http://social.bioware.com/wiki/datoolset/i...ing_the_toolset for more details about how to install the toolset.


    Oh, and by the way, this version contains the full single player database resources!


    end of update


    To sum it up, Read these pages on the Builder Wiki at least before installing or overwriting your toolset!


    - Installing the toolset

    - Database migration

    - Database backup and restore


    Also its probably wise to check this threads!


    - Issues relating to version 1.00 of the toolset (now superseded by version 1.01)

    - Toolset Patch Information



    Also report problems here and ask questions if you have some regarding the new version of the Toolset.

    I most likely cant answer them, but hopefully someone else can =)


    Again be carefull when updating, and doing the database migration so you dont loose your work, read the wiki faq´s they seem to be important on that matter.


    From that little that i understand in regard to the toolset it seems that with the new patch and the new toolset 1.01 the core files got replaced,

    i think that could lead to some searious issues with mods that where made with the old toolset for the pre-1.02-patched DA game, please correct me if i am wrong with this.


    Good Luck for your installation/update of the Toolset =)

  2. I think it's likely an issue with either the format of the screenshot, the filesize, or the dimensions of the image Even when posted in the forums these images do not always show. As explained by LHammonds, opening the image in an editor, and resaving it solves the problem.


    Generally speaking, people should always resize their images before uploading simply because it makes the file size smaller, and assures that if people are seeing the image on a screen resolution smaller than that image, that they can see the whole image (not to mention that many onboard videocards aren't able to handle images larger than 1024x1024). In resizing an image, you also have the added benefit of being able to crop the image to show what you want to show without things like the UI or similar getting in the way. Some loss of image quality won't make things look any worse, and in some cases can actually make things better due to the blurring/softening that can occur when resizing.


    Thank you for the response.

    But, i know all that, it was said before and it dosent solve the issue of thumbnails not showing for me.


    I can´t resize pictures of other pepole before they upload them.... right?


    How does that help solve the issue i reported? Whats with my suggestion?




    Just saw that you just made general statements, excuse me, this constant clicking to make images show up makes me nervous :D

  3. I bring this thread up because i dont want to start a new one, hope thats okay, its about the same thing anyway.


    The thing is i see more and more broken image thumbnails on DANexus, in the mods section and also in the screenshot section.

    Obviously something isnt working with DA Screenshots and this site.


    Now i want to know will this be fixed or not?


    If it cant or wont be fixed, could you at least add some information text to the image upload page ( http://www.dragonagenexus.com/members/imageshare/add.php )

    and any other page where you upload an image to danexus, so pepole will know they should not upload unmodified Screenshots because it wont work?


    Its kina annoying to allways have to klick on the pictures to see, i like to have preview pictures =)



    Here is a Pic to verify my point, and thats just a small section, there are LOTS of images not showing previews.



  4. That sounds indeed messed up, try cleaning up this directories:


    "\BioWare\Dragon Age\AddIns"

    "\BioWare\Dragon Age\packages\core\data"

    "\BioWare\Dragon Age\packages\core\override"


    To really uninstall .dazip Mods you would also need to clean your "Addins.xml" file in "\BioWare\Dragon Age\Settings"

    But thats risky if you dont know exactly what to delete. you can check my guide for help with uninstalling mods (link in sig)


    I would advise you to try to uninstall the .dazip mods you have installed with DAModder, thats the easiest way: http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=286

    And then clean out the override folder manually.

    That should get rid of all installed mods. But be carefull with original DLC, if you delete that you may have to redownload it.


    ALSO if you have the toolset installed that could cause additional complications,

    but i really dont know where to start to look for errors with the toolset because i dont have it installed.


    good luck.

  5. If you apply Patch 1.02 it includes a option that makes it easier for you to redownload your DLC:


    * The options menu now includes a setting to automatically download previously purchased content that is not currently installed.


    You can get the patch here: http://social.bioware.com/page/da-patches



    oh wait you said steam... you should allready have that patch then i guess, look for that setting in the options =)

  6. I tried to locate a Tutorial on this topic and this is what i found:


    - Toolset - How To's and Tutorials - NEWEST:Replacing character creator presets


    - Editing saved characters?


    I think the 2nd Thread should contain a solution to what you want to do, but i dont had time to read through all of it.


    I also found this:


    How to edit a saved game face WITHOUT using toolset morphs


    How to Use a Custom Morph For Your Character


    I hope that helps you =)

  7. I tried to locate a Tutorial on this topic and this is what i found:


    - Toolset - How To's and Tutorials - NEWEST:Replacing character creator presets


    - Editing saved characters?


    I think the 2nd Thread should contain a solution to what you want to do, but i dont had time to read through all of it.


    I also found this:


    How to edit a saved game face WITHOUT using toolset morphs


    How to Use a Custom Morph For Your Character


    I hope that helps you =)

  8. To me that sounds like you downloaded them not from EA/Bioware, is that what you are saying? Have you BOUGHT them legally?

    Have you your own codes for them from the Game-Box or the email from the online store you bought them?


    If you downloaded them from any non-official site youre committing piracy, noone here will help you registering pirated DLC, its against the board rules to even speak about it.


    To authorize a DLC you have bought to go online with your registered EA Profile and register them to your Profile here: http://social.bioware.com/redeem_code.php


    A step by step PDF Guide download is here: PDF DOWNLOAD LINK

  9. :yes: The guide is now updated to Version 1.6 :yes:



    V1.6 Updated 10-12-09: included DAModder section, cleaned up rest of the Article, many small tweaks here and there



    The german Translation will get the update later.


    This is a quite big update with alot of new information mainly about DAModder, several new sections are included:


    --- 3. using DAModder to manage mods

    ----- How to install a Mod with DAModder

    ----- How to uninstall a Mod with DAModder

    ----- How to make a Mod compatible with DAModder


    If you liked the Guide or it helped you please rate it and leave a comment =)


    Thanks for reading, i hope it helps someone.

  10. @Alexspeed

    It would be a good idea to not replace the whole "spell_singletarget.ncs" but simply strip it down to the spell you wish changed, apply your changes and then compile it with a different name which you then reference in the "abi_". In this way you achieve the highest level of compatibility.


    Thank you for the tipps, much appreciated, but i havent made that mod, i just located it and posted it for leapinglizard to see, sorry that wasnt clear from my posting.

    Maybe you want to post that in the mods comment thread so the modder that made is is aware of it? =)


    EDIT: Just saw you did that allready thx =)

  11. Well as far as i know you can get the dog as a mage origin too. (maybe i am wrong, correct me if i am i didnt play as a mage jet)


    You have to get a certain flower in the Korcari Wilds and bring that to the Dogmaster in the camp... that should get you the dog.

    If you are allready out of Ostagar you are out of luck. (unless you want to wait for the new DLC that should make it possible to get dog later in the game)


    I dont know if there is a mod to get you dog after Ostagar jet. cant remember seeing one.

  12. Ya, but that didn't work for me...

    This is what happened:

    I have been using these mods for a while and they always work on new characters.

    I recently took the tutorial at http://social.bioware.com/5339/blog/576/

    Since then, none of my items, aside from Icingdeath & Twinkle, will show up. I have a bunch of new mage robe sets that won't work.

    I tried reinstalling the mods, but no luck.



    Have you made sure you did that at the end of the Tutorial?


    # Unfortunately there is one additional step, due to a bug in the Toolset. Even though we explicitly said to export out stuff without dependent resources, it seems the Toolset still export some files. If these files are not dealt with they can cause serious harm to your game. To remove these files, navigate to "MyDocuments\Bioware\Dragon Age\packages\core\override\toolsetexport\" and delete every single file from this directory. MAKE SURE YOU ARE IN THE RIGHT DIRECTORY!


    also check for the folder Single Player in your documents folder: ".../Bioware/Dragon Age/modules/single player" and delete that if its there.


    Hope that helps =)

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