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Everything posted by NexusComa2

  1. Great. I did notice all the rems. That's a huge re-wright.
  2. This is a very complicated script. Your 1st stumbling block is very easy to spot. I don't mean to be rude but clearly this isn't your work. Decompliling others scripts may be a way to understand a technique but it should never be used as a direct copy. Unless stated that is ok by the original author. There is no way you could release this and be sure you're not breaking the game in some unknown way. You need to re-wright this in your own style. That way you will understand what is totally going on and be sure you're not introducing fatal unknown errors to the game. It would also allow you to trim away the fat so to speak. Pointing your script directly at your task. This is like picking up a brush and repainting a rembrandt trying to use his style as you go. Again don't mean to sound rude ... I hope you understand where I am coming from. Programing is an exact science. There is no kind of works or sort of works to it. You need to completely understand what you are dealing with including resources used. For all you know this script could be based off a simple hack that was changed in the original resource ... leaving you with impossible bugs to track down.
  3. The kit may be able to pull that off. I've done things that took hours to happen. It seems to just keep pushing until it is done. If you're hitting an error it prob due to a reference type being violated in some script.
  4. It's best to do the whole thing in one shot. But not necessarily needed. You can always delete the mesh data and try again. But like I said it's not needed. Just helps load faster. The path thing is for when you have a lot of area and don't like your NPCs wandering around like they are lost or constantly getting hooked on furniture.
  5. Ya this question was too vague. We kind of need to know what you're really thinking of doing to give a real answer. Changing all the static barrels to containers would be a disaster.
  6. I've done it both ways. Large sometimes let things fall through. Small is not necessarily needed. Mid works out pretty well. Nav meshes can also have prefered paths so that is where small-mid size triangles comes into play. Helps the NPCs move around way better without walking into things all the time. Manually navemesing is the way to go. Once you get how to do it is super easy. It's just time consuming. Well worth the time however. It's also best to do the whole thing in one shot. That way you end up with one namesh reference. With custom made prefered paths added all in one. I just dropped down my dots around the edges and some to connect to. Done all in an organized symmetrical way. Then go back light up 3 points and Press A .. exc, exc .. till done. Easy stuff.
  7. Not sure you would really want to do that. But to change some wouldn't hurt. But to answer your question as stated. #1 yes #2 no
  8. I found the flattlen thing works wonders. My mod: Enchanted Ship in a Bottle .. has most every texture remade (and I didn't go light at all). I ran across a few textures that for no apparent reason would crash me out when used. After I flattened them in gimp they worked fine and had a smaller byte count. Then again that mod is in it's own land per say. So it had a lot of freed up ram in that area. However I did go really hard on the graphics for and around the boat itself.
  9. There is a way to fake this. But, you don't have things looking normal around the outside of the lens. You use a black picture with a round transparent hole in the middle then use the FOV command to fake a zoom in effect. A great place to start your research would be a spyglass mod. There are a few here.
  10. akActor.PlayIdle(IdleRitualSkull2) utility.Wait(2.0) akActor.SetOutfit(MonkOutfit)
  11. AA in this contexts stand for Alpha or more the Intensity of the Alpha. It is a rather odd looking hex percentage scale. I love the out of the box thinking here. That's pretty tricky. A combination of both suggestions would be superb. Exp1: 0 = 00 1 = 032 = 05…9 = 17…10 = 1A11 = 1C12 = 1F…99 = FC100 = FF Exp2: 80 in the last two digits would equal 50% transparency. Edit: Well that is normality how that configuration is used per say. Keep in mind this is also used by some programs as a type of general color keymap too. As in a particular alpha setting is used as a program preset flag/indicator. In this case usually both techniques are used at the same time. With a percentage constituting a known value linked to an outcome. Exp: CC has a glowing effect added by the program that is unique to that program.
  12. Also in some/most cases the textures need to be flattened then saved. Don't know if this is your problem but worth a shot. This will also make the file data size smaller.
  13. When you're done with your image in Gimp use the flatten option from the pull down.
  14. Sounds like in the script everything was aimed towards the player and not towards a player veritable who is wearing it. Possibly change that to a generic player veritable you set each time the amulet is equipped. Should fix that.
  15. This is an old bug and has been a problem from the time the 1st follower was ever made by a mod maker.
  16. This stuff is very easy. You already have a working ore in game you can smelt to ingots. This is just a matter of duplicating one and renaming it in the CK. You also need to take a look at items used. Follow the chain back till you have made new versions of everything used by your new ore name. Basically there is "one ore" and it smelts to "one ingot". Everything else in the game is a duplicate by a different name. So it's just as easy to add your own. Look at how everything it being put together and used. You'll get it ...
  17. I use a mod call [ Amazing Follower Tweaks ] while playing. It covers all the gear in depth. I understand you're making a follower. But you may want to check this mod out in game. Good Stuff !!
  18. That looks like the one. Just remove all instances of any type of clothes. Sleeping gear too. If you're using a non standard armor. It may not be set up correctly also.
  19. If he is putting it on it's in his inventory or npc template in the CK. Even if you can't see it.
  20. All npc and followers have a default outfit that is set in the creation kit. Most of the time they will choose the wear the armor that is higher. Depending on other setting for the character they may differ. Anyways try setting the default armor in the creation kit.
  21. Ok that is odd. I'm not the best at this kind of stuff. It looks like the shoes are not set up right. This is how I would go about that. I would use a pair of shoes in the game already by just duplicating and renaming. Then edit the new shoe reference to use the mesh you created. This would also require some edit touch ups in the kit to make sure it is separate from the original reference completely (99% -100% of that should have happen with the name change). I'm not sure how you did what you did. It looks like you added new feet with shoes. That will end up being a problem down the road. Best way would be to go with how the game is doing it with a different mesh on existing shoes. By changing the name you should be still have the the shoes you edited and a new custom set with a new mesh.
  22. No real need for two editors. You simply load or create one main mod - while loading the other mod as an addon. You do all this when you first load up the main mod (the small interface where you choose the mod to edit). Then you copy/duplicate the stuff from the addon mod and save. After that you remove the addon mod when loading up the main mod again. Everything now should be in the main mod. Save again and you're done. Makes some backups when you try this in case you need to try again. I forget now how to remove the addon mod on load ... but it's something like ctrl + delete on the highlighted name in the right hand side of that small interface where you choose the mod to edit. Right under the line where you name the mod. It could be alt + delete ...
  23. That sounds pretty complicated ... All you need to do is load up the bigger one drop the values down until you're satisfied and save it as the little one. That gives you the two you re looking for. 0 being the smaller and 1 being the larger. There is no need to max or min out any value. This is simply a large and small version of a custom body.
  24. Tes5Edit is good to use anyways. Just clean the mod from time to time as you create it. Keeps things in check, makes an auto backup, shows unseen mistakes from the kit .. good stuff. You can clean up by hand any of them click in cell errors too pretty easy.
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