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Everything posted by NexusComa2

  1. Put it in the same cell as the permanent marker. So this can go to any city that is close enough? Or just one city that is the only city you're porting to (a permanent marker)? Loc01 (the permanent marker) is also an XMarker right?
  2. Oh ya one more pit fall of this stuff ... If you're in a quest with a quest follower. That follower is considered part of your group/party and will port with you to the fixed location. But, will not port back to the recall marker. Quest broken ... NPC permanently out of place. Well unless you console fix it but you may as well say it got broken ... There is also when mounted or in combat to consider.
  3. If distance fails it's coming back as 0 so ... if Distance < 7000 is true ... maybe? I don't see where Loc02 is defined or why it's being used ... As for returning the player to the recall marker ... the part of the code would be in your case: Caster.Moveto(RecallMarker) Game.EnableFastTravel() Game.FastTravel(RecallMarker) Why is distance important ... are you testing everyplace for the closest one? Also you have to use fast travel to bring your followers ... unless you don't want them to port with you. Little lost in your logic ... can you explain what you looking to do totally.
  4. I've tried a few times. Then came to the concision if Bethesda had to cut out Mark & Recall to get it working it's not going to be an easy fix. If even possible. two of the best spell Oblivion had ... considering they had to cut levitate also, I'm sure they had to do it this way. Figured it wasn't worth messing with. The one set end teleports works fine. Only thing I've ever noticed was a delay on a message quest NPC as he had traveled halfway across the map.
  5. You just drop an XMarker where you are when you cast the spell. Then use that to port back. You can even leave it there. When you cast the spell from the start again it will move that marker to the spot you're on now and so on. You're basically porting between the two XMarkers. The one you have set always in it's spot and the one you drop/move to where you are when you do the 1st cast. Marking.MoveTo(Caster) The part I was talking about that breaks the game is how this version of the game has messengers. They are spawned and set to run to where you are. If you warp away it needs to be to a game set location or they will just wonder off and not ever complete their task. This can also lead to some delays for them getting to you even if you do have a game set location as they will try to head to that spot (even if they can't ever get there) Then they will re-aim themselves when you warp back with fast travel. Sometimes they will run a longways so when you return it will then take them longer to get to you. This is why you've never seen a working Mark/Recall spells set mod that don't end up breaking the game. The messengers just wonder off the 2nd time you use mark. One of them errors you don't even see and don't happen at any set time ... lol, Nightmare errors. May not even know you just had an error. You just never see that NPC.
  6. This is mine from the Enchanted Ship In a Bottle As far as moving you back on 2nd cast that would be as easy as creating a flag variable ... In my case I test if I was in the ship cell or not. But a simple flag veritable could handle this also. Just make sure to drop a XMarker where you're standing on the 1st cast like my ship code. Int flag = 1 if flag == 1 do this stuff on 1st cast flag = 2 else do this stuff on 2nd cast flag = 1 endif Keep in mind my ship teleport works off the fact the model ship is equipped or not. The model ship is a armor that goes in an unmentionable place :laugh: ... The armor is enchanted (constant effect) and that triggers the OnEffectStart. When the ship (armor) is removed it triggers OnEffectFinish. Basically works like an enchanted ring. Short and sweet, Player and Followers at the same time ... Note: There is a reason the old Mark and Recall spells wasn't added to this game ... Jumping around like this can break the game in some cases. You need to to always go to the same place. You can go there from anyplace but the destination needs to be set permanently. If used like the old Mark and Recall that can be use anyplace it will break the game. Also: If this is used when talking to a NPC they will be transported along with you and your followers.
  7. It's refencing the actorbase for actor. In this case what you're calling deals with data from both. This line says it all ... ActorBase AB = TargetActor.GetLeveledActorBase()
  8. IsharaMeradin - "Cause if you go with the first option and use the appearance of the stock item, your mesh will be in a custom location but using stock texture. If another mod changes the mesh and the texture UV changes as a result, your version will look weird as it is now using a texture not designed for the mesh you created." This right here is why you end up with a big BSA creating mods. Especially with higher res textures.
  9. With out seeing the mod working I can only speculate. As far as data used in the save ... Unless it's some type of bug that keeps taking more and more data I wouldn't worry about it. Myself I wouldn't mess with the actorbase that way. Other than to just read it.
  10. Little lost here what you're doing but ... as for your question putting original outfit back should be easy enough to test.
  11. I wouldn't change the actorbase at all. If this is just a outfit swap/change I would just script it out. Is this an army of NPCs from a custom actorbase?
  12. I doubt he will run into a unique NPC fighting in his own arena. He also should be able to test if they are and not allow them to fight at all. I wonder if a simple .disable command would work here without breaking the game. A .disable would remove them from sight (only). Be interesting to see if the game then removed them as normal over time. Rather than adding the .markfordelete after that command. Or if they are all custom NPCs a .disable would remove them from sight and a .markfordelete will remove them completely on next game load. From what I understand (not that I've ever had any problem removing custom NPSs) .markfordelete can be touchy. I'm pretty sure this is due to the fact there are NPCs you shouldn't kill or remove marked as unique. Also Skyrim has a room of the dead for a reason ... Again, I wonder if a simple .disable command would work here set on the Custom NPC script triggered from on death. You could also just script move the dead body to custom death storage someplace in your mod and let the game remove them as it normally would with any dead body.
  13. If it is being use in some way ... yes. The reference will be. And it will look something like this: 3A. As it's just and index reference number.
  14. This question has been asked a million times ... Google your title and add in the word Skyrim.
  15. I could have swore this happen to me long ago. Not sure if it was the driver or my paddle sitting on the floor in a odd way. Think both of them have happen ... :laugh:
  16. " i will from here on refer to the count of stringList as stringcount and to the count of instanceList as instancecount." They are variables, be it whatever type ... You could bloat a save with many long strings in variables and even multi-arrays filled with very long strings. It's like I said .. "The saves should just hold script variables and a reference to where the script is. Not the script itself." and "I'd assume a bugged script may eat up string space as it will bloat saves." ... This isn't unique to Skyrim. It's how compliers set things up. Actually the mod holds the "reference to where the script is" Until it is loaded in memory ... then it's reference links to that location. Edit: Some of the strings saved as variables are actual script snips themselves and are used for interrupts.
  17. Cool, I've seen Blackthorn and the system you're talking about with Lakeview sounds simmer to the one in the Fortress. It's really a small amount of editing. But, you need to know right where to do it. After that it's a few paths and animation marker set in places. Runs on a patrol set up like a guard. I like the fact you can use a follower too. You can scripts out most anything for them to do during their day. I feel the same about an empty home. But then again I hate it when Mods have NPC. This is kind of the best of both worlds for that to me.
  18. There is a mod called FC Kagrenac's Instant Fortress or SSE version that I've always liked. The mod itself I found to be buggy. (later realized the mistake made that was hurting the saves). Anyways, the mod itself had some pretty interesting ways of going about mod making. It has a very unique script set and creation kit set up when it comes to added NPCs to the home. Everything works off your follower you assign to whatever NPC task. You can have guards, a guest, a cook and a few other tasks. Always admired that set up. They even have their own beds, paths and things they do depending on their role. Simplistic with a huge impact. From the kit you can see in detail how it was all done. The whole thing is a work of art including the NPC set up. No menus like you would think It's intergraded well. But this is a bit on the all pro way to do it in my opinion. The added packages work well too for a quick cook or merchant if that's all you're looking for. Good luck!
  19. I was talking about an extreme fix. This is a really good test. I've never seen the collision boxes like that. Really shows the error nicely.
  20. You can add a property to a custom mannequin script with the cords of where they are then use a onload command from the cell load to place them where they belong. You will never notice it and they will always be the in the right spot. No way for it to fail.
  21. Yes testing is a huge part of programming. The better you get at programming the better you get at testing. I really don't know this outcome, just pointing out how easy it would be to test any theory's here. I do know there is no such a thing as a tie on a computer. One will hit before the other even it it comes down to 0.001th of a second. Something as simple as a wait 1 second command in one of the quest scripts would define actual effect order in a "tie". I understand what you are saying as far as how do you know who is first. Honestly would depend on how the Skyrim pulls that. Could be a number of ways. You'll have to test it to be sure no matter what anyone says. Also it would take more than a few tests to be sure. Setting it up a number of ways. Could be by who was active first, alphabetical, the order in the journal or some other default method devised by the program. In any event we do know that a package will overwrite a package. The only question would be how much. Will it completely reset all of it or will it just fill in only the stats it deals with leaving some as they were. In the second scenario the former changes would persist if not over written by the latter. We could speculate all day. Just going to have to roll up your sleeves and do some pointed tests to be sure.
  22. I would assume both would, leaving the NPC with both and the last to effect it overwriting any same thing from the former. There may be some clashing depending on what the quest scripts are doing. But, I wouldn't think so. I'm sure that happens anyways. Sounds like something that would be pretty easy to test with a few mock quests. I'm sure you could edit one or both of the quests to react with each other for manipulation.
  23. I'd assume a bugged script may eat up string space as it will bloat saves.
  24. The saves should just hold script variables and a reference to where the script is. Not the script itself.
  25. All editing should be tested on a save that had nothing to do with the mod created. Run over to the spot you will be editing and set a fresh clean save (as in no play of any type). Add your mod to the mix on restart. Than only use that save to test the mod from then on, never resaving. Until you're done creating the mod. Best and only real way to go about this. If you still wish to play Skyrim as you create a mod for it. Remove the mod from the mix temporarily and use a different save. For me, all playing stops till the mod is done ... I really don't even play Skyrim that much. But, I do play let's mod Skyrim all the time.
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