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Everything posted by NexusComa2

  1. Hopefully someone with actual quest creating skills can help you. This is one area I never went into.
  2. Hmm. Few test ideals ... Try not running the 2nd package but something she has to dismount for and test that. Maybe the factor for the 2nd package is filled to quickly as she is already mounted and that is messing it up. How about adding a stage in the middle with something she must dismount for. When fulfilled starts the 2nd riding package/quest.
  3. Because there are many different ways to do it and all are kind of complicated. Many don't even really work. Some do more than others. Hard to just answer that from a forums comment. You can always download one you like are really look it over in the kit for ideals on how to make yours too.
  4. Well you could make a container in the creation kit and use the corps mesh ... place it wherever you want and save/add the mod to your game.
  5. lol ... I think it's a abbreviation-ish for the word Between. Either way that's how I remember what it's used for. I once seen a language (more of a addon with custom functions set up as calls through a library) that was made up of odd words like banana, orange, Knock, knock ... and so on. When the program got down to the main loop it looked like a knock knock joke. That one where you say "orange you glad I didn't say banana again" with all the commands used. Yet it was perfectly functionable other than that. ... Crazy programmers. Also some programming languages use a single character as a different language will use an entire word (I'm talking about you C). in my option focus on what the command is doing not it's syntax and you will in fact be learning many languages at the same time. After that it's just a matter of syntax. Really learning how to code is all about learning techniques not syntax. Anyways as you see changing the language would be of no use. The words used are not really "words".
  6. You would change your editors language. Notepad++ can do that. Problems is many commands will have no translation and remain the same. Others will end up making little sense together. The commands you're using are pretty much the same commands in any computer language. The only difference is the syntax. Some languages have a few more or less and some have specialized commands. My point is the syntax is merely a "label" to a function. So it honestly doesn't matter how it is spelled out or what language it's in. It's not really in any language. It is it's own creation. Example: the command Tween. This is a command that finds mid points and can be used multiple ways. But the word Tween is not really from any language. Also what that function is doing can be found in other languages by a different name/label/syntax. So the trick is, is to understand how this function works and what you can do with it. The word itself or syntax doesn't matter. The label could read bananas and it would still do the same thing. When I say I can program in over 30 languages. What I'm really saying is I understand the syntax of each language. How I program in each of them is pretty much the same. Just slight differences in how things are set up and called.
  7. When I started the first thing I did was follow about 5 build a home tutorials. After that it was easy to make one solo.
  8. Hmmm. Disabling that would lead to disaster. Maybe you could add a horse mod they have starter storage. Or possibly a nice house mod. My Enchanted Ship in a Bottle mod would work perfect for this as it is not really game intrusive and has mass storage. Also you carry that house mod with you in your backpack so it is always available. I in fact created this mod just for that.
  9. As far as sending a list and pulling a list from a folder ... good luck with all that. Skyrim is not made to pull data like that once in game. Your only hope would be to use SKSE. I may even be wrong about that. I did once hear they were working on doing external lists not sure if they ever completed that or not. Also people have been tryin to get a console command to work from scripts forever to no avail. Again Skyrim is not made to do that. It sounds like you're looking for an easy way to edit a cell. There is no easer way than from the kit itself. I know it looks like a bear but it is in fact very simplistic. Just takes time to understand it.
  10. You just go to the cell in the editor and edit away. You set your mod as active and include the Skyrim mod. Do your edits and save your mod. Be carful there is a lot of stuff set up as triggers you may not notice. In your mod is the only place things are different vs the original. It may seem like you're editing the real place as you are there editing it. But these changes will only show when your mod is running. That is how Skyrim mods work. No need to duplicate a cell to edit it.
  11. I'm talking to a store owner. Triggers a script to duplicate all stolen in your backpack. I'm done talking to the store owner. Script compares what stolen items you still have verse what's missing. This could be done with a hidden chest like you said or an array within the script. The array method would be sweet and clean. No bonus to your created skill unless the scripts completes (as that is the last few line of the script). Just incase they exit the game mid transaction. Routines: Inventory count and find stolen items. Push list to array or chest, Inventory count and compare. Skill points added. Chest or array cleared. Triggers: I'm talking to a shop owner, I'm finished talking to a store owner.
  12. Hello. Everyone seems to be running away from this question. People have been creating followers for this game from day one. There must be over 1000 how to make a follower videos. I suggest you do 3 or 4 of them. To get a good feel on how it's done.
  13. @AyamePasse Oh ya I'm sure you could. I was just saying if I had done it it would have been rags for all. You're right however with a little tinkering you could get this to do whatever you wanted.
  14. I take it you're using a naked mod of some sort. If you had a undergarment in their inventory they would wear it. It would just be a matter of modding that out. Be a easy mod that would take a long time to complete. But, very doable ... You could also create a naked body that is wearing underwear. Then have two files for Skyrim\data\textures\actors\character\female\femalebody_1.dds ... A quick swap and everyone has on underwear. @AyamePasse: Like that one. Too bad it's not done in CBBE. Myself I would have done that whole thing like the males. Nice stock default rags for all. 0 compatibility issues. No need for an interface. We need a mod that lets you pour disintegrate body ointment on the dead to get rid of the evidence dragonborn style!
  15. I was admiring your coding style then realized its one of mine. :laugh: One of the scripts from the Enchanted Ship in a Bottle creator scripts download. Glad you're putting them to good use. In that player the way I toggled the music off was to send that _NONE.Add() track to be played. It is actually a very short track of silence. Once ended the music should go back to the game default. There is also a NONE selection you can pick as the track itself. The _MusicTrack.Remove() was just good house keeping after that. Because the player plays two custom track lists. So there are added routines to cover that and possible errors from that. Not sure if that is coming into play here as each player is pretty generic independently. One other thing is how the track is set up in the Creation Kit is huge. Actually forget all of it right now but I do remember there was a few different ways I could have set it up with advantages and disadvantages either way. There is a real track list and a fake preset track list that pulls from the music folder via known names. But, how the songs and lists are set up in the Creation Kit greatly affects how they can be used. Understanding them options would be a good thing to know when creating any type of music player. I think I must have done 1000 tests checking out the options. In this case I think it would have been sending the _NONE.Add() track as the way to stop the music. Its the for sure it works work around. Just make sure you included the blank track of silence. You can find that in the Enchanted Ship in a Bottle mod or make one. 2-3 seconds of recorded silence.
  16. You're highlighting in to the wrong window. Use the far left one.
  17. There are ways of putting together stages that give away the fact.
  18. Here is a good start. Hope this helps. SkyrimEditor.ini SkyrimEditor.ini
  19. Good news! .. this is not only doable but comes out well worth the work. But it takes a few tricks. There are a few ways to do this ... this is the way I do it. #1. Find you object in the editor then duplicate and rename it. #2. Getting the mesh out of the game. You will need a bsa file unpacker to do this part (few right on the Nexus). Unpack the system .bsa files and store them. Find the name and where the mesh is in the editor. It will be the in same place in the unpacked files. #2. Setting up your texture. Use Nifskop for this part. Load up the mesh you just found. You'll have to track down where the texture is defined then aim it at your texture (It should be only one simple edit). #3. Adding your new custom object. Use the editor for this part. Using the object you duplicated. Find where the mesh is defined and aim it at your new mesh Now you have a newly made custom object with a custom texture that will not hurt the game in anyway. However you will now need to pack it in a .bsa and include that in your mod. The best way to go about this is to make a new folder in both the mesh and texture folders by the same name. Something like CastleObjects or whatever you like. Have all this set up before you start so you have known spots ready for your edits to go. It also may be helpful to do each part one at a time.
  20. Wondering if you could just make a script that on cell start would tell the mob to sit. Mob would be placed right next to the chair. Once it has sat trigger a don't move and exit. Then a new script that when close enough to the player would start movement again and set attack as normal. I did something like this in a random maze to get the mobs to stay in place but they were not sitting.
  21. The very 1st quest for the dragon stone has draugers standing in alcoves. I've just never seen them sitting.
  22. There is also the enemy "safe spots" to consider when navmeshing. If you want to go that far. As far as the sitting dead ... I can't think of a spot in the game where this is done. In fact they always seem to pop out of a place rather than just be visible. This leads me to believe they themself couldn't do that. I've always said anything possible when programming. This one may take some out of the box thinking. The game is very fast at moving an object. Maybe break it down by moments. Focus on getting one to just be sitting in the chair. Then when triggered the one in the chair is quickly moved and normal one is moved into its place. If done right you shouldn't even be able to tell there is really two.
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