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Everything posted by NexusComa2

  1. Anything is possible in the creation kit. It's just changing hair on a follower is unfortunately kind of complicated. Especially when you're dealing with someone else's creation. There are more than a few ways to do this and if you look at other custom followers most all do if differently. I'm not sure what follower you are using so it's kind of hard to point you in the right direction. Other than just giving you ways to figure it out yourself. The way I change hairstyles is from one follower I have called ... Keely The Fire Blade Follower. She has many hair styles and can give them to other followers. Unfortunately she seems to be gone. I was able to find a download for her but didn't think I should mention it as it is not on the Nexus and I have no clue why his work was removed ... Also, you can do anything you wish to any mod. Modify it in anyway you want. As long as you keep it your own personal mod from then on. It can never be uploaded unless you have permission from the author. If you can not get that permission for what ever reason then you can not upload it.
  2. Sorry If you took that the wrong way. I thought we were having a conversation. Guess I forgot where I was for a moment ... I answered OP's question with actual solid advice. Why would you have a problem with that. This is a forum after all. Again, if the guards have no added story line to them removal should be easy. This can all be checked and done from the creation kit with ease. 100% knowing you didn't mess up the game. Good luck! Have fun!
  3. oo ... sound like you saved you textures in a super high res. I'd be willing to test your mod for you. I'm pretty sure you will get no real response here. Be warned however I have been modding Skyrim for well over a decade, used to work as a game tester and am one of the pickiest people you'll ever meet.. lol. You would have to set up a way to download the file ... via storage site works well. This is one of my mods Enchanted Ship in a Bottle. This mod took me 5 years to make (weekend project). But that gives you a bit of an ideal how picky I am ... ;P
  4. That is a paint set not the creation kit. Changing the hair on a follower is actually very complicated. Depending on how it was set up. If this is something you really wish to do. You may want to start by watching a few create a follower tutorials. This looks like a good start Changing Hair and Beard on Custom Follower Or you may want to try a mod that can change the hair. This one may help The Hairstyler. Here is a former thread on the subject How to use Creation Kit to Replace Default Hairs There are also a few follower mods that have the ability to switch hairs and come with a few choices. (Hmmm what happen to all Asherz files). Anyways that a good start. Good luck.
  5. You may be able to post it on a storage site then give out a few copies for testing. I run the old Skyrim and not on an Xbox. Good luck with your mod!
  6. Turn the warnings off in CK and it will load much faster. I use NotePad++ myself to code Skyrim.
  7. Unfortunately it takes about 6 minutes for the CK to load :D Welcome to programming.
  8. Everything is controlled by how the song is set up in the CK. You could even set up a track to only play for a few moments just as you're looking for. To make the music stop you can also have it play a blank track (A track of recorded silence). It takes some messing around with the tracks to understand how they work. As far as "push-to-game" that seems to be more of a Skyrim Special Edition error. Did some research for you (not much) and found this same problem with SSE over and over. There was also no solution to any of the posts (90% didn't even get a reply) and they mostly were problems with Cue Points. Take a look at my Enchanted ship in a bottle mod. In the downloads I have a download for all the mod scripts (a wealth of mod scripts for home mods). In there I have a duel music player. It will show you how I was able to switch tracks, fade them in and out and keep track - of 20 music tracks. Took me a while to figure out a new way to do this as I too was having problems with the cue. Also download the ship mod, load it up in the CK and take a good look at how the tracks were set up. This was the key to everything. If they are not set up that way they will not cue correctly. Good luck.
  9. This is a gap between to meshes. Just as it looks. Many of the cave meshes are used over and over by simply rotating to get a different look. They then use rocks to fill the gaps. What you're looking it is a gap they missed.
  10. The creation kit is about one of the easiest 3D kits to work with you'll ever see. Do not fear it. It is a wonderful tool. I myself would NEVER edit a mod with TES5 over using the kit. TES5 is however a great way to spot errors. The edit he is talking about would take about 2-3 min.
  11. Yes, super easy. And, if you just move the two guards to a new spot even better. As long as the two are not scripted into some kind of story line you should be able to just remove them. Keep a back up and give it a shot. That mod is now forever just your personal mod however. Ya, just load up the kit. load a file/mod (top-left) ... double right click the mod, so it is the active file and load. Move the two and save. Easy as that. If something isn't working revert back to your save.
  12. Says something about tangentspace ... that should be a part of your mesh .. looks like you removed an entire "folder" array reference to the tangents.
  13. This was used in a random generating dungeon mod I made years ago. This mod has an array setup that can handle 895 objects.To set an OBJ to an array you simply call Self.CellCache(Obj) ... The array function will keep track and just add the new one to the stack.In this case it is holding objects in the "mass array". But, this could be set up for any type. Function CellCache() to set an object to the mass array. Function ClearCache() remove/clean up mass array. (Gave a function you didn't need and forget the set up ... facepalm. Let me try that again.)Here is the whole thing ... Sorry about the triple post ... drrr
  14. Yes move closer. The dots should land on your object. Also even if they are off you can move the dots too. Hold X, Y or Z while doing it to make it a bit easier. As long as the dot navmesh is there it will work. Edit: to move just the dots you need to be on only "dot" (points) mode.
  15. I assume you're using NifSkope. There are a few tools in the pull down that may help. Also I'm remade the same mesh 4 or 5 times before Skyrim took it in the past. You may have removed the wrong thing.
  16. I've actually messed around with water quit a bit. You can have many bodies in the same area but they will not line up with each other. The best I've ever got was: you couldn't see the difference but your character catches a breath between bodies. Under all bodies always filled with water also. But, there are pools and I don't think it would be all that hard to create a rectangle pool the size you would need. Time to pull out NifSkope and start messing around using a pool as your example.
  17. The onLoad was the fix for me ... On load and you have the code send them back to their original spot (that you can set in the code). Both ways work depending on what you're doing ...
  18. In general no. Things underneath the water are underwater. You may be able to get pools to work. There are a few around the kit.
  19. You can also use an external script editor like Notepad++. But, you will need to restart the game to test. This will skip loading the creation kit however. It is a hassle testing a program if you consider reloading tedious. On the other hand you can be assured it's a valid test as you are resetting everything. All too easy and very possible to be mislead if not. Myself, I want to know it is a clean test each time. At lest you're not programing in assembler where all errors lead to a full computer crash. I use Notepad++ for all my editing with Skyrim and have done this testing while editing thing many times. Works well and editing is so much nicer in a full-blown editor. You can even compile right from it. The reason I mention this is testing a script with a running reload may work but it also has the possibility of showing false negatives/positives. That can be a testing nightmare all on it's own. It's always best to start with a clean slate every time when testing. It may bypass going a bit insane. As even though everything looks right a false negative/positive can't be seen and can defy scripting logic with many possible curve balls out of the blue. The scripter in me wants to do things quickly with less hassle. The programmer in me knows better. ... :yes:
  20. I looked into this a bit. It's been awhile since I packed up a mod and was kind of shocked to find out the whole kit is now broken. Did a few tests with the archive.exe and it all works the same way. It must be how the executable is called from the new kit that is wrong. Skyrim has to be the all time king of selling a broken game. Now that includes the kit.
  21. The questioning wasn't for how the check was done ... more of a why would it even be needed at all. If it has said >=2 or anything higher I could see it. But the player starts out as level 1. That condition will always be true. There is no need at all to even include that as part of the script unless they wanted to check for higher than level 1.
  22. True. The only real issue was "syntax logic". The "old true/false", if statement logic error in with the syntax. Just looking for a way to slip in how an else statement would be used ... The combinations of: if, else, elseif and endif can be used to ask any question or direct program flow and logic. Well worth the time to really dig into how the combinations can be used (along with, used with flags). I just looked at your [ Spoiler ] ... I see you did cover that ...
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