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Everything posted by kvnchrist

  1. I guess you would have had to have been there to appreciate what has been lost.
  2. This bill has nothing to do with piracy, I have said that quite a few times now... Streaming copyrighted movies and TV shows is already illegal. Downloading games is already illegal. Read the second post in this thread. If the owning authority has been financial effected, then what else can you call it. You want to use someone else's property, you ask them
  3. I first came here for the mods and fell in love with the expertice of those artists and innovators that have expanded so much the brilliance of Oblivion. Dreams will never die and that is the driving force in anyone's attempt to better something already in existence. This community will live on.
  4. As some of you guys know out the The 4th of July is very important to Americans. Frankly, I'm getting rather tired of hearing about important dates for my country and religion and was hoping to hear more from others as to important dates a festivities in other countries. I'd love to hear the history and culture of others, so I can appreciate you guys more and find out what makes you guys tick.
  5. I remember, when I was young, growing up in a predominantly black neighborhood my usualy gaunt to school sent me past a small corner market, owned by a little old woman. I'd go in there and spend some of my allowance on a small portion of candy, or a neat little toy that caught my eye. Sometimes I would just stop in to see how she was doing. She always had a smile for the kids and sometimes she would give out candy, when we didn't have the money, which was usually around the end of the week. I guess it was an unwriten law that all allowances were paid on Fridays and was more than likely gone by Mondays. On Saturdays, we would go out doing service work,which was the designation The Jehovah's Witnesses gave for going out and irritating the populous, by waking people up early in Saturday morning, so they could blink through a screen door at some religious wackos, for a second, before closing the door and going back to bed. One of the most memorable times is when a dog decided that one of our members leg reminded it of a fire hydrant and acted on the instinct. I wanted to be home looking at cartoons at the time and thought it was just deserts for taking me away from the Super Heroes. After that, my brother and I would pile into the Corvair station wagon http://img183.imagevenue.com/loc166/th_22625_1962ChevroletCorvair700LakewoodStationWagonr3q_122_166lo.jpg and take off down the street to The Safeway grocery store to get the weekly stable of foodstuffs which we would devour, throughout the week. Sometimes we would go downtown to the Katzs drug store, down town to get what we couldn't get there. Every two or three weeks would would end up at the local barber shop, staring at the old man, as if he were a serial killer, as he cut our hair. The weekend would end, after I'd slept through another hour of church, by ruining a perfectly good day for play, by helping my mom do the families laundry at the local laundry mat. All in all, I remember those days with fondness, and the people that are just vague memories to me now. I remember the innocence, but mostly, I remember the personalities that ran the little mom and pop stores that supported the neighborhood. I remember they were small and often cluttered to high heaven, but they were also homey and filled with people who actually wanted to talk with you, instead of at you. Now a days we are seeing the takeover of small businesses by the large conglomerate stores. Crogar, Safeway, Katz, and the like are being replaced by Walmart and Target super stores. The neighborhood barber shop is now super cuts and the like. Walgreens, cvs and costco have all but obliterated Katz and smaller drug stores. Has our addiction to convenience lead us to ignore the slow death of those places which may have been less convenient, but more down to earth. Have we sold our souls, so we could spend less time among our fellow man and more time infront of a TV or a computer. Have we given away supporting the neighborhood, so we could spend more time with ourselves and destroyed the very fabric that once held our communities together?
  6. Sorry. I'm a truck driver and am setting at a truck stop several hundred miles away from my home. I bored S-less so I was wondering who are here and would like to get to know them My first car was a 1967 Barracuda. http://img211.imagevenue.com/loc880/th_47383_67_cuda_122_880lo.jpg My dad bought it for me when I was about 17. He was into cars and called the thing a classic. I really didn't care about such things. A car was a car to me. It got me back and worth to where I wanted to go, and that was about it. I still hold those views today. Material things are what they are. I don't get impressed by the sell phone you can do 1000 things with. If I want a phone, I want a phone. I don't need to detect DNA with the thing. I found out, with the Swiss army hnife just how useless a multi-tasking toll is and I don't need to purchase something that brings me frustration. Live gives me too much of that already. As for my car, the thing ended up hitting a wall about 20 miles an hour when a friend of my brothers couldn't find the break in time. I never saw him again and the thing went to the scrap yard from there. I never really liked the thing and my dad had left the family right after he got me the thing. When he came back, it was already gone and a few months later I was gone myself. The car that I loved the best was a 1964 olds f85 http://img275.imagevenue.com/loc108/th_47565_120781.1965.Oldsmobile.F_85.4_Door.Sedan_122_108lo.jpg I loved that car as much as I could ever love an inanimate object. It was short and sweet and it was just the right size. I am 5'5" and did weight about 95 lbs soaking wet with a rock inh my pocket. This was the first car I had that I didn't think it necessary to tie a rope to my leg, so if I got into a wreak, they could find me. I took great pride in that thing till the transmission decided it didn't want to come along for the ride. I was into drugs and alcohol at that time and my priorities had changed drastically because of it. I lost a lot because of those two substances, but I have only myself to blame for that. The car ended up being towed to the junk yard and I got about 20 bucks for the whole bthing. I drank that up and didn't think a thing about it at the time.
  7. kvnchrist


    Did people get up and out before? People tended to vegetate in front of the TV, a pastime that involved no social interaction at all. TV viewing figures have dropped as Internet use has increased, I doubt the two are unrelated. Anyway the pubs are still full at the weekend, the roads don't have less traffic on them and town centres still have plenty of people in them, I don't see any evidence that people are staying in more than they used to. These days it's not a choice between going out or using the Internet, you can do both. There has been a huge increase in the use of social networking via mobile platforms, at least three quarters of my tweets are sent while I'm out. Fair enough. Then what do you think is causing so much social unrest, such as the recent school shootings and the rise of the obesity rates in industrialized nations.
  8. I love my country, as I'm sure everyone else, loves their country. There is many things that I don't agree with, but worshiping a word called freedom, does have it's irritating moments. The best thing about living is the veritable zoo of activism that has been surging through our lives. Everyone has an agenda and everyone has a cause that is important to them. There are those that want to change this place, merely to change it and there are people who will resist any form of change for no other reason than they are comfortable where they are. Are these people looking at anything more than there own opinions? Do they care about the way their opinions effect others or do they think that their ideals are so wrapped in gold that the rest of us will automatically benefit by living in the world they imagine. Are those that resist any change paranoidly delusional or simply afraid of losing their imaginary grip on control of their own lives.. Are those that promote change for change itself, promoting such changes in order to benefit others or do they only interested in leading others to a reality only they control. Are either of these groups trying to sell their ideals to benefit of anyone else other than themselves and are they so certain of the nobility of their goals that they think they should drag the rest of us along with them.
  9. kvnchrist


    Yea, but doesn't the fact that so many people are now setting down to do their socializing also have, in a large part negated the effects of getting up and getting out. Look at the obesity problem with our young. I don't know about other parts of the world, but in America, there is a huge issue with this. As far as loners, I was once in this category and had to find out I actually liked myself before I could start dealing with other people.
  10. kvnchrist


    Oh, your husband knows some of my relatives. LUCKY YOU :whistling:
  11. What is wrong with attempting to protect their property. These people have invested large sums of money to produce these things and deserve to be compensated for their efforts. I doubt very seriously, if these people who pirate these items would be as open to allowing people to enter their own home and take what they wanted. As far as netflix is concerned. I'm sure they have an agreement with those who produced these movies and are protected in some fashoin from this bill.
  12. kvnchrist


    What is it about the internet that seems to draw so many people to It? Is It more satisfying or Is It more safe as opposed to dealing with real people in an everyday environment. I've been apart of the debating community, for a very long time. I have served as both Mod and Admin of several sites, and It Is the posters who, to me are more intriguing than what they posted. There are some that are so lost in a world they can't relate to, and come here to try to find themselves. There are those that seek acceptance or recognition for things that set them apart from the rest of the world. Does this life give us the feeling of having relationships, without the attachments of face to face relationships. Does the internet give us a place to create fantasy lives that we can control instead of having to find real relationships that we can't? Are we, as human beings loosing some of our people skills and are the younger people, not gaining these skills, by dealing with disembodied avatars instead of looking into the eyes of other people?
  13. kvnchrist


    good advertising http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aGb8pMIeY6w&feature=player_embedded
  14. That king doesn't exactly sound too merry too me.DAMN! lol
  15. Fantastic. I'm voting for HEY YOU next year. Screw the politicians.
  16. Well, looks like I messed up. I didn't see this joke thread or I'd have added mine to this and saved everyone a tissy fit. Maybe one of the staff can merge my joke thread with this one .
  17. I can see two kids fighting in a classroom after that!
  18. I'm not speaking about rights, when I say freedoms is a catch phrase for dreamers. I'm 54 years old and I spent several years in the military. I know the price of freedom and would pick up an M=16 right now to defend it. I'm talking about the immature individuals that think freedom is boundless and holds no restraints. Kind of what I was when I was a long haired self proclaimed rebel without a clue, a cause or a life. I was free alright, but to be as destructive to myself as I possibly could. Everybody talks about freedom as being some fantastic thing, but the term Freedom is another word for nothing left to loose was never a truer phrase. True freedom is the abandonment of all stucture and all discipline. If you want to see aq free man, you need only look at Charles Manson and you will see a totally free person. He was free of the morals of our society. Free of the laws we hold so dear and free of a conscience that allowed him to order the slaughter of so many innocent people. The Government of The United States was set up to combat an excess of freedoms, when each state thought they had the freedom to lay tariffs on the goods coming in and through the different states.. That's why the commerce clause was placed in the Governments hands. I love history. I remember hearing about the instance of your king loosing his head. I seem to remember that Oliver Cromwell took the reins of power, after that. Didn't he instituted a theocratic tyranny. . I seem to remember hearing something about him being so hated that his grave was ransacked and his bones were scattered. It's been a long time since I read it. I might be mistaken, If so, please correct me.
  19. kvnchrist


    isn't that defined as spam Definitions of spam http://spam.abuse.net/overview/whatisspam.shtml [/url] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spam_(electronic) ah well if you wish to split hairs http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?app=forums&module=extras&section=boardrules now look into the definition of flooding per the TOS and on many forums the act of flooding is referred to as "spam" hence the alternate definition First of all Flooding is posting a massive amount of single posts in order to move all other posts off page 1. This is why I posted everything I posted all in the same thread. It takes up the same space as a single thread, with only one post in it. I was thinking that people might want to add their own jokes to it, Which is why I named it JOKEFEST. But seeing the paranoid reception I've got, I hardly think anyone would want to even crack a smile in here.
  20. Don't feel bad. I get 10 years older every time I do these tests. lol
  21. Freedom is a catch phrase for dreamers. Every society, every culture, every family have standards of behavior that are enforced and re-enforced.Everybody has a certain amount of leeway to run their own affairs, except if they run afoul of the law. Heck, I've been in several forums that proclaim freedom of speech and still ban people for what they say and the way they say it. With freedom become the responcibility to conduct yourself as to not encroach on the freedoms of others. The one thing I've found to be true is the more a person cares about others, the less free they are. Either we worry about others or we give up our own time for those that need us. I saying that. I've also found it true that the more we care, the more we do and our own free time is taken up, but we are less bored and our true friends are much closer. As far as nations are concerned I can only say that having a border is the greatest gift a member of this world has. If you don't like what is there, and how the place is ran, you can always step across that border. This new world government scares the heck out of me.
  22. kvnchrist


    isn't that defined as spam Definitions of spam http://spam.abuse.net/overview/whatisspam.shtml [/url] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spam_(electronic)
  23. kvnchrist


    First of all I have no link to share. These are posts from my old site that is dead, and even if I did have a link to another site I wouldn't arbitrarily post in on someone elses forum without their permission. The reason I posted all those in the same thread was to not flood the forum. N9ow, that would have been a wall of text. These are jokes man. They are nothing more than that. They're meant to be funny. You know ha, ha, he, he, ho, ho.
  24. kvnchrist


    Sorry if I did something wrong. I'm an old member that has used this site to pull mods for my favorite game Oblivion. I lost the link a while ago and have just found it. I decided to start posting a thread of jokes and have seemed to garnished the ire of a fellow member here. It seems I've been labeled some kind of a spambot. I always thought a spambot posting something that would gain them some sort of an advantage. I don't know how jokes relate to that, but I guess there are some out there that just think evil of anyone.. So be it. As for me, I love first person shooters, especially archaic ones like Oblivion. I had Morrowind, but thought it too slow. I'm into Fallout Las Vegas and have tried to install the previous Fallout, but with Windows7, it crashes.
  25. kvnchrist


    Hey I got a wild idea. hows about enjoying the jokes instead of trying to make me out as being something nasty. You ever thought about reading them and laughing at those you liked. I lost this link awile back and just found it. Is the a place for people to come together and enjoy themselves or is this a place where those who have already posted here call condemn those that come back. If you look I've been a member here for a little less than 3 years. I was thinking, now that I found the place again, I would start posting something. Sorry if I broke any taboos.
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