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Posts posted by TheOutlander

  1. Lately I'm finding that I can't just use the back button when on the Skyrim Nexus because it reflickers and just puts me on the page I was on, or does nothing at all. So I have to right-click the back button, and I tend to find ad related links normally sitting between the current page, and the page I was originally on.


    For example at the moment I have at least nine instances of:




    Note: :Link not exact to prevent it acting as a link.





    I'm running Internet Explorer residing in the UK.


    Also I've been finding that McAfee site advisor doesn't like a large percentage of the ads currently floating on the Nexus.

  2. I'm trying to upload a couple of images, but I keep getting this error:


    Warning: move_uploaded_file() [function.move-uploaded-file]: Unable to move '/tmp/phpv7HXDT' to '/home/skyrim/public_html/images/963764-1341774886.jpg' in /home/skyrim/public_html/Core/BBoC.pinc on line 19616



    Site error


    The site has run in to a problem, please look at the error message below...


    No file was uploaded.


    I'm not at my five images today limit, the image is only 333kb and it is a jpg.



    Edit: Works now, I guess it is just one of those temporary bugs that appear from time to time.

  3. Not sure why but the Mcafee site advisor threw up a block on the Skyrim Nexus site today (not NV, Fo3 or the forums though). I don't know why because searching their database only lists nexusmods.com (as safe).


    Warning: Dangerous Site




    Are you sure you want to go there?


    http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/ may be risky to visit.


    Why were you redirected to this page?

    When we visited this site, we found it exhibited one or more risky behaviors.


    I will note that I did have to deal with a trojan several times (one of those annoying fake anti-virus ones, finally dealt with it properly last night though) over the last couple of days, so maybe a bad ad (not saying it was definitely from the Nexus ad system)?

  4. If you have a mod that edits Race records and it was created before the 1.6 patch, you need to update the Attack Data section in your Race records. If you don't you'll find that hitting anything with a melee weapon from horseback is extremely difficult, as rather than an attack hitting things on your flank, it will only hit things only at a very small angle in front of you.


    What you need to do:


    1. Open each edited Race record and go to Attack Data.


    2. Click Update Events.


    3. You will now see a number of new events appear in the list (with the letters MC in them), you need to edit these to these numbers:



    Dmg Mult: 2.20

    Attack Chance: 1.00

    Stagger: 1.00

    Recovery Time: 0.00

    Stamina Mult: 1.00

    Attack Spell: None

    Attack Type: None

    Attack Angle: -90.00

    Strike Angle: 85.00

    Knockdown: 0.00

    Power Attack Box ticked



    Dmg Mult: 2.20

    Attack Chance: 1.00

    Stagger: 1.00

    Recovery Time: 0.00

    Stamina Mult: 1.00

    Attack Spell: None

    Attack Type: None

    Attack Angle: 90.00

    Strike Angle: 85.00

    Knockdown: 0.00

    Power Attack Box ticked



    Dmg Mult: 1.00

    Attack Chance: 1.00

    Stagger: 0.00

    Recovery Time: 0.00

    Stamina Mult: 1.00

    Attack Spell: None

    Attack Type: None

    Attack Angle: 0.00

    Strike Angle: 35.00

    Knockdown: 0.00

    No ticked boxes



    Dmg Mult: 1.20

    Attack Chance: 1.00

    Stagger: 0.00

    Recovery Time: 0.00

    Stamina Mult: 1.00

    Attack Spell: None

    Attack Type: None

    Attack Angle: -90.00

    Strike Angle: 85.00

    Knockdown: 0.00

    No ticked boxes



    Dmg Mult: 1.20

    Attack Chance: 1.00

    Stagger: 0.00

    Recovery Time: 0.00

    Stamina Mult: 1.00

    Attack Spell: None

    Attack Type: None

    Attack Angle: 90.00

    Strike Angle: 85.00

    Knockdown: 0.00

    No ticked boxes

  5. If you have a mod that edits Race records and it was created before the 1.6 patch, you need to update the Attack Data section in your Race records. If you don't you'll find that hitting anything with a melee weapon from horseback is extremely difficult, as rather than an attack hitting things on your flank, it will only hit things only at a very small angle in front of you.


    What you need to do:


    1. Open each edited Race record and go to Attack Data.


    2. Click Update Events.


    3. You will now see a number of new events appear in the list (with the letters MC in them), you need to edit these to these numbers:



    Dmg Mult: 2.20

    Attack Chance: 1.00

    Stagger: 1.00

    Recovery Time: 0.00

    Stamina Mult: 1.00

    Attack Spell: None

    Attack Type: None

    Attack Angle: -90.00

    Strike Angle: 85.00

    Knockdown: 0.00

    Power Attack Box ticked



    Dmg Mult: 2.20

    Attack Chance: 1.00

    Stagger: 1.00

    Recovery Time: 0.00

    Stamina Mult: 1.00

    Attack Spell: None

    Attack Type: None

    Attack Angle: 90.00

    Strike Angle: 85.00

    Knockdown: 0.00

    Power Attack Box ticked



    Dmg Mult: 1.00

    Attack Chance: 1.00

    Stagger: 0.00

    Recovery Time: 0.00

    Stamina Mult: 1.00

    Attack Spell: None

    Attack Type: None

    Attack Angle: 0.00

    Strike Angle: 35.00

    Knockdown: 0.00

    No ticked boxes



    Dmg Mult: 1.20

    Attack Chance: 1.00

    Stagger: 0.00

    Recovery Time: 0.00

    Stamina Mult: 1.00

    Attack Spell: None

    Attack Type: None

    Attack Angle: -90.00

    Strike Angle: 85.00

    Knockdown: 0.00

    No ticked boxes



    Dmg Mult: 1.20

    Attack Chance: 1.00

    Stagger: 0.00

    Recovery Time: 0.00

    Stamina Mult: 1.00

    Attack Spell: None

    Attack Type: None

    Attack Angle: 90.00

    Strike Angle: 85.00

    Knockdown: 0.00

    No ticked boxes

  6. I'm having an issue, that is very similar to one I experienced in Fallout New Vegas. If I alter an eye texture at all and save it, the iris ingame is shifted slightly upwards and in towards the nose for both eyes, making the eyes look slightly cross-eyed. I haven't changed the position of the iris at all, and in one of my tests I only added a mustard yellow dot to the middle of the eye. Also I'm using Gimp with the dds plugin, and saving with mipmaps. It doesn't seem to matter if it is replacing an existing eye texture or using a new eye head part via the Creation Kit.


    Note: Eye retexture mods don't seem to have the same issue I'm having.


    I don't understand what exactly is going on to shift the texture placement like it is doing, it has made it impossible for me to add new eye textures without them looking "derpy" as it were.


    Does anyone know what the issue is? Is it a Gimp thing?



    Edit: Saving without mipmaps puts the irises in the correct postion, but without mipmaps the eye texture will be loaded at full size for every character that uses it, no matter how far away they are...

  7. On the Dovahkiin relaxes mod page, scan down to the second mention of SeeYouSleep. It speaks about a portable bedroll added by the Dovahkiin relaxes mod that you can spawn and use to see yourself sleep whilst you game sleep.


    Perhaps it is worth taking a look at how the author of that mod set that up, to see if it can be applied more universally.

  8. I have no experience dealing with STRING files and the like, but I'm trying to update a mod that uses them (More Craftables - trying to change the Smithing Actor Value to the new 1.5 setting to prevent excessive leveling).


    The problem is that as soon as I open the mod in the CK I end up with a large number of errors (not just the usual ones you get using the CK) relating to things not being unique and the CK wanting to change things to "duplicate". Yes and Yes to all result in "LOOK UP FAILED!" errors for a number of items I haven't touched ingame (only the Smithing Actor Value is updated).


    I don't know how to edit String files let alone update them, so I'm assuming the problem is related to them. Does anyone have any ideas?

  9. It is caused by any mod that adds new perks to the Smithing tree. What is happening is that Bethesda changed the way that Smithing works, and they updated the Smithing Actor Value settings to work with that. The issue is that any mod that either made changes to the Smithing Actor Value or added a new Smithing Perk to the Smithing tree (thus altering the Smithing Actor Value because the perk tree data is in there) reverts the settings to pre-1.5, and you end up with excessive Smithing leveling.


    It is simple to fix by simply setting the Smithing Actor Value numbers in the offending mod to the same numbers as used by default Skyrim 1.5:


    They need to be:


    Skill Use Mult: 1

    Skill Use Offset: 0

    Skill Improve Mult: 1

    Skill Improve Offset: 20

  10. I don't think that page works correctly. None of the files listed are recently added (all are way older than 21 days), and the Hot files that you'd expect to see there (including the most recent hot files) aren't there. On the FNV nexus it seems to be working correctly, with the Hot files and the previous set of Hot files being listed, but it just doesn't seem to work right on the Skyrim nexus.




    It makes trying to find previous hot files that you didn't get when they were "hot" pretty hard if the author has named them something unusual or the like.

  11. Hey everyone I just found this quote that relates to what we're doing here... it ain't much as it is just a rumor but it would be nice...




    "There are currently 18 skills in total so there is room for more such as one specifically for a Werewolf, where you can level up while in this form for killing or eating different things. The problem with being one of these creatures is that you do not have any armor, so you could take an arrow and be killed outright. Why would you be given the chance to become a Werewolf if there was no way for it to become a major part of the game, hence why there are rumors of a skill tree in a future DLC?"




    Heres the source of the quote

    That "rumour" indicated is likely linked solely to the GameJam Werewolf perk tree (which actually replaced one of the existing skills, rather than being a new skill).



    On a related note I've been trying to investigate exactly how the game decides what ranks what up in order to merge some skill trees (lockpicking + pickpocket & Light Armor + Heavy Armor*), but it seems like it is most likely hardcoded. If it is then hopefully SKSE has a workaround.


    For example if what ranks a skill up can be changed, we'd be able to make lockpicking rank up the pickpocket skill and we'd be able to make Werewolf feeding rank up the orphaned lockpicking skill value.



    * = So that space can be made for seperate Werewolf / Therianthrope** & Vampire skill trees.



    ** = Therianthrope covers more Werecreatures (like Werebears, Wereboars, Weresharks etc) unlike Lycanthrope, which only covers Werewolves.

  12. I'm trying to simply change the texture that a copy of this nif points to:



    But everytime I save I end up with a "link points to wrong block type" error in Nifskope. Even when I don't change anything and just try save as. Trying to run it in game the swirls become massive blocks of light rather than wisps.


    I'm using Nifskope RC5


    Anyone know a solution to this? I'd rather not just replace the texture for all instances of Elemental Fury.

  13. I've found a way to get rid of those types of effects (ghost armour echantments), but I'm not too sure how many kinds of other effects you may lose.


    Use the "resurrect" console command on your character. I do know that you will lose any blessings, stone effects (like the lover's stone) or Paarthanax given knowledge and will need to revisit those to get them back. I'll check to see what other effects it removes.



    Edit: It removes all effects given to you but a few. Agent of Mara, Resist Frost - Nord and Greater Magic Resistance re-appeared on the list after reload, but Resist Disease - Werewolf, Ancient Knowledge, Agent of Dibella, Sailor's Repose, Sinderion's Serendipity aren't.


    Ugh, I'm not sure it is worth it.

  14. Vampire Lord from Bethesda :smile:


    The fact that they mention a Lycanthropy Perk Tree is exciting. I would REALLY love to have a Vampirism perk tree and was one of my original goals. I wish they would share how they did that.



    They did it with Dev tools, not a crappy gimped modder tool like the CK. :wallbash:

  15. I wonder how much of these could be doable with the tools modders currently have available...

    Many of them aren't doable for the modding community.


    For example:


    We can't create new weapon categories, so no spears.

    We can't create new perk trees because that is tied into actor values and we can't create new actor values, so no Lycanthropy perk tree.

    Etc etc etc.

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