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Posts posted by TheOutlander

  1. Isn't that only for Whiterun? Which IMO has the worst house. Even with all the furniture it looks really trashy :/

    Oh no you didn't, don't you be dissing my Breezehome! :dry:


    There are multiple cities in which you can become Thane and get a Housecarl, not just Whiterun.

  2. I still get the achievements, and I've cheated a couple times?

    It isn't permanent. Achievements only stop for the play session in which you used the console, once you quit the game and start it again they work again.

  3. Before this change over it took anywhere between 40secs - 2mins for you to load just one Skyrim nexus page (if it loaded at all). Now each page loads in less than a second... (even the other nexus pages never did that)...


    I guess 100,000 people buggered off.

  4. So I lowered a section of raised ground so that it is now flat using the heightmap editor, but ingame there is this grey blob where and the exact shape of the ground I flattened.


    How do I get rid of it?



    EDIT: Nevermind, I killed it via "World > World LOD > select worldspace > Generate Terrain textures"

  5. The new way for viewing images isn't fun. Having to right click > properties > copy paste actual image link to view the image at it's "proper size" and not just a "flash expanded only to browser size" is not a fun way to view images.
  6. Got a new computer recently and it runs Windows 7, my old one ran Vista. Now I'm having a problem, in that I can't get Nifskope to open twice (ie having it running twice so I can load two meshes at the same time). Now this issue causes me a lot of problems, considering I can't copy paste data or even compare mesh files like this.


    I've tried opening two mesh files via double click, and I've tried opening Nifskope twice at the application itself, and I've also tried run as administrator, it just refuses to open anymore than the first instance / window.


    Is there some trick I don't know about?



    EDIT: Nevermind I'll just use the "New Window" option in Niskope itself.

  7. I know I've created a similar thread before on this topic, but this one is different.


    Currently the setup for non-premium members is that you can see all your downloads and ratings for the month it currently is, unfortunately that means as soon as it hits the 1st of a new month your list is cleared. This can be a real problem if you haven't rated a file/s you have forgotten the name of that you downloaded, lets say merely a few days ago. Finding creatively named files again can be extremely difficult (tag search doesn't help).


    It is 18 mins past midnight, and I can't rate a file I downloaded three nights ago because I don't remember the name, and I found it simply by luck in the first place.


    My suggestion, change the system to be less endorsement hostile (it doesn't hurt me, it hurts the mod I want to endorse) make it thirty days and not "same month".

  8. Does anybody know a method to make armour spark when hit like power armour does, without setting the armour as power armour?


    I want the armour to spark, because it's fully enclosed and covered in metal, but I don't want it to require power armour training or use the animations that power armour uses instead of the regular ones.

  9. I'm looking (without any luck) for a mod that simply lets me tell my companion to have their weapon unholstered / holstered. I know there is allot of mods like remote control companions and NCCS that have this feature included, but I don't want the ton of other features (some of which may make drastic changes to other vanilla companion settings) that also come along with those packages.


    I can using blender, I can port weapons, armour and I can troubleshoot mod problems, but when it comes to setting this kind of companion and dialogue related stuff I really have no idea.

  10. The question would be whether the ammo system is capable of utilizing different meshes / fire points, as where a projectile leaves the weapon when it is fired is handled by a single fire point on the mesh...
  11. I had an idea long ago that involved the Roman Catholic Church, or more specifically the organization that it became "The Red Legion". It was basically the idea that no-one nuked Rome (due to it being a powerful centre of worship), and the Church evolved in the aftermath into a Roman Legion / Church hybrid military force.


    What they were doing in the Wasteland was that they had an alliance with the Enclave ("For God and Country"), thus had access to their own brand of customized Power Armour (Roman Legion stylings, Church symbols etc) for their higher ranking troops (Centurion and up*). Their primary base of operations in The Wasteland was going to be Washington National Cathedral (real building in Washington D.C), and their commander for their detachment was a Cardinal (General)*.


    * = - Red Legion Hierarchy -

    Supreme Pontiff (Commander in Chief - based in Rome)

    Cardinal (General)

    Primate (Colonel)

    Archbishop (Captain)

    Praetorian (Officer Bodyguard)

    Bishop (Lieutenant)

    Centurion (Sergeant)

    Legionary (Private / Conscript)


    But then that was just my long ago idea... if you want any of it feel free.

  12. Got the message again, had enough of a chance to see what happened this time. The ad stays white and the window changes to the text message crap about having a virus on the computer (so no ad that can be print screened unfortunately). What I did note down was what was listed on the taskbar in reference to that particular IE window:


    Thought it was kind of weird that it would be an IP address (which I'm pretty sure isn't mine, as mine should start with 94). Don't know if that is any help at all.


    @ evilneko: Thanks for the tips only just now got round to reading them.

  13. Internet Explorer 8, and there was nothing to cap. As soon as I knew it was happening the window had already resized and displayed the message (ie so it doesn't act like a pop-up and thus can't be blocked).
  14. @ buddah: I don't think I would manage to get a screenshot of the ad, because it jumps straight to resizing the browser window and the crap text. From the speed of it, I don't know whether it even loads it's ad cover...


    @ bben: It's not as sophisticated as one of those (I know the ones you are talking about), it's just text in a re-sized browser window with their trojan crap linked to what actions you take. As soon as it comes up I open task manager (right click taskbar) and forcibly end my browser processes (so no clicking ok, cancel or even the close window button). Then I comb my AppData local and Temp folders with folder options set to show me everything (that's where 80% of the time they install the *censored* that reinstalls the main trojan if you delete it). I have a lot of experience killing trojans (I also already have malwarebytes).

  15. I keep running into a bad ad on the FO3nexus that changes my window to one of those fake "you have malware on your computer" windows with only cancel or ok as options. It's happened around six times now, and I can never see which ad does it (because the window changes immediately).


    Sorry I couldn't add more information.

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