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Everything posted by jhardingame

  1. You haven't played many PC games have you? *snicker* Skyrim is by far one of the best games out there, but like most, it is buggy and Bethesda is once again dragging their feet on the Creation Kit. Releasing a buggy game and a kit that allows you to fix said bugs is one thing, but releasing a game with bugs that make the game unplayable all the while failing a promise that people would have that kit on "launch date" tends to ruffle some feathers. Bethesda never promised to release the Creation Kit on release date. And dragging their feet? Yeah, because readying the Creation Kit so it's nit bugging out every 5 minutes and setting it's respective documentation so you can actually know what the heck your doing when it first comes out is completley dragging their feet. To even think about releasing the tools used to create the game means that we're gonna make a game that just crashes because we're to lazy to fix it ourselves. Shoot, if I was a dev, I wouldn't even want to release a modding kit to a crowd of people with an attitude like that.
  2. What game are you playing? My Skyrim looks 10x better on PC than it does on console, and I've played both so I would know. Xbox actually looks the worst out of the 3 platforms it's on (yeah, the PS3 version looks better than xbox, shocker right?). I've played Skyrim on all 3 of it's platforms, and the xbox def. looks the worst (though not in a bad way, as it still looks good.)
  3. I don't think he is, the animations in Skyrim look great.
  4. The same exact way as in Oblivion. Yeah, really. Only problem is that no-one knows all the item/spell id's, so you just kind of have to wing it and hope you get what you want xD Gold is still the same though with an item id of 000000F
  5. You'll have to wait until the Creation Kit comes out. From the looks of it, Skyrim uses the same kind of music/audio engine that New Vegas did, which is actually infinitely better than the old way the had it back in Oblivion and Fallout 3. I wrote a tutorial on New Vegas's music engine on the Nexus Wiki. You can look it up there if you want to get an idea what the editing Skyrim's music will be like.
  6. I only do about 2-4 hours a week, though 2 of those hours are actually mandatory because of ROTC xD But still, it's exercise, and as a gamer AND a college student, it helps me keep fit.
  7. No, the Unreal Development Kit is for development of Video Games on the Unreal engine (i.e. Mass Effect, Unreal Tournament), not a modding program for Bethesda's version of Gamebryo. That's why we have GECK.
  8. God, I don't even know. I logged in countless hours playing Morrowind on the original xbox. Even had a Lvl. 40 character on there. And then I had both Morrowind and Oblivion on PC from borrowing friend's disks. Which I eventually had to give back.... but either way, I still had tons of hours put into that cause I just borrowed those disks all the freaking time xD And then eventually I got them both on Steam, but I haven't really played it much since when I've gotten them on Steam due to other games I've been playing like Witcher 2, Deus Ex, and a couple others. I just don't know. It's a lot of hours I can tell you that. According to steam I only have about 10 hours combined with Oblivion/Morrowind, but if I include the installs and stuff i had from before I got them on steam....lets see. You know what, I'm not even going to count that, lets just guesstimate (also, google chrome recognizes guesstimate as a word. awesome) and put it at 500-1000 hours. Cause I've apparently spent about 90 hours in New Vegas, and lord knows I've put WAY WAY more hours into Morrowind on the Xbox alone than I've put into New Vegas.
  9. The only thing currently in the future really that I'm geared up for is Assassin's Creed Revelations. Besides that, nothing else would really garner my attention away from Skyrim until Mass Effect 3 comes out.
  10. I remember when them Dunmer where doing that back in Morrowind. :D Oh wait.......
  11. No. Once Dragons are in the game they will be there forever. Im sorry but im just wondering where you got this information and how sure you are that it is valid? The information has been around for a long time (since close to about when the first game informer article came out). It's pretty much everywhere. Hence why they always use the term "Infinite" when speaking about the amount of Dragons in the game.
  13. When you squel with excitement everytime you see the live action trailer on TV.
  14. Witcher 2 is also far more hardware intensive. It kills Crysis by a long shot.
  15. Here's a scenic screenshot I haven't seen posted yet, didn't know if anyone else had seen it either; http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-jx6ouSt-41k/TjVnmI40tFI/AAAAAAAAAZs/4aI9e9IQzhM/s1600/skyrim_072211-01.jpg
  16. Pretty much this. I'm personally going for Sound Design and Music Composing. While I won't get to have all the fun of "world-building", and trust me I love some world-building, sound design/music making is still something I love to do. Kind of have to go with one thing and stick with it when it comes to getting into the gaming industry. coding makes the world go round brother Little known fact; Sound designers code. Audio pipelines ftw.
  17. All I saw and cared about was the stuff showing the Creation Kit. I saw it and went ecstatic. :dance: Okay, maybe I cared about more than that, cause the new footage just looks awesome as well.
  18. Pretty much this. I'm personally going for Sound Design and Music Composing. While I won't get to have all the fun of "world-building", and trust me I love some world-building, sound design/music making is still something I love to do. Kind of have to go with one thing and stick with it when it comes to getting into the gaming industry.
  19. Actually, no version comes with the "official" soundtrack. It only comes with a sample soundtrack, which only has 5 songs from the game, which in the end run, dosen't have much value as they plan to release an official soundtrack later.
  20. I'm sorry but Skyrim isn't coming out for Mac.. Apple II isn't even mac. It's just Apple; http://www.apl2bits.net/wp-content/uploads/2010/05/appleiipd2.jpg He's a trollin. :3
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