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Everything posted by jhardingame

  1. I wish i could grow a beard... :dry: darn native american ancestry and the in-ability to grow proper facial hair!!! *shakes fists* I have to shave twice a day. If it wasn't for military facial hair standards, I grow a beard for Skyrim as well xD
  2. Just a quote from back in August by Camonna Tong (full post here) So according to Todd Howard, seems rumor was for the most part, true.
  3. You cut wood? :P As in like, what you can cut down, or just how it works? (which I don't know the answers too, but just trying to get an idea of what you mean)
  4. Armor and Weapon repairing is gone?! I know that's gold and stuff, but geez. I want a mod for that now. |: edit; derp, double post. sorry.
  5. OXM came out with a pretty interesting article; http://www.oxm.co.uk/34965/previewselder-scrolls-5-hands-on-how-to-be-a-complete-bastard-in-skyrim/?page=1
  6. Wait. Minimum Required HDD space; 7GB Recommended HDD space; 6gb I don't get it. edit; blarg. They changed it both to 6gb.
  7. A dx11 card. Duh. :P (260gt is only Dx10)
  8. Or, if you want, you can just delete their instances and be rid of them completely. That takes a total of like 5 minutes.
  9. I didn't start modding until after Oblivion, but in retrospect, coming from Oblivion to Fallout 3, it didn't take that long to figure out. Bethesda seems to like to keep things that same if possible when it comes to interfaces, and seeing how Bethesda has said that those familiar with the TESCS or GECK would quickly become familiar with the creation kit. I just hope that's true though, as that means that will be a quicker head start we can all get on our various projects.
  10. There's like, 5 different gamestops where I live. IT'S TIME TO DO SOME THIEVERY! Gotta get my practice in for the thieves guild ya know? :ninja:
  11. Just to point this out to anyone else who reads it, the Russian Limited Edition is actually only getting a sample soundtrack of 5 songs, not the full thing. Which really doesn't say much since you can just pull all the in-game music files on your computer and listen to them, unless you're a CD junkie. Also, I love how the dragon is designed to be "hideously ugly". It is the freaking epitome of evil after all.
  12. Been waiting patiently for this article. Just get it out before Skyrim, alright? :P
  13. As far as I know, all fishing you do in Skyrim is with your hands. Though I prefer the old fashioned "hit em with a bow and arrow" type of fishing. :P
  14. Has anyone else seen this? It looks pretty intense. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nQR49JGySTM&feature=related
  15. Well, i recognize the Guard's armor from the screenshot of the Riften town guard, however, after seeing footage of Riften, I def. know that that is NOT Riften. Maybe all the guards in Skyrim have the same type of look. I hope not, though, as I'd prefer to have some variety among the 9 holds of Skyrim.
  16. This particular clip right here; http://img708.imageshack.us/img708/649/awesomedragon.png Is now the epitome of epic awesomeness. Sauce.
  17. I expect a Fallout 4 live action trailer when the time comes now. That was epic. \o/
  18. Technically speaking, you can start brawls with anyone. Just cast a "frenzy" spell (assuming they're still in Skyrim) :P
  19. Once I get Skyrim, I plan on playing it straight until I pass out from exhaustion xD How long that will be, who knows?
  20. Only difference is that the 40 years in Skyrim will be epic. :P
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