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The five most memorable Skyrim characters in your opinion?


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For me it's got to be.


Cicero - Needs no explanation lol.

Delphine - She is memorable to most people for all the wrong reasons.

Paarthurnaax - He is Optimus Prime dragon filled with wisdom

Knakjr - When I first adventured the Ratway, I almost died laughing at this guy's cannibal phrases.

Lydia - Because of her memorable and amusing deaths.

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first ever playthry when i went from riverwoodf to white run and you see whiterun for the first time down in the valley


the first dragon


first ever time in sovrengarde


firsdt time i started the game with Climates of tamriel and a fewother visual mods somebody adviced me , i was like where the hell have you been all my skyrim life


when tyra my death is death playthru died at level 38

because of a stupid cavebearthat came out of nowhere when i was fighting a couple of mages

never broke that record

Edited by kleinstaff
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Cicero, of course. He's my little buddy :D


Archmage... Savos Aren? Been a while since I played, but yeah. He became a lot more badass than I expected.


Jenassa, but probably mostly because I married her. :> She says she's "an artist painting in shades of blood red on a canvas of darkness" or something. A lovely lady. ^^


Molag Bal. @_@


Ulfric because I loathed him and thought he was an ass...



I tried very hard to think of "good" characters or characters who were memorable for "good" reasons and I couldn't ^^; I like my games darker I guess.

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Hadvar and Rolaf - I put them together because they are memorable for me for the same reasons. they are like the first real interactions we have in the game. My first playthrough or two (and I am ashamed to say this) but I didn't even notice Ulfric or Tullius in the beginning. I was just paying attention to the dudes talking.


Balgruuf - What can I say? He's my favorite Jarl.

The one time (out of my countless play throughs) I sided with the Stormlcoaks, me feeling as though I betrayed the only Jarl who is ever nice to me is a main reason it never happened again.



Kodlak - He was like a mentor and or surrogate father

despite a lack of dialogue. Sure I think there should have been more dialogue between him and I considering he was writing in his journal about me, but I don't know. I still find him to be one of my most memorable characters.



Maven - What a shrewd business woman she is. Depending on the type of day I'm having, I either want to kill her out of respect, disrupt her operations, and or force her to respect me. It's sort of a love hate thing I guess.


Durnehvir - I may not know how to spell his name, but I definitely remember the dragon that called me the dragon victor or vanquisher.


Edit: Spelled "spoiler" wrong because that's just how I roll.

Edited by TheObstinateNoviceSmith
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Esbern, because he was such a let down to my imagining of what he'd look like judging from his voice-over in the trailer.


Farkas, because


of the first time I saw him become a werewolf, and discovered that werewolves were included in Skyrim.



Jarl Balgruuf, because he's the jarl and he's the Balgruuf.


Lydia, because she's sworn to carry our burdens.


Brynjolf, because I always run away when he advances towards me every time I first see him.

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1. Sheogorath (buy one mad god for the price of two, get the second free)

2. Cicero (I'll never forget this guy... no matter how hard I try)

3. Molag Bal (a delightfully evil guy)

4. Septimus Signus (the Mojo Jojo of Skyrim, smart? I don't think so)

5. Heimskr (the most open-minded and coherent Nord ever born)


I sense a trend, here.

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Most memorable?


1. Lydia -- For dying in the same place at least 3 games in a row

2. Uthgerd The Unbroken -- For joining me and wanting to see how I handled a few trolls, then dying by those trolls

3. The Hearthfire armory mannequins -- They looked like my character, they were "living" thanks to a mod, depending upon where the bard stood one to three of them would dance to the music :P

4. That wandering couple who keeps trying to get to that wedding -- More often than not I'd find them walking away from Solitude, once while Solitude was in sight...

5. The alien invasion fleet I saw just before falling back to the ground after that giant hit me....


Ok the 5th didn't quite happen like that...

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