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WWII was one nation attacking another soveriegn nation. Syria is an internal matter. Other countries only involvement is sending fighters/supplies/etc to Syria. Syria is not invading anyone. They are not a threat (currently) outside their own borders. it has turned into a sectarian conflict, and neither side has much use for the US, or any other western power. (aside from money, and help to win, once that is accomplished, we all become the 'great satan' again.)


Look at Lybia. We have pretty much the same situation here.


Syria is a no-win situation. Doesn't matter which side comes in to power, nothing is really going to change there. They will exchange one overbearing form of government, for another, that is even worse, should the rebels win. If Assad carries the day, then it will start to look at lot like Iraq, with bombings, and such on pretty much a daily basis. Of course, it probably won't look much different from Iraq regardless of who wins....


Currently, there is no UN sanction for military action. Russia won't let that happen. Should Obama decide to unilaterally attack, he is going to piss off folks, just like GWB did. With the same results. Our government is simply incapable of learning from its mistakes. I can't keep the image out of my head of a bunch of politicians sitting around a table, trying to convince everyone "It will be different this time." and "Third time is the charm." Or something equally as inane.


We need to stay out of this. Completely. No aid to either side, no military intervention. No american blood, or treasure. Unfortunately, the military industrial complex has a great deal of influence over our government, and THEY want another profit-center. (otherwise known as "war".)

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Better the devil you know than you don't know ... actually we know both ... so choose your poison.

I've chosen mine ... Bashar al-Assad ... by far the best option ... with complications.

Edited by Nintii
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It is called a saving grace. I think they will say no...he thinks they will say no. This way he can get out of the corner in which he painted himself without losing face.


Hopefully Congress will vote like I think but then....they never cease to surprise me. Obama does not have to have their permission to do it though...just to do it for a prolonged period.


Also if things go to hell in a handbasket..he can point and say, "it was them!"

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It is called a saving grace. I think they will say no...he thinks they will say no. This way he can get out of the corner in which he painted himself without losing face.


Hopefully Congress will vote like I think but then....they never cease to surprise me. Obama does not have to have their permission to do it though...just to do it for a prolonged period.


Also if things go to hell in a handbasket..he can point and say, "it was them!"



Fingers crossed that sensible heads win the day, either way the longer this drags on the less chance there is of someone doing something stupid.

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It is called a saving grace. I think they will say no...he thinks they will say no. This way he can get out of the corner in which he painted himself without losing face.


Hopefully Congress will vote like I think but then....they never cease to surprise me. Obama does not have to have their permission to do it though...just to do it for a prolonged period.


Also if things go to hell in a handbasket..he can point and say, "it was them!"



Fingers crossed that sensible heads win the day, either way the longer this drags on the less chance there is of someone doing something stupid.


I have the ultimate faith in our governments ability to do something stupid....


I think our resident puppy is correct though. This is an 'out' for Obama. He can blame it all on congress, and not look like the fool he has been acting of late.



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Lets see Israel and Saudi Arabia have both made it clear they want America to get involved and who has been personally making the rounds in Washington these days but Saudi Prince Bandar . Lets remember people Saudi oil is the only reason the American petro dollar exists and it was Nutjobyahoo that got oh so many standing ovations before a joint session of Congress just last year. Vote against the interests of these two , yeah right. The only thing being negotiated right now is the political maneuvering to see who is going to take the blame. Hope I'm wrong on this and they will just vote a straight out no involvement result , but I'm doubtful of that.

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Lets see Israel and Saudi Arabia have both made it clear they want America to get involved and who has been personally making the rounds in Washington these days but Saudi Prince Bandar . Lets remember people Saudi oil is the only reason the American petro dollar exists and it was Nutjobyahoo that got oh so many standing ovations before a joint session of Congress just last year. Vote against the interests of these two , yeah right. The only thing being negotiated right now is the political maneuvering to see who is going to take the blame. Hope I'm wrong on this and they will just vote a straight out no involvement result , but I'm doubtful of that.



They may well do what they've been doing here, branding those opposed to the war traitors, friends of Assad and Russian stooges. Certain elements of the press here are still pushing for a war and some politicians are even suggesting we should have another vote in parliament to give MPs a chance to make the "right" decision http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/middleeast/syria/10279620/Pressure-on-Cameron-for-new-vote-on-Syria-strikes.html

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I find it interesting that NO ONE here is advocating military action in Syria. (the forums here.) I find it interesting that the populations of various countries (US, UK, France, etc.) don't want military action in Syria. The only folks that appear to actually want a war, are the politicians. What ya gonna bet that we get one, regardless of the 'democratic' process?

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