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Beginning of game wagon bug


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  On 8/14/2015 at 3:22 PM, TheBrux said:

Immersive Armours was the one that screwed the intro for me. Had about 45 mods running, only had to disable IA to squash the bug.HH

Hi TheBrux! I also have Immersive Armors installed but it does not cause the same problem as you mentioned in your above post. Immersive Armors only adds in new armors (mesh and textures) to the game and should not affect any "physics-related" bugs in-game. The closest guess would be the scripting involved in Immersive Armors making certain NPCs equip certain armors but I don't see how it will affect the wagon/carriage and the horse in the Intro-tutorial when starting a new game. The problem could have arise from another mod. :geek:


However, if you don't mind starting the game from another viewpoint/scenario, you may want to download alternate new game mods such as Alternate Start - Live Another Life; though I must say I would prefer having the vanilla Intro-tutorial because it delivers the story better. :D

Edited by Wyvernboy
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I can confirm that Immersive Armors is to blame for the carriage bug. I run over 250+ mods, 140+ in merged patches, ONLY disabling Hothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.esp (aka Immersive Armors) I got the bug resolved.


Maybe other methods have their own good, but most likely disabling Hothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.esp during intro will solve your variant of carriage bug in 90% cases.





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  On 8/29/2015 at 8:19 PM, Visious said:

I can confirm that Immersive Armors is to blame for the carriage bug. I run over 250+ mods, 140+ in merged patches, ONLY disabling Hothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.esp (aka Immersive Armors) I got the bug resolved.


Maybe other methods have their own good, but most likely disabling Hothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.esp during intro will solve your variant of carriage bug in 90% cases.





I can 100% confirm this. I believe it has to do with Immersive Armors changing Ulfric Stormcloak in some way, and he is in the opening wagon ride scene.


This is how I verified the issue:


Q: I have the Skyrim crazy wagon bug and can't start a NEW game.
A: Follow these steps.
1: Open Nexus Mod Manager
2: click on the Plugins tab on the left hand side.
3: locate Hothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.esp
4: UNCHECK this Plugin. (This is not uninstalling it, just turning it off for a while.)
5: close Nexus Mod Manager.
6: Start up Skyrim using SKSE_Loader.
7: Start a NEW game.
8: Enjoy the normal carriage ride.
9: When the wagon arrives at Helgon you will get off and follow Ulfric Stormcloak.
10: after Ulfric Stormcloak steps forward and exits the camera frame, You will be able to...
11: hit the ESCAPE key.
12. Save the game.
13. Exit Skyrim to Desktop.
14: Open Nexus Mod Manager
15: click on the Plugins tab on the left hand side.
16: locate Hothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.esp
17: CHECK this plugin. (This will enable the mod once again.)
18: close Nexus Mod Manager.
19. Start up Skyrim using SKSE_Loader.
20. Load up your Clean New Game save.
21: Proceed to create your character and play as normal.
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I can confirm for the time being that the cause of the glitch is Hothtrooper's mods Immersive Armors and Immersive Weapons. Reason being that not only is Ulfric's armor changed, but also General Tulius, Hadvar and Ralof's armors as well, and all four are heavily scripted for the opening Helgen event and tutorial bit. Just open NMM, deactivate the mods, play through Helgen, and once out of the cave save, exit to desktop, reopen NMM, and reactivate Hothtrooper's mods. I'd also advocate establishing the save you make outside of Helgen as your "clean" save for future reference to make restarting easier in the future, so you don't have to worry about which mods are f*#@ing you over.

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  • 5 weeks later...

I searched for an hour for the crazy spinning cart in my new game of Skyrim. This exactly helped me. Thanks for finding out!!


I'm using the SKSE ini for lazy people :smile:


Now it looks like this:


  On 3/7/2015 at 10:50 PM, afboak said:


I stumbled onto a very curious solution to the into cart flipping problem in my setup. The key mod that makes the cart go spinning out of control for me if it's present when I start a new game is Immersive Armors.


It turns out that in the SKSE.ini file we are supposed to create for the memory patch, the cart-flipping disappeared when I commented out the line




Going to




fixed the issue. I imagine then I could leave it this way until I'm at an appropriate save point (like right before character creation), then restart from that save with the setting active again. I can't imagine this would hurt anything at start up. This flag is supposed to help remove orphaned scripts, I think. It seems that there shouldn't be any at the start of the new game, but somehow it's definitely interacting with the Immersive Armors initialization script.

Edited by aragonit
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I still see people spending a lot of time trying to find the exact mod - or combination of mods that cause problems during the intro. If you just want to play the game instead of fighting with it, just disable all mods until after you complete the intro and leave the cave. You cannot do anything mod related during the intro without possibly causing a problem. And if you attempt to do anything that is not a part of the intro, it WILL crash.

After you exit the cave make a permanent save before adding any mods - Then install the mods and TEST!!! This is where the profiles that are now available in NMM v0.60.nn will come in handy. Make that first permanent save with no mods your first profile, then a new profile with the mods.

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  On 8/14/2015 at 4:03 PM, Wyvernboy said:


  On 8/14/2015 at 3:22 PM, TheBrux said:

Immersive Armours was the one that screwed the intro for me. Had about 45 mods running, only had to disable IA to squash the bug.HH

Hi TheBrux! I also have Immersive Armors installed but it does not cause the same problem as you mentioned in your above post. Immersive Armors only adds in new armors (mesh and textures) to the game and should not affect any "physics-related" bugs in-game. The closest guess would be the scripting involved in Immersive Armors making certain NPCs equip certain armors but I don't see how it will affect the wagon/carriage and the horse in the Intro-tutorial when starting a new game. The problem could have arise from another mod. :geek:


However, if you don't mind starting the game from another viewpoint/scenario, you may want to download alternate new game mods such as Alternate Start - Live Another Life; though I must say I would prefer having the vanilla Intro-tutorial because it delivers the story better. :D


Funnily enough, I did not have this problem with the base Immersive Armour Mod.

But I did have the "Jumping carriage Effect" occur when I tried to use the Immersive Armours CBBE patch/addon.

I am going to see if it works now that my toon is in Riverwood.

Edited by Wavecannon
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I still crashed once when I got to Riverwood, but disabling Immersive Armors and Immersive Weapons fixed the camera craziness. At the time I was not running the IA CBBE patch. :mellow:

Seems ok now. Once I'm in an empty cell I'll load Immersiver armor and weapons back, run another bashed patch and see what happens.

Edited by Brennan
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  • 2 weeks later...

I had this problem too, with NO mods, not even official DLC's. What fixed it for me was setting the refresh rate of the monitor to 60Hz. I have a high refresh rate monitor, and apparently it doesn't play nice with Skyrim. Skyrim requires 60Hz, no more than that.

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