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New file adding "wizard", tagging and more prominent content blocking


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Doesn't matter which gender's genitals are on display, I'm just not interested in any of it. I also would block mods in a different language simply because I don't speak or use Skyrim in other languages therefore it's a waste of time to see a mod I would never use.

people can use the game for whatever they want (including porn, if that's their thing), I'm happy to just be able to tailor the experience so it's not part of mine.

I actually didn't know you could block tags, suppose I should have looked into it more,

Good update on the hotfiles options though!

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In response to post #8293801. #8294848 is also a reply to the same post.

I ticked that box a long time ago, but yeah, still 60-70 % of all visible images on Nexus are of skimpy and anime girls. The "filter" system for the image section as it is now is basically useless. For me it's not about kids not viewing this, it's about that I simply don't like that kind of material. I'm not interested in looking at images I find perverted or weird. I personally like nice, normal scenery shots - similar to Bethesda's official screenshots - which is almost impossible to find unless you want to click through pages of panties and boobs first.

As good as it is that you can block files on the Nexus, I think it's just as important to be able to block images. Right now the only option is to not to look at images at all.
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In response to post #8293877. #8293887, #8293928, #8293987 are all replies on the same post.

I giggled when I saw the penis mod. I showed my husband and even he laughed. If people want to run around with dicks on their characters then so what? People need to stop being childish and scroll past the mod. I don't get offended when I see characters with big boobs or big asses. In fact, I am using the CBBE mod. =) But yay for tagging stuff!
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In response to post #8293801. #8294848 is also a reply to the same post.

I ticked that box a long time ago, but yeah, still 60-70 % of all visible images on Nexus are of skimpy and anime girls. The "filter" system for the image section as it is now is basically useless. For me it's not about kids not viewing this, it's about that I simply don't like that kind of material. I'm not interested in looking at images I find perverted or weird. I personally like nice, normal scenery shots - similar to Bethesda's official screenshots - which is almost impossible to find unless you want to click through pages of panties and boobs first.


As good as it is that you can block files on the Nexus, I think it's just as important to be able to block images. Right now the only option is to not to look at images at all.


If you have adult content blocked then the images marked adult also should not show to you. If something is clearly adult and not marked as such then it needs to be reported. The problem is and always will be "how skimpy is skimpy" and that is for the moderators to decide. However the adult filter should certainly weed out many of them.

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In response to post #8294805.

Yeah, my main issue was the image was annoying. And it wasn't so much the content as the fact that said content was on the hotfiles with an image there.

I personally think that the hotfiles are good in one way, but I do think that a similar system should be implemented for giving spotlight to extraordinary mods on the front page. Not sure how on earth that should work except maybe have it be for the top five files of a given month or file of the month competition.
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Great updates, thanks Robin! I have a question about the way the Attributes default in the search. Currently, one checked is "Not Lore Friendly." So if it's checked, I get everything, both lore-plus and lore-minus, right? And if unchecked, I get everything *other* than specifically lore-minus?


I never use content blocking since I like to see the whole sweep of author's ambitions (I rather enjoyed seeing that er, member of the hotfiles, as an abstraction). So I hadn't thought much about tagging. You've given me a good nudge on that- with >600 endrorsements but <20 taggings, I've got some work to do!

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