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Ma refuse access to GMAD, which have been proven to have more than 1000 downloads before they have requested the deletion of their mods, shows only how the operators of the page tick. This automatically sorts all critical voices out for them. I am always surprised how easy life can be

Not sure what you mean. GMAD has always required 1000 downloads to join. As far as I know, you don't need 1000 downloads to request that your mod be deleted.

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Ma refuse access to GMAD, which have been proven to have more than 1000 downloads before they have requested the deletion of their mods, shows only how the operators of the page tick. This automatically sorts all critical voices out for them. I am always surprised how easy life can be

Not sure what you mean. GMAD has always required 1000 downloads to join. As far as I know, you don't need 1000 downloads to request that your mod be deleted.


I suspect that Authors that DON'T have 1000 downloads, and thus, are not considered 'authors' here, didn't get the email...... Don't know for sure though.

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I remember I've got that email, and got a bit annoyed since I would always unsub from any email notifications, and still got it. It took me another year to figure I've got access to GMAD.


I deleted that survey email as well, only to figure I actually want to participate in the survey, when I was browsing the forums.


And for that recent change, that email got deleted as well. I was just quickly reviewing BB's WoT, and extracted the important content. Only later I figured there was drama surrounding Wabbajack already, and yeah, I was instantly like:"Oh, big annoucement. Is it summer?". And I knew what was coming.


You guys realize The Nexus forwards controversial stuff in summer, right?


I can't lose the impression they know more than we do, and prepare The Nexus for dramatic future changes. As already mentioned, a lot of the big numbers are gone for good, prolly due to real life changes. And I feel like they do this to preserve content. I wonder how that whole MS bought Beth thing is going to impact modding.

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I remember I've got that email, and got a bit annoyed since I would always unsub from any email notifications, and still got it. It took me another year to figure I've got access to GMAD.


I deleted that survey email as well, only to figure I actually want to participate in the survey, when I was browsing the forums.


And for that recent change, that email got deleted as well. I was just quickly reviewing BB's WoT, and extracted the important content. Only later I figured there was drama surrounding Wabbajack already, and yeah, I was instantly like:"Oh, big annoucement. Is it summer?". And I knew what was coming.


You guys realize The Nexus forwards controversial stuff in summer, right?


I can't lose the impression they know more than we do, and prepare The Nexus for dramatic future changes. As already mentioned, a lot of the big numbers are gone for good, prolly due to real life changes. And I feel like they do this to preserve content. I wonder how that whole MS bought Beth thing is going to impact modding.

I am sure there is a LOT going on behind the scenes that only staff are aware of. That just goes without saying. I think it would be interesting to be a fly on the wall in Nexus offices. :D


Forwards controversial stuff in summer??? I don't understand.


I don't think for the next round of beth games, MS is going to change much. Highly likely they will be moddable, and beth will release the CK, or whatever its called for the next iteration of games..... I would like to think they have already been in development for a while, even before MS acquisition..... But, maybe I am being overly optimistic. :D Wouldn't be the first time. It IS getting on toward time for another TES game though. After all, Skyrim (LE) released 10 years ago. They don't usually go that long between major releases.....

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I'm no longer 100% confident we're going to see a CK for TES6 or that new Starym. Either that, or it's going to be less powerful. But for sure I hope I'm wrong.


I also got the idea, that sometime in the not so far future, Beth titles are going to be replaced on the "most uploaded mods" throne. That would actually explain a lot why that change came so uncompromising, on top of the other reasons we've heard.


But yeah, that's pure speculation.




Forwards controversial stuff in summer??? I don't understand.


Well, I guess The Nexus is less frequented in summer. Huge changes are easier to implement on the website? Also, fewer users that could potentially complain?




They don't usually go that long between major releases.....


FO4 was a big release in 2016. So it's 2021...they do have a 5 year circle?

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Well, I guess The Nexus is less frequented in summer. Huge changes are easier to implement on the website? Also, fewer users that could potentially complain?


I am not so sure about that.... It used to be, that the 'kids' would be outside in the summer..... but, not so much any more. They are all out of school now, so, time to mod their games? :)



FO4 was a big release in 2016. So it's 2021...they do have a 5 year circle?

Valid point. Guess I am still not used to them having more than one "major" title. :D Even though they have for quite a while now.



I would like to think that one of the reasons beth games are so popular, is because of modability..... but, I haven't seen any recent stats for how many folks actually mod their games.. Granted, we have a selection of mods here with MILLIONS of downloads, which is probably still only 10% of sales though...... (or less....)

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Starfield appears to be using what's being called Creation Engine 2. Based on the alpha footage BGS have shown of the newest game, they've clearly improved the rendering side of things, though no idea what else has undergone a dramatic change under the hood. Also, bear in mind that the team responsible for the engine has gone from around 6 (for Fallout4 & earlier games) to somewhere just over 25 (for upcoming/future games) I don't think we'll see a massive leap in quality until the new ES game, but Starfield could prove me wrong.

I'm dubious that BGS wouldn't release a version of Creation Kit (2?) for their future games; whilst the ability to have mods may not be responsible for the majority of their sales, it's clearly a massive boom to the overall longevity of their games, and considering their established release schedule, they'll take any and all opportunities to retain as much player engagement/retainment as possible.

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Yeah, that's the Beth side of things. But I can tell you some nasty changes have happened since MS got involved into Minecraft. And a major part of modders/players stuck with the last pre MS version(1.12.2).


F.e. there were some mods that got absorbed into later game versions, without consulting any of the org creators, while others got some share. There was a bit of outrage.


But then, in difference to the Beth EULA, the Minecraft EULA makes it very clear, that Mojang has the right to integrate anything at will, without the need to ask. I actually might be wrong the Beth EULA doesn't say something similar.

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