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Please boycott Ender's game if you care about equality and the end


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Hate can only summon more hate. Even if nobody would boycott this, karma would hit him back. It always does.


And pheo3309,


Freedom of speech is not a problem, im ok with any and all forms of different opinions.


But lies and acusations like that which i quoted in my previous post are a crime. Nobody is free to spread lies in order to make someone else or a specific group look bad.


You either have freedom of speech or you don't.



I realize that.


I'm just saying that his kind of "freedom of speech" should be punished. Else you will have situations like here in Croatia, one professor spreads those lies, people believe them, the same people threaten me with death because they think I'm an abomination.


A simple lie like that can make a world of a difference and make someone's life horribly difficult and painful. I felt that personally and still am/will until I move away to a better place.


Doing nothing at all is like seeing someone getting bullied next to you and not doing anything about it. Just that it wont happen right now but sometime later in a chain reaction.



If you punish people for speaking their minds they'll be scared to, that's oppressive and has no place in a free country. You can't change hearts and minds by silencing people, in fact it does quite the opposite, it suggests they're right and that you have no argument.

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Again, speaking their MIND is okay and totally fine. What they THINK, their OPINION.


Telling LIES is not okay.


"I hate *specific group of people*, they shouldn't have any rights to do this and that." That's okay, they speak what they think. That's ok.


"I hate *specific group of people*, because they become so by being raped and seducted into evil." Those are lies, false information which can be used against someone at any time. The consequences of someone spreading lies like this can be severe. If you would also say such things in court, that would be a serious crime.


Someone speaking their opinion cannot hurt anyone physically and can't endanger their health, while someone spreading lies can result into other people believing it, bullying, physical violence and more.


I'm sorry but I speak out of personal experience. I wont just say that lying is ok, because that almost killed me a few weeks ago and I don't want anyone else to experience such a situation just because someone spread false information in order to hurt somebody else.


I'm all for freedom of speech, but if you call a "free country" a place where people can simply invent false info and spread it like that and some gay kid will die because his bullies thought he was raped into it and is an abomination of this world, then I don't want to live in such a country.


I don't want to sound oppressive or anything like that, sorry if I do. I only try to defend who I know needs defending.

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Wow, Jim. This goes far beyond free speech.


As you've already been informed, he lies about us. That's one. For another, as I've already stated, he uses those lies, his celebrity power, money and connections to solicit support for those lies and his narrow minded views and to then attempt judicial changes to directly impact people. There is a huge difference and frankly, I'm getting rather saddened and frustrated that you continue to defend him in any way.


Also, some updates:







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Hate can only summon more hate. Even if nobody would boycott this, karma would hit him back. It always does.


And pheo3309,


Freedom of speech is not a problem, im ok with any and all forms of different opinions.


But lies and acusations like that which i quoted in my previous post are a crime. Nobody is free to spread lies in order to make someone else or a specific group look bad.


You either have freedom of speech or you don't.



I realize that.


I'm just saying that his kind of "freedom of speech" should be punished. Else you will have situations like here in Croatia, one professor spreads those lies, people believe them, the same people threaten me with death because they think I'm an abomination.


A simple lie like that can make a world of a difference and make someone's life horribly difficult and painful. I felt that personally and still am/will until I move away to a better place.


Doing nothing at all is like seeing someone getting bullied next to you and not doing anything about it. Just that it wont happen right now but sometime later in a chain reaction.



If you punish people for speaking their minds they'll be scared to, that's oppressive and has no place in a free country. You can't change hearts and minds by silencing people, in fact it does quite the opposite, it suggests they're right and that you have no argument.



What OSC is doing is not free speech, what he is doing is considered a hate crime. Freedom of speech doesn't mean spreading lies, freedom of speech doesn't mean spreading hate and certainly freedom of speech doesn't mean that you have the right to obtain profits to promote that kind hate and expect that people to be sympathetic to you. There is a stark difference between your so called "freedom of speech" and promoting hate and OSC is promoting hate to certain groups, and that to me is unacceptable.

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Could never get into OSC in the first place and I am shocked to note how homophobic he is. Living in Australia means I am less involved, aware of, gay marriage political actions going on in the USA but I will boycott the movie. Only I am pretty sure I would not have seen it anyway.

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Unfortunately, the US government has determined that lying IS considered "protected speech". Seems that the "stolen valor" laws that were proposed were shot down, as "unconstitutional". (stolen valor is claiming military awards, that you never actually recieved. Test case was a man that claimed to have won the medal of honor, when in reality, he had never even served in the military. Yes, a blatant, flat-out, lie.)


Personally, attempting to classify it as "hate speech", seems like a dodge. Anything can be construed as hate speech with the correct manipulation. This is just another method used to limit your rights. Works pretty good too.

Edited by HeyYou
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I read Ender's Game before I knew who Card was really, I liked it quite a bit and was looking forward to this movie. Looks like I'll have to wait for it to be on DvD or something then borrow a used copy, since I know some people who will likely buy it anyway.

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Hate can only summon more hate. Even if nobody would boycott this, karma would hit him back. It always does.


And pheo3309,


Freedom of speech is not a problem, im ok with any and all forms of different opinions.


But lies and acusations like that which i quoted in my previous post are a crime. Nobody is free to spread lies in order to make someone else or a specific group look bad.


You either have freedom of speech or you don't.



I realize that.


I'm just saying that his kind of "freedom of speech" should be punished. Else you will have situations like here in Croatia, one professor spreads those lies, people believe them, the same people threaten me with death because they think I'm an abomination.


A simple lie like that can make a world of a difference and make someone's life horribly difficult and painful. I felt that personally and still am/will until I move away to a better place.


Doing nothing at all is like seeing someone getting bullied next to you and not doing anything about it. Just that it wont happen right now but sometime later in a chain reaction.



If you punish people for speaking their minds they'll be scared to, that's oppressive and has no place in a free country. You can't change hearts and minds by silencing people, in fact it does quite the opposite, it suggests they're right and that you have no argument.



What OSC is doing is not free speech, what he is doing is considered a hate crime. Freedom of speech doesn't mean spreading lies, freedom of speech doesn't mean spreading hate and certainly freedom of speech doesn't mean that you have the right to obtain profits to promote that kind hate and expect that people to be sympathetic to you. There is a stark difference between your so called "freedom of speech" and promoting hate and OSC is promoting hate to certain groups, and that to me is unacceptable.



You either have freedom of speech or you don't, once you put limits on it the freedom is gone. If someone says something that does lead to injury or worse then that person should be held responsible, rights do come with responsibilities, however if no harm can be proven then the person should be free to continue to speak their mind, it's not as if anyone is under any obligation to listen. You accuse him of lying, a lie is told to intentionally deceive or mislead, if he genuinely believes the nonsense he's spouting then he isn't lying, he just wrong, anyway if lies were a crime every politician in the world would be doing time, as would most of us. As I've already said I find his views repugnant but I also find this trend of silencing those who voice an opinion that doesn't fit the mainstream equally repugnant. Our liberties are being eroded at an alarming rate, we should be pushing against it, not actively helping.

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