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Artmoor removing Mods because... Nexus won't allow them to Delete their mods in the future? What the hell?


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Ok. Here is the actual definitions of cathedral vs. parlor (and I know because I was around when Wrye wrote this). https://wryemusings.com/Cathedral%20vs.%20Parlor.html#CathedralvsParlor

I'm not sure linking that article is a very good idea. It is incredibly biased towards Cathedral and openly belittles Parlor.


....except Wryre is the guy who coined those terms and pretty much invented the whole thing. And while he does favor cathedral, I see no belittling of parlor.. But ya, you know better.

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There are so many who treat this place like a cathedral, when it really is a parlor for bankers who put pictures up on their walls of all the people that are a success, even just support them buy opening an account, sponsor them by sharing a monthly stipend, buy premium.

Paga, I truly love your writing style. You are a treasure <3

I agree - this sums it all up! Itâs so well said!!

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Anyway, since the whole cathedral/parlor thing is gaslighting (Isn't that what we called OT in the other thread now closed?), maybe we should keep it to Artmoor and his motives or get the thread closed? What does that even have to do with Arthmoor being upset about the new TOS?

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As a Player I have been waiting for something like "Collections" for years.

And I can see both sides, for and against this move, but the negatives are over "Rights",

not over the idea of Collection Packs. I think the popular mod creators have seen this need,

and is why many of them have made mod-packs themselves.


I think Nexus has been put on a seesaw, trying to balance a fair resolution, between both

mod creators and players. But this always happens with progress.

Much like when the automobile took over from the horse and buggy,

there is a lot of friction in the beginning, that will change and be ironed out over time.


There is a reason Nexus has become the site for Mods, and that reason is how they

have dealt with ALL the community over all.

Sure they have made mistakes, same as everyone, but given time, they always come around.


So I think the community should give this Great Idea, time to hatch, and settle in.

I believe we will all be better off, in the end.


Many Thanks to Nexus, to the Great Creators, and the Amazing Community of Players.



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As a Player I have been waiting for something like "Collections" for years.

And I can see both sides, for and against this move, but the negatives are over "Rights",

not over the idea of Collection Packs. I think the popular mod creators have seen this need,

and is why many of them have made mod-packs themselves.


I think Nexus has been put on a seesaw, trying to balance a fair resolution, between both

mod creators and players. But this always happens with progress.

Much like when the automobile took over from the horse and buggy,

there is a lot of friction in the beginning, that will change and be ironed out over time.


There is a reason Nexus has become the site for Mods, and that reason is how they

have dealt with ALL the community over all.

Sure they have made mistakes, same as everyone, but given time, they always come around.


So I think the community should give this Great Idea, time to hatch, and settle in.

I believe we will all be better off, in the end.


Many Thanks to Nexus, to the Great Creators, and the Amazing Community of Players.



Nexus became the site for mods because there was a need, and Robin was around at the right time, and when Nexus first started, it was put in place FOR modders to showcase their work, and share it with others. Modders rights had priority.


Very few mod authors have an issue with collections, they take issue with the way things did a 180 turn here when it comes to modders rights, essentially overnight. A LOT changed in the background, without any input from the majority of content creators. (I don't know anyone that was even asked their opinion before the changes became fact.) Mod authors found out by accident. THEN Nexus made a news post, etc.


With their new direction, Nexus has opened the door for some serious competition. If given a choice between essentially giving up your rights to Nexus, or uploading to another, author friendly site, which do you think folks are going to choose?

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As a Player I have been waiting for something like "Collections" for years.

And I can see both sides, for and against this move, but the negatives are over "Rights",

not over the idea of Collection Packs. I think the popular mod creators have seen this need,

and is why many of them have made mod-packs themselves.


I think Nexus has been put on a seesaw, trying to balance a fair resolution, between both

mod creators and players. But this always happens with progress.

Much like when the automobile took over from the horse and buggy,

there is a lot of friction in the beginning, that will change and be ironed out over time.


There is a reason Nexus has become the site for Mods, and that reason is how they

have dealt with ALL the community over all.

Sure they have made mistakes, same as everyone, but given time, they always come around.


So I think the community should give this Great Idea, time to hatch, and settle in.

I believe we will all be better off, in the end.


Many Thanks to Nexus, to the Great Creators, and the Amazing Community of Players.





Collections aren't the issue, the issue is, that Nexus removed Mod Authors ability to delete their mods when they so choose, then THREE DAYS LATER, Nexus told Mod Authors that they had made that change.


Why change it in secret then let us know about it three days later?

Was it to prevent an uproar or was it to prevent modders from removing their mods?


Because BOTH THINGS HAPPENED ANYWAY, and a third variable was added to that mix, where it broke a LOT of Trust between Mod Authors and the Nexus.

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I understand, the Rights of Creators, have to be upheld.

That said I think this is a perfect opportunity for Nexus to show their support for Mod Creators.


I think that Nexus should have a MOD BOUNTY Program set up, much like the Security side of programing.

So that Nexus could be the interface between Game Companies and the Mod Creators.
Where Mod Creators could get paid for their work, and have it put into a game.
I see this as being a Win for Nexus, Game Companies and the Mod Creators getting paid and recognition for their time,
a Win for the Game company with improved Ideas, Bug fix, Game updates, and Community relations,
and a Win for all the Players getting better Play, which fits in with the "Collection" scheme.

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I understand, the Rights of Creators, have to be upheld.

That said I think this is a perfect opportunity for Nexus to show their support for Mod Creators.


I think that Nexus should have a MOD BOUNTY Program set up, much like the Security side of programing.

So that Nexus could be the interface between Game Companies and the Mod Creators.

Where Mod Creators could get paid for their work, and have it put into a game.

I see this as being a Win for Nexus, Game Companies and the Mod Creators getting paid and recognition for their time,

a Win for the Game company with improved Ideas, Bug fix, Game updates, and Community relations,

and a Win for all the Players getting better Play, which fits in with the "Collection" scheme.

Beth is already doing something like this, but leaving nexus out of it, and pocketing all the proceeds themselves. (Creation Club.)


Beth tried "Paid mods", which essentially allowed mod authors to 'sell' their mods. The hue and cry was heard very loudly, and the torch and pitchfork crowd was immediately in evidence. Valve got scared, and Gabe pulled the plug. Even as Beth was announcing it..... (which got pulled right quick.)


Besides, for beth games, if beth likes a mod, they can do whatever they want with it, without even saying a single word to the author. A fair few ideas from modders, were implemented in the next Beth game. They have even hired modders on occasion.

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Besides, for beth games, if beth likes a mod, they can do whatever they want with it, without even saying a single word to the author. A fair few ideas from modders, were implemented in the next Beth game. They have even hired modders on occasion.




^ This right here.


Fallout 4 is basically a combination of all the top mods for Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas combined



Weapon Mods? WMX and WMK from Fallout New Vegas


Settlement Building? Yet another mod from Fallout New Vegas


Unique deaths? EVE from Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas


etc etc


I won't be one bit surprised if Sim Settlements is "appropriated" for future Bethesda games

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