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Do Cathedrals actually exist?


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Your argument is only relevant if you want to make a decision as a new user. But not if you have been a member of this community for years and rejecting their new alignment. In this case one would expect that a dialogue is possible and is not suppressed in dictatorial manner.


I agree, but ... well, in the case of recent events, there has been plenty of dialogue, and doesn't seem to be suppressed in a doctorial manner. Everyone had quite a long time to discuss things. Just because Nexus didn't change their mind doesn't mean there wasn't dialogue.

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Your argument is only relevant if you want to make a decision as a new user. But not if you have been a member of this community for years and rejecting their new alignment. In this case one would expect that a dialogue is possible and is not suppressed in dictatorial manner.


I agree, but ... well, in the case of recent events, there has been plenty of dialogue, and doesn't seem to be suppressed in a doctorial manner. Everyone had quite a long time to discuss things. Just because Nexus didn't change their mind doesn't mean there wasn't dialogue.


You if consider something like this:


Nexusmods: This is how it is going to be, live with it, or take all your stuff down.


as "dialogue", then sure. Mod authors did a lot of discussing. What was conspicuously absent was anyone from staff participating. That doesn't meet my definition of 'dialog'.


This has nothing to do with the topic of cathedrals and whether or not they really exist.

Valid point. Of course, bunny is absolutely notorious for dragging threads off on a tangent, that nothing to do with the actual topic.


On Topic: No. Cathedrals do not exist, and so long as humans are involved, they cannot.

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This has nothing to do with the topic of cathedrals and whether or not they really exist.

Valid point. Of course, bunny is absolutely notorious for dragging threads off on a tangent, that nothing to do with the actual topic.


< shear >


Is this irony or hypocrisy?

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You if consider something like this:



Nexusmods: This is how it is going to be, live with it, or take all your stuff down.


as "dialogue", then sure. Mod authors did a lot of discussing. What was conspicuously absent was anyone from staff participating. That doesn't meet my definition of 'dialog'.

The staff not participating is a bold faced lie. I have seen them come in an explain things a few times, and then I have seen you all ignore literally everything they said while also some even going as far as insulting them. Sure it might not be a back and forth like you want from them, but that is likely because they know it's just going to go in circles, because it does. And that is still called a dialogue, even if they are firm on their choice and only responded once or twice.




Valid point. Of course, bunny is absolutely notorious for dragging threads off on a tangent, that nothing to do with the actual topic.

You blame literally everything on anyone who disagrees with you instead of actually being honest and just going back and looking to see who brought the subject up. But sure, it was me even though it was WileCoyote68 who brought it up. This is why the staff didn't bother going back and forth with you all like you wanted, cause this is about the level of conversation they would get from it. This is also likely why you all are not as convincing as you think you are, and instead it just comes off as if you are ... for lack of better word ... throwing a tantrum. The amount of disrespect some of you throw around is just beyond communication and is what makes things go in circles.




No. Cathedrals do not exist, and so long as humans are involved, they cannot.

Indeed, because humans have their habits and views that are developed by their environment. It's difficult to really change how someone thinks, or to get them to try anything different. I personally, think it would work fine in modding if it was just given a fair shot.

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You if consider something like this:



Nexusmods: This is how it is going to be, live with it, or take all your stuff down.


as "dialogue", then sure. Mod authors did a lot of discussing. What was conspicuously absent was anyone from staff participating. That doesn't meet my definition of 'dialog'.

The staff not participating is a bold faced lie. I have seen them come in an explain things a few times, and then I have seen you all ignore literally everything they said while also some even going as far as insulting them. Sure it might not be a back and forth like you want from them, but that is likely because they know it's just going to go in circles, because it does. And that is still called a dialogue, even if they are firm on their choice and only responded once or twice.




Valid point. Of course, bunny is absolutely notorious for dragging threads off on a tangent, that nothing to do with the actual topic.

You blame literally everything on anyone who disagrees with you instead of actually being honest and just going back and looking to see who brought the subject up. But sure, it was me even though it was WileCoyote68 who brought it up. This is why the staff didn't bother going back and forth with you all like you wanted, cause this is about the level of conversation they would get from it. This is also likely why you all are not as convincing as you think you are, and instead it just comes off as if you are ... for lack of better word ... throwing a tantrum. The amount of disrespect some of you throw around is just beyond communication and is what makes things go in circles.




No. Cathedrals do not exist, and so long as humans are involved, they cannot.

Indeed, because humans have their habits and views that are developed by their environment. It's difficult to really change how someone thinks, or to get them to try anything different. I personally, think it would work fine in modding if it was just given a fair shot.


And see, you just proved my point. Instead of commenting on the topic at hand, you want to run off on your tangent.


Also, I can count the number of times staff actually responded to a question on one hand.... in a thread of over 100 pages. It ain't a lie. It is pretty much fact. It wasn't a dialog.

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And see, you just proved my point. Instead of commenting on the topic at hand, you want to run off on your tangent.





Do not quote the bunny

Do not make eye contact with the bunny

Do not feed the bunny



Shades of Monty Python? :)

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And see, you just proved my point. Instead of commenting on the topic at hand, you want to run off on your tangent.



Except I did comment on the topic at hand, you just didn't read it all. It's at the bottom.





Do not quote the bunny


Do not make eye contact with the bunny

Do not feed the bunny

See, here is another priceless example that it isn't me bringing these threads off topic, it's you all doing it and then trying to blame someone else for it.




Shades of Monty Python? :smile:


>.> ... Ya ... what a hypocrite.

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I agree, but ... well, in the case of recent events, there has been plenty of dialogue, and doesn't seem to be suppressed in a doctorial manner. Everyone had quite a long time to discuss things. Just because Nexus didn't change their mind doesn't mean there wasn't dialogue.


The staff not participating is a bold faced lie. I have seen them come in an explain things a few times, and then I have seen you all ignore literally everything they said while also some even going as far as insulting them. Sure it might not be a back and forth like you want from them, but that is likely because they know it's just going to go in circles, because it does. And that is still called a dialogue, even if they are firm on their choice and only responded once or twice.

They kept referring to their announcement which shows that they are not interested in any dialogue. Arguments of any kind are irrelevant to them. From my point of view, this is not a dialogue. It's called ignorance.


To get back to the subject. As we now know, you support the cathedral way of modding. Completly fine. Get some folks and do it. But don't force others joining. Everyone is free to make their own decision. Even if iyou can't agree, you must accept it.

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