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DDoS season begins, sites a little bit unstable


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I've noticed something that might simply be the result of quirks unique to my PC setup, but I thought I would post just in case it helps other people: Firefox absolutely refuses to load the site over the past few days. Chrome (gag me) loads it pretty well. Internet Explorer (gag me) also loads it pretty well. Safari is okay, but loading the contents in the different tabs (Description, Images, Posts, etc) often fails.


I have no idea why this might be the case. It could have something to do with the way the different browsers request data from the servers combined with whatever anti-DDoS measures have been put in place. Or, it could be some quirk of my system. YMMV. I'm just thrilled that I can now access the site, although it pains me not to use my favorite browser.

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In response to post #8467923. #8468158, #8468567, #8468831, #8469176, #8469446, #8469778 are all replies on the same post.

semi big sites are possibly just a test target, could be random. former site i moderated [acct namesake is the former domain name]. dos deflate is what we used to ignore odd request from IPs asking a odd request [one particular jpeg to the php design borders] with 15-100 connections.. in an attempt to flood the server and lag it slow to effectively "not respond" to newer legitimate users browsing the site. These DDoS'ers most likely are testing and updating their scripts for a much bigger target. our servers at web-tech-hosting seen waves of 300, 400, etc totalling up to 1000-3000 at a time... months prior to same attacks Google saw in 2007, 2008, 2009. the annoyance if anything is tweaking anti-ddos protections to know attacks from a regular visitor/user with possibly a weak connection and frustration of its user constantly refreshing [resending request], and safelisting known user IPs temp banned by the server.
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I also use Avast+Comodo, and scan regularly with Malwarebytes (and find nothing). So far I haven't had any problems whatsoever, and I don't monitor my browsing habits for bad sites at all.
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In response to post #8470697.

Some jerk out there is getting his kicks on DDoSing us because he's a miserable person and loves to spread misery. He won't learn the truth of the matter until someone manages to melt his machine.
These same people also perform DDoS on systems and claim to have a higher motive, like leaking government secrets and such, but they are one and the same to me.
There is no higher motive nuking a government system, keeping me from seeing information vital to doing my required business with the government, or keeping me from using their online pay system.
For these people, the rest of the people in the world is collateral to their jollies.
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In response to post #8464287.

To be honest I'm still clueless how people manage to infest their machines with root kits/maleware/whatnot. The only thing I caught was W32.Blaster ten years back when I was a bit less careful and still used P2P tools.

Ever since I just periodically turn on my AV tools and run a full scan just to find out I haven't caught anything since the last time then turn them back off.

And of course I sail the internetz through waters which would make paranoid people cry and sometimes even install suspicious booty, yet apart from a few false positives.


Good work at keeping the site up and keep fighting the good fight! :)

Edited by IceBox
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