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DDoS season begins, sites a little bit unstable


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To correct a common misconception:


- You are only at risk if you visit the dark parts of the internet.


Sure, the shady parts of the internet have always been risky, but a lot of infections in the last few years have come from mainstream sites serving up infected ads. Or a poorly admin'd site will be hacked and malware code injected into every page served.


Running an ad-blocker helps, but blocking all Javascript/Flash from being executed (except from servers that you manually allow) is recommended. That way, if you visit a site not on your whitelist, and it has been hacked to serve up malware, it will fail to infect you (99% of the time) because your browser refused to run the Javscript or Flash.

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In response to post #8472887. #8473317 is also a reply to the same post.

You realize botnets and such operate extremely quietly because people like you have some superiority complex that prevents them from doing common-sense things like, I dunno, having AV software, right? They don't actually send up a big ol' pop-up saying "OMG U HAEV TEH VRIUS LOLOLOL!"

So basically what I'm saying is that, yeah, you are part of the problem. AV software isn't a cure-all, and yes, you need to operate with some amount of common sense, but that whole reasoning of, "Well I haven't seen it, so therefore it hasn't happened/doesn't exist," is profoundly stupid.
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Id like to think i know a thing or 2 about computers, but what does "DDoS" mean and does it explain why i get slow load times or 502 errors while im trying load up the skyrim nexus page?

Edited by rustydog10
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Honestly you should just use whatever antivirus/firewall software you are most comfortable with. The "best" software changes version to version, month to month, etc. All of the well known options will offer you adequate protection, provided you know how to use them.


More important to advertise I think is using script blockers (Noscript for Firefox). And just being mindful of what you do on the internet.

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