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DDoS season begins, sites a little bit unstable


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I say we all chip in and buy the folks behind the DDoS attacks tickets to a Hawaiian Hot Springs Resort, you know the ones with those... fake... lava pools you can relax in as a way of letting bygones be bygones.

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In response to post #8472887. #8473317, #8473437, #8474825 are all replies on the same post.

in 6 years you had to reinstall operating systems because of a virus? and... you think this is normal... why? i have had my rig for about that, i use AVG, and haven't had an issue. AVG has blocked more than a few threats and malware. i've never had to reinstall an operating system. but then again, i know how to check my reg and clean my PC manually too. but the fact that you resent someone calling people out who harm the site, because you think you can get away without using any PC protection... is just ignorant. you are part of the problem.
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are the forums under DOS attack now? I can hardly access them now.

I've always had some good access to the forums since these DoS attacks began. Maybe they're just getting some more load since more people are checking in here. I'm not really sure of anything though.

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In response to post #8474396. #8474427 is also a reply to the same post.

That's really a waste of money as the post above clearly states and as many domain owners can tell you DDoS happens. Dumping money into what would be a temporary solution to what is essentially a temporary issue is a waste of valuable contributions that could be used for realistic problems that can actually be fixed/upgraded permanently. I have been a user for a while and will say the upgrades made to the nexus in the last few years alone have been substantial and measurable and has made me personally thankful for supporter members, but don't assume that makes every opinion you have valid or informed, nor does it incline administration to work harder when you make a rude post. Fighting DDoS is like digging a hole in the river with a spade.
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In response to post #8472887. #8473317, #8473437, #8474825, #8474982 are all replies on the same post.

Essentially what you are saying is if you don't us a condom you will never get an STD as long as you get tested.... Not using virus protection software and not noticing or testing for an issue =/= malware free. As a professional IT I can agree to a small extent your post has validity but it doesn't mean you shouldn't use anti virus software. Being an educated user is THE BEST anti malware you could hope for, but that doesn't mean you should't at least download AVG... The average user is not well informed, even if they are a gamer. Nor are they usually well informed enough to deal with the issue when it does happen. Prevention > removal. AVG is no cure all, but its better than nothing and its even better when coupled with experience.
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In response to post #8474396. #8474427, #8475005 are all replies on the same post.

Dude, seriously? You made what amounts to a donation to a non-profit site. Yes, you get some perks for the donation but that in no way makes you a customer that has the right to demand service. Dark0ne could shut the whole Nexus network down anytime he wanted because it's his site - not yours. Quit acting as if you have any right to demand anything from the Nexus team because you don't, and if you're one of those people who think they are entitled to anything they want and that others should bend over backward for their every whim, I suggest you leave and not return.
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Dark0ne, I suggested this in another news post a while back, but I really think you guys should do some sort of big one-time fundraising drive like Kickstarter to raise some funds to help deal with idiot DDoSers and the new server installation.


I know you said you were reluctant to use Kickstarter because you would have to give stuff to people, but you could keep it to a minimum by doing things like giving people who donated a special title or badge on the Nexus or even sending personal thank you emails to people who gave a lot. I really think it's something you could do successfully since so many people use the Nexus sites, even a small portion of them giving more than a lifetime premium membership would be very helpful.

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