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DDoS season begins, sites a little bit unstable


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In response to post #8475635.

It's all dependent on the type of malicious code. It should be detected by anti-virus and anti-malware software during system scans. If running a scan with your respective programs of choice turns up nothing and your system isn't doing anything it shouldn't be you're probably reasonably clean. This is of course not guaranteed, but its realistically the best you can do and all Dark0ne likely asks of you. But just a side note, being on a router doesn't provide much (if any) defense, that is after all how most people's home networks are set up.
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In response to post #8475192. #8475255 is also a reply to the same post.

Are you seriously trying to gloat on Communism's record as a geo-political ideology? The sheer number of graves filled with those who have been victims of an ideology so easily warped by tyrants and dictators is astounding. I am not exalting Capitalism either, but to cling to a system that always oppresses is misguided.
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Making this news article was probably a mistake. All you really did by doing it, was give the DDoS attacker the attention they wanted which likely fueled them to keep going because they got a human reaction from a staff member of the site.
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In response to post #8475192. #8475255, #8476142 are all replies on the same post.

Authoritarianism and totalitarianism are not tenets of Marxism. None of the countries you're referring to ever met the pre-requisites neccessary for success(Marx believing his theories required implementation by already developed and industrialized nations). None of the countries you're referring to stuck to Marx and Engels game plan. Nowadays implementations of Democratic Socialism are proving to be quite effective at improving living standards for the masses. And socialism is definitely successful in making this a thriving community
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Being a former coder of malware and a reverse engineer of malware which I find on bots I pop, using anti-virus is a crutch. Not only can most common packer techniques get passed most if not all the bullshit signature scans with a few NOPs or a few INT3s and JMPs, while simultaneously bypassing the heuristic scans by doing everything outside of the C runtime, I usually scoff off these articles and just continue on with what I'm doing, but this is the most uniformed piece of trash I've seen in a while. Not only do you not know what you're talking about, but you throw around terms that you've probably been corrected enough to know which one is which when your site gets attacked by it. Most botnet curators I know of are looking for weaknesses in the server farm. Either they're hitting someone else on your server that's causing the farm to deny other services running on the same farm, thus you have no option but to "wait it out." or you've pissed someone off. It's extremely rare to see random denial of service tests done on websites, it's even more rare for them to be distributed. Because that means someone knows of you, or found you on Google. If they want to test their garbage data power, some f*#@ing game mod site is the bottom the barrel to test on. Not only are they usually under staffed and easy to take down, but there's no challenge in them. Sure you might have an automated service running to check if a group of users are using the same query, or a group of users are accessing the same large content, but they're going to expect this. Before I go on an 18 page rant of why you need to learn you some hacking, I'm just going to tl;dr this with a few sentences.


Anti-virus software sucks a dick, it's only effective in stopping wide-spread malware and anyone who can figure out what 2+2 is knows that when thepiratebay asks you to install a new version of flash, it's obviously a malware attempt.

Edited by gir489
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