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Modding Has Ruined Skyrim.


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You have tried installing a few mods at a time trying to ease into a stable game. Some mods change mid to end game content. So a stable beginning wont necessarily determine how your game will do in 20 to 30+ hours which seemed to be what you were complaining about. What I do, and a lot of people will complain about scripts being left in the saves but w/e, is I load all the mods i want to play with, after checking for compatibility and patches the best I can. Then when I CTD which is normally entering a certain spot or area, and it keeps CTD at that same spot over and over. Then i open NMM and starting at the bottom of the load order begin deactivating mods, 2-3 at a time or one full mod if it contains multiple plugins. I keep reloading and CTDing until that stops and I can determine which specific mod is causing it. Then I delete it, reactivate everything and it goes on pretty stable for a while. There a a lot of bad mods(mainly abadoned ones) that aren't marked bad in any way and unless you comb through the posts you won't know.

Also using a bashed and/or merged patch will help ur mods work together.


Doing ^ that will destroy your saves. After you delete the mod that is causing the problem you should revert to a save that never had it before, or start over.

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RS13, I'm right there with you. I've had this game for over a year now... wanna guess how far I've actually made it in the game? I've actually been to every part of Skyrim, but not all in one playthrough, and I certainly haven't thoroughly explored any of those areas. Main quest? Don't wanna give spoilers, so I'll just say I talked to the big guy, and that's the furthest I've gotten, and that was only once; otherwise I don't even make it to the party before it's back to debugging.



Let's face it though, at some point you have to admit that you're basically a game developer if you're heavily into installing Mods in Skyrim, with all the joys and pitfalls that come along with that title. Unfortunately, game development doesn't happen overnight. Just like when they made Skyrim, now you're making Skyrim: You Edition, and there's going to be a development period before that game is ready to go live and fully playable. The more that the game needs before it's the full You Edition, the longer that's going to take, and at some point you might have to sacrifice a few things. It's an emotionally draining process, and I'll admit there have been times where I had to step away from the computer, drop to the floor, and make all sorts of hellish noises while pounding the floor with my fists... what else do you do the umpteenth time that you run into the "BUT IT WAS JUST-WORKING-LAST-TIME" scenario.



My advice to anyone starting out and who wants a heavily modded Skyrim... don't get comfortable, don't plan on starting that big playthrough anytime soon, you've got some work to put in, but in the end it'll be totally worth it. Also, adopt a "Only definitely, no maybes" approach to picking mods. Only install mods you're definitely going to use. If you think you might, maybe use a mod sometimes for shoots and googles... don't bother, it's not worth it; you don't want to crush your game on a maybe.


Good luck RS13, hope you get through this rough patch and come out the other side, cause there's a pretty cool game waiting for you there :smile:



PS - make sure to scan your system for malware regularly, it's surprising what sort of havok those things can actually wreak on your most demanding games.

Edited by FishBiter
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I will say this. I was you at one point. I couldn't get mods to work no matter what. Like I would spend weeks trying to make it work.


My problem was this. It seemed my mods would never work after I started getting good into the main quest. If I never touched it, my game was fine.


So you know what I did? I found the 'New Life' Mod, which started me after the main quest. I had played that bad boy a few times back when skyrim was released (so no mods at all) so that story was okay passing by.

What this guy (mod author) has done is awesome. He simply went through the main quest, skipping EVERY SIDE QUEST POSSIBLE, never leveling up (console killed any and everything). After that he made different saves in different starting areas (whiterun, dawnstar etc.) and you simply load that save up, and create your character anew.


I don't want to seem like I'm advertising the mod, but I'm telling you, this fixed my skyrim life. My game has been 90% stable (that's a rough figure, we'll just say a crash every 1.5 hours) and has worked flawlessly. And I'm having a blast finally with all the mods I wanted. I cut back on some things naturally, just cause I was so use too it (and half the stuff I installed I hardly ever used anyway) but I just thought I'd through that out there as a possible solution. Your call though!

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Look... Skyrim without mods is boring. I know. But dont you think stability is more worth?

Modded games can work for hours upon hours, and boom your save gets bloated or another wierd thing. It really doesnt matter if the game has been working flawlessly, it can still start crashing.


Check most of the ctd related topics here. Not all im sure but almost all ctd issues involves mods.


Thats that. Im not gonna post here anymore.

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It happened same for me, many crashes and freezes with 200+ mods installed. I use all of this and now even more (close to 40gb):




But then i did this:


1 Order mod with BOSS and then NMM if needed.
2 Tes5edit to check for errors. Then:
- Apply filter for cleaning
- Undelete and disable references (in all mods with errors)
- Remove identical to master records (in all mods with errors)
3 Open Wrye bash and start BOSS with it. Then rebuild patch.
4 Order mods with NMM again if needed.
After that i always run FINIS, ASIS and reprocer. Never started a new game. Crashes now are very rare.
And since you have a decent video card you can try any ENB uptated to last Boris version to avoid more CTDs.
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I know you said you tried everything (and I read the whole thread; it really does seem like just about everything). The only thing we haven't heard much about is your system. All I know about it from the thread is that you run a GTX 690 and have defragged recently. Are your nVidia drivers up to date? How hot does your system run? Is it dust-filtered and/or dusted frequently? Do you run an up-to-date version of Windows? Do you run intrusive firewalls, antiviruses, or anti-spyware programs?


Even knowing all that, I don't expect I'll be able to offer much help. I'm also not familiar with the minutiae and possible conflicts between many of the mods you're trying to run. Your system seems to be the last variable.


EDIT: Also relevant. You may have said and I missed it, but: do you have the same stable->not-so-stable->unplayable arc when you play pure Vanilla Skyrim?

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Anyone can give good advices (no noobish crap like: use BOSS, clean mods with Tes5Edit) how to deal with infinite loading screen problem with many mods installed?


If the most recent save is an external cell, load an internal cell first (like inside a shop) , and then the most recent save.


If the most recent save IS an internal cell, it may be borked. Try loading an older internal cell first.


And you should really save frequently so you don't lose much. I have over 7000 saves.



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