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Vortex KOTOR and TSL mods.


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I have issues with vortex and some KOTOR and KOTOR II mods. Some of these mods include TSL patcher. TSL patcher functions similarly to Fomods. In fact. they are, essentially, Fomods before there were Fomods, as far as I can tell. However, when I go to install some of these mods, I don't have the option to run the TSL patcher. It just dumps things in the override folder. Perhaps it is because Vortex doesn't recognize these as a type of Fomod? I don't know. However, since this is an issue, I am no longer going to use Vortex for these games.

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I'm not even sure what TSL is/means so it's not all that commonplace. Vortex has native support for the more common, modern mod installers. This is usually just FOMOD though.


If you're familiar with the format I'd suggest you consider making an extension so all users can install TSLs with Vortex

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TSL is Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords. And while I am familar with TSL Patcher, I don't know how to do make it into an extension. Nor do I feel fully qualified to do so, without proper authorization from the mod author. And while I may have conversed with Stoffe on the lucasarts forums, on their mods, I am uncomfortable in attempting to do this.

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