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Cluster move complete, a few bugs to fix


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I don't know if this has been reported yet but I seem to have lost some 'Tracked files'!

Of the four Beth games I follow only Skyrim has 'I think' all my tracked files, with only 3 showing on Fallout3 and none for either Oblivion or Morrowind, now, while I don't consider this to be the catalyst for the downfall of society or even a life threatening event it does seem to have occurred, but who knows, they might just pop right back up when everything settles down!

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Hey, I see a lot of people are still talking about the "unable to login" bug.


lpha and I appear to have "fixed" the problem on our end simply by deleting our cookies. In my specific case, I deleted cookies and temporary files from Internet Explorer. For hours I've been able to login, logout, and stay logged in on all sites as usual.


Does this work for anyone else? Or is it just a fluke?

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"48 CPU cores and 192GB or RAM across 6 virtual servers"


Now THAT would make a decent gaming rig...


Jokes aside, as much as I'm annoyed (sometimes) by the site downtimes or the download servers not working, I completely appreciate and value your work and effort.

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This site is ridiculously awesome. I use it so often, when I saw the price I was like "that's it?"


Very good design, easy implementation into my games, and THE NEXUS MOD MANAGER? Wow, talk about worth the price of Premium, I definitely appreciate the work this site puts in.


The only thing I want this site to add is screenshot filled tutorials so that people can replicate other people's mod collections. I see so many CBBE, UNP, etc without real instructions on how to create some of the stunning beauties on here. We need that.


Also, ENB collection mods. So it just downloads all of the mods from one ENB preset, and automatically loads them all in the proper load order.


If those 2 things were here, I could have a game that actually looks like the screenshots I see, instead of installing a mod only to be disappointed when it looks nothing like the mod creators files.


Otherwise, 9/10 on everything else. Fallout 4 I will probably use all of the 48 CPU cores myself. ;)

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So glad things are coming along. Good Job! I am one of those who cannot login to FO3 nexus. Have been trying all day...It just won't login or give any error messages. Oh well. Fixed soon I hope.

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I still can't log in on the main Nexus sites. I had to post this from my forum account, which for some reason works when the Nexus doesn't.


So yeah, sucks to be those of us who still can't log in.



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