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What's the best RPG game?


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I know this is just nostalgia talking, but Dragon Warrior 4 is still my favorite RPG of all time. Granted, it's graphics are beyond the pale compared to the graphics today, but there was just something about that whole world that caused my imagination to soar.


AMong the current crop of RPGs, Morrowind obviously takes the cake. In terms of atmosphere and world-building, there's nothing else out there quite like it.

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If people are going to start calling Final Fantasy an RPG, and not only an RPG, but THE BEST RPG, then I'm going to have to add it to the unmentionables list...or kill anyone who ranks FF as their favourite RPG of all time...


I'm not joking.

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Yeah, i can see where Dark0ne is coming from... FF isn't really an RPG (Role Playing Game)... it's more like an adventure game... Now Morrowind is an RPG. Everything is up to the player... RPG should be non linear... I don't see a reason in banning it, but what we should do is educate the people with what a true RPG really is...


In that definition of an RPG, I would have to say Morrowind and Pen and Paper D&D... I actually don't have too much experience with D&D but it seems awesome...

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Best RPG of all time... hmm...


I'd probably have to go with Chrono Trigger. It was well done, very atmospheric and interesting. Of course, it was an FF style RPG. I really like FF, but I agree it's nothing like your typical definition of RPG. But neither is it an adventure game.


As for non-FF style RPG, I'll probably go with Morrowind. ;) DnD is all fine and good but it's never really wowed me that much. NwN is nice though. ^^ Though people tend to say that's not very DnD so... who knows.

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Before FF becomes banned I must quickly force my two cents upon you.


Final Fantasy 7. The story was amazing.

I played the demo on some cd I got with a game and, HOO-BOY, did it come across as corny.


I don't get it when people tell me that they cried -- or felt any emotions other than embarrassment -- when they saw such-and-so on dbz (no I've never seen the thing) or some other such substance-devoid anime story. And please don't tell me that's only a small fraction of animes; over-the-top, extreme emotions are revolting in no matter form what they're presented.

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I so agree with tyjet3 and Switch, Chrono Trigger was superb. The Story, Music and the ff style was terrific.


But i must say that Might And Magic VII: For Blood And Honor is MY OPINION the best RPG game in my life(yet)!


It laks graphics and stuff but the story and the crap combat engine was something that

you just can not find today, but that i loved the most was the music! it was played with

Sembal (i think it´s spelled that way :huh: ) this fantastic instrument :) .

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Final Fantasy is somewhat of an RPG. It's the general, always and still overused Japanese RPG. Turn based combat, now you can't even tell the difference between male and female, the guys wear such fruity clothes...


KOTOR was WAAAY too overrated. Good, but not game of the year material.


BGII still stand champion.


Minsc [sp?] is the jam.

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I played the demo on some cd I got with a game and, HOO-BOY, did it come across as corny.


There is no way in hell that you can get a good idea of the plot/story by playing a 20 min. long demo.


That's like buying a book, open it at a random location in the middle, read the page, and try to determine whether it's a good book....

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I played the demo on some cd I got with a game and, HOO-BOY, did it come across as corny.


Isn't the demo just the battle arena? You don't get ANY of the story in the demo. The story is what makes FF7 so good...


But i must say that Might And Magic VII: For Blood And Honor is MY OPINION the best RPG game in my life(yet)!


I remember those games... "Clouds over Xeen" was a cool game... I never finished it... it was really hard.


I would say it is safe to classify the M&M games as the correct definition of a RPG. It's not very linear at all. It kind of is because of leveling purposes but it was still free roaming. and you completed quest in any order you wanted and there are TONS of quests...


The following are NOT RPG's:


ANY Final Fantasy (excluding 11)

Sword of Mana and other Manas

Diablo 1 & 2(well, maybe...)

Crono Trigger and Cross

and others like these...


these are ADVENTURE games...


RPG's must be NON-linear...

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