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Bush gets a second term...


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So wait, are you for or against Bush Valdir?


I'm glad. Kerry, to me, did not seem like President material. It seemed that his entire campaign was not for himself at all - he wasn't running for himself; rather, he was running just to run against Bush. I'm not convinved that Kerry could've effectively executed all of his plans to get out of Iraq in less than 6 months, etc...


The fact that I'm a Republican could also have something to do with it.....


Oh, and before you flame me, I don't necessarily agree with everything Bush does. I just happen to agree with him on more issues than Kerry, such as abortion.

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I won't even comment on the posts between this one and my last one, nor will I say anything about the results of the election. Know that I'm utterly, utterly disappointed, as is my whole family, as is my whole school, as are all my online friends, as is a forum (with more than 40 members) that I belong to.

Great. Now we must see this smirking chimp on TV again.

Ah well.


Translation: I won't comment on any of those posts, because Peregrine completely and utterly owned me. I know that any reply I make would only make me look like more of a fanatic liberal idiot, so I'll just make some vague comments about Bush winning.


I'm disappointed in you nzdbox. I expected a lot more from you.

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Peregrine is right. Now, this forum is only meant to express your grief... ahem, I mean, to discuss your ideas concerning G.W. Bush's reelection.

Hundinman, I think I kind of agree with you on your views on abortion... but I am afraid that this is the only topic on which my views are republican. For instance, I think that gay people should be allowed to marry if they want to... isn't America the land of freedom? Or did you just mean "freedom for all except the minorities"?

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And Peregrine proves why he should have been the president, with his brilliant victory over terrorism. The triple hijack has been ended, you are now safe. Return to your normal activities, citizens.



Melu2's Ignorance of History


Homosexual Marriage Debate


Abortion Debate


Please continue these discussions in the appropriate threads.

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