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Quest-Locked Dungeon Unlocker


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I've always hated the fact that three of the Words of Power required you to join factions/guilds in order to find. There's a mod that http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/21504/'>places a key to Snow Veil Sanctum in the Ratway Warrens, but I can't seem to find any mods that provide similar access to Dustman's Cairn or Saarthal. Is anyone up to making such mod(s)?

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I've found what I believe to be the same mod you're talking about mirrored elsewhere (whether the mod author approved this, I don't know). But it seems to do more than I'm looking for - it moves a bunch of the DLC word walls as well, including some I've already found in their regular locations. I imagine that would cause issues.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Would it be difficult to create with all of the scripting involved with the quest itself?


For example:

Farkas is supposed to go werewolf at one point in Dustman's Cairn whilst you are stuck behind a cage.


Would a key be able to work around this? If so, it would be a rather simple mod to create, linking keys to places unopened.

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Well, I used the "tcl" command to get through the blockage in Dustman's Cairn, and you do indeed get stuck in the same place you do with Farkas. Trouble is, Farkas isn't there to let you out if you do this. I had to toggle collisions again to get out.

It seems like it'd be a more complicated mod than I could personally be capable of, but there must be someone out there who's both able and willing to do it.

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