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Xbox One To Support Mods? 'It's Up To Developers' Says Maj


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(That should be Major Nelson at the end of the title)




This is interesting, it might not be anything to get too excited about though, the PS3 allows for mods if the devs support it and as far as i know only UT3 took full advantage of it.

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PC mods will still be superior to console mods, but it's good that Xbox and Playstation are looking into mod support.


The only problem I can see is the possibility of game companies becoming lazy with their releases and just letting modders fix their stuff. Possibly.

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They are already lazy.


I see it as a means to further commercialize modding. Hey you can mod console and put it on the PS4 or Xbox Marketplace and we will sell them and control them and approve them..take the money and throw a bit at you.


I can see that it could be cool..but I can't see them keeping their money-grubbing mitts out of it.

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  • 1 month later...

I believe the TF2 hat model will be the future of modding.


Modmakers will be restricted to very specific content, but will be able to sell it for money (for the devs and a few crumbs for the modmaker). Perhaps for those who actually want to make gameplay mods, there will be one or two contests to get your idea into the game and that's it. If you want to do anything more, make an indie game.


It doesn't help that the PC will inevitably die, not because people don't want a PC anymore but because the content producers seem convinced that the platform is dead and this is a self-fulfilling prophecy. You can't make mods on tablets or televisions.


Get used to it, past 2014 the current concept of modmaking will be dead.

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  • 2 weeks later...

In all honesty i am really looking forward what the next consoles have unlocked for pc's, finally we will be seeing some optimized games fro once.



And more games with a open source sdk for consoles and pc.

Edited by Thor.
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Who is going to spend time making mods for consoles?

Few game developers on the PC ever openly support it with tools and I can't see many people transfering back and forth between their PC and console to see if it worked correctly (current console mod method) or buying dev kits.


I am happy for what the next gen consoles bring to the PC but I can't see any notable mods happening (especially with how strict the files would have to be).

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I think my rig will last me a good 5 years, at least this generation coming up.


Pc gaming in the long run might even become cheaper, because hardware won't need to work as hard for these next gen games coded with mantle.



and better quality mods.

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