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1.6.342 rest in peace SKSE again


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Why acting like you are personally attacked everytime anyone mentions anything about SKSE being broken or a mod not working because of Anniversary update? I don't get it why does it offend you so much. Are you a Bethesda employe laughs

Can't you not accept that Updates should be not forced and automated? Its that simple to understand.

Does the Anniversary Edition Update come with a Showler AI that is programmed to defend itself with access to forums?

Did microsoft programm it like Cortana for windows 10?

Edited by Blizzardlord
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Dang showler, didn’t you shill enough for Bethesda on the Nexus SAE everything we know now post?

Mods are broken, some excellent ones that are no longer updated will never be back, people’s games that have thousands of hours are irreparably broken, others are just tired of trying to keep up and abandoning the game, and some are just angry over the way it was handled.


Yeah, it’s a Greek tragedy, and you’re being either willfully ignorant, or trolling.

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No, you post here as nothing more than a shill, not sure if for Bethesda, or creation club, but yeah, you are a 24 karat apologist.
That you fail to see why people are angry is telling.

And as to almost criminal, tell me how purposely disabling personal property bought and paid for isn’t at the least very shady.
Go ahead and keep making excuses, it seems to be what you’re good at.

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For starters, you agreed to the update process when you made an account with Steam and when you bought the game.


Also, they aren't disabling anything unless you are using a hack program on the game. Good luck getting that through the courts.


Angry because your game is temporarily delayed is one thing (though, again, just disable the dang updates). Idiotic conspiracies and declarations of "irresponsible" or "near criminal behaviour" is....well, idiotic.

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I see you are just going to toe the party line about everything being just fine, no responsibility should rest with Bethesda, and it’s all our faults.

I was waiting for you to fall back on the TOS argument, you did not disappoint.

Edited to add…

You sure seem triggered about me using words like irresponsible and almost criminal, then talk about going through the courts.

You a lawyer for Bethesda?

You sure act like one.

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